At work and all I can think about is continuing my adventures as the White Wolf. The waiting is painful![]()
To have a game on your mind for all the week and not playing it just shows how special this is. It's been a long ass time I've had this feeling of excitement and eagerness to keep playing. I need my fix!
At work and all I can think about is continuing my adventures as the White Wolf. The waiting is painful![]()
To have a game on your mind for all the week and not playing it just shows how special this is. It's been a long ass time I've had this feeling of excitement and eagerness to keep playing. I need my fix!
Jesus lol that's his daughter figureI understand, I want to sex Ciri, too.![]()
Anyone knows where can I find a journeyman blacksmith? I'm still rockin' my lvl 1 silver sword at lvl 10 now
What's the quickest way to farm meat or anything I could eat to recover hp or recovering my hp faster?
Do you use the potion Swallow?
How do I refill my Swallow potion? I've made it but it doesn't allow me to make more saying it's already done?
How do I refill my Swallow potion? I've made it but it doesn't allow me to make more saying it's already done?
Outside of GTA I can't think of another Triple A title that has combat that is so bad and unpolished as this game.
How do I refill my Swallow potion? I've made it but it doesn't allow me to make more saying it's already done?
I find the combat great, maybe it's you?
Any good comparison for the combat? I'm considering picking this up today, but I've seen mixed reception to the combat. Is it fun on a minute to minute basis? Combat plays a big role in whether or not I enjoy a rpg overall.
Same... Just another five hours and I'm free to a 3-day weekend that will probably contain at least 40 hours of Witcher.
I have no idea how there are already people beating this game...I've done NOTHING except play this game from the second I get home from work to the time I go to bed everyday since it came out and I've barely scratched the surface.
even though just cause was huge but a lot of the areas looked the same to me in here there is way more variety which proves quality > quantity
Meditate. It will automatically refill providing you have enough alcoholest.
Switch to kb and m, this is works a lot better. It's not the polished combat, but bringing AC in this is just too much. I still have plenty of fun with it. It's more than with any AC combat.I'm playing on the hardest difficulty and the game feels like I am playing it through remote play on the vita.
Its so sluggish, so slow and animations are so odd and disjointed. W3 makes Assassins Creed feel like a Nintendo game in quality.
I got one that brought me to 130 from someone at the baron's keep.Today I have a half day. Gonna return to second area and do all of the witcher hunts. Gonna grab the ursine sword schematics I missed as the ursine school armor is the best of the school armors hands down.
Hey guys I have yet to find a horse saddle bigger than 30. Are there bigger ones? If so where?
I find the combat great, maybe it's you?
Switch to kb and m, this is works a lot better. It's not the polished combat, but bringing AC in this is just too much. I still have plenty of fun with it. It's more than with any AC combat.
Oh my god I forgot this is a 3-day weekend. I don't know about 40 hours for me, but it will probably be close.
Has anyone been using dedoctions? Now that I have generic colored mutagens that have the same effects I can use in the skill tree, I should probably make more of them. Some of them seem insanely powerful, but I tried out the Griffin one (I think) and honestly didn't notice a difference.
I need to get to the bath, please :<
I'm really tired of having to take 2 minutes loading screens x2 + additionnel horse travel time each time my swords are <50% durability. And this costs a fortune ! There's no fun here
Oh, no. I am PC gamer. Sometimes I forget that the others exist. I don't know how it works on the console, but on the PC kb+m feel definitly more responsive than controller.You switched to KB/M on PS4?
Hmm interesting ill try it. What difficulty are you playing at?
Ah, thank you very much!Do a few of the main quests in Novigrad. You'll get there eventually
Is anyone else experiencing a small hitch/stutter in the animation when you're walking on horseback? I talking explicitly about walking, so no holding down A or X.
It looks like every second the animation has a small twitch/hitch to it.
Absolutely. JC2's world is just huge, it's not very interesting at all. I was just pointing out his factual error in claiming that TW3 has the largest world of any game. It's not even close. But it might very well be the best one ever if you weigh quantity and quality together.
How can i go to Skellige?
How can i go to Skellige?
I just left White Orchid and left some locations undiscovered. I'm guessing you can come back later on... right??
The loading is another thing.
What in the world. There was a loading thread about BB and it was just 30 seconds this game takes over 1 min to load.
I'm thinking I might need to drop the difficulty to the easiest setting which is something I never do with games like this but it might just offset the jankiness for me to not get frustrated by the terrible controls and wonky camera killing me all the time.
Anyone else finding the magic tree over powered to the point of being broke. I'm on death march and it's starting to feel like cheating at level 8.
Cast Yrden Rank 2
Axii an opponent, repeat this step when outnumbered
Quen sustain for heal
I haven't found Igni and Aard very useful so far so I've ignored them.
Looking forward to my combat spec Geralt on my next play. Heavy armour seems like it has a great benefit to melee tree.
The alchemy tree seems very weak IMO. Seems like a secondary tree to the other two.
Oh, no. I am PC gamer. Sometimes I forget that the others exist. I don't know how it works on the console, but on the PC kb+m feel definitly more responsive than controller.
And I am playing at normal, but changing the difficulty won't change how the combat feels mechanically I presume.
Ah, thank you very much!
I'm playing on the hardest difficulty and the game feels like I am playing it through remote play on the vita.
Its so sluggish, so slow and animations are so odd and disjointed. W3 makes Assassins Creed feel like a Nintendo game in quality. I can understand someone saying the combat is passable and it doesn't bother them as much as me but it is in no quantifiable way great.
The framerate is pretty horrendous on PS4 I don't know about X1.
Plus it has crazy input lag.