Smiles and Cries
Review this case yourself Art GAF. Was this Cheating? Or did the student do the work.
I want Art GAF to help decide this real world case against an art student, she is in serious trouble so I would like your help please review the case if you think she cheated post why, if you think this case against her is unfair sign the petition to help her.
I posted this here because I remembered this thread
"Artist selling Instagram screenshots without permission for up to $100K each"
That guy can get away with stuff like that as an "Artist"
Here is someone in real trouble with the grey area of Art or Copying "Cheating"
I was sent this petition by a family member who is also a cadet at the academy he became close to Cori's family so they asked him to share this, he sent it to me since he grew up knowing I was a painter
I do not have any degree in Fine Arts because health issues did not allow me to complete my education but I found my own little success where it counts
If you are an artist please review the PDF of this case
During my time in Art School we spent much of it copying as we did creating original work so this is kinda strange for a class but if a class had limits you had to follow those for your grade
My problem with calling Cori's painting cheating is the fact that the assignment was focused on the medium so I would not judge it on content. The teacher already gave it a b+
Also I am not sure you can get a street scene of those elements of Paris any other way if you are painting it in your own style how did you cheat? I might have not followed this same composition though. You already have 2 paintings of the same street done by two different artists it seems. I can see where the teacher is going with her claim but I want to hear more from Art GAF if this is fair to call Cori on cheating.
I was told that Cori is in real trouble here, you could have guessed since this is a US Air Force Academy her future is recked if she loses here. As a painter it would bother me if I did not sign for #TeamCori because this is ART CLASS I think she did the work required.
The Art World is full of successful copiers so yeah it would bother me if Cori gets punished while major artists all over live off blatant printouts.
Help if you can GAF
Update 1: Images
For the Lazy who are not reviewing the PDF
This is the Teacher's side of things which is really powerful I think
I want Art GAF to help decide this real world case against an art student, she is in serious trouble so I would like your help please review the case if you think she cheated post why, if you think this case against her is unfair sign the petition to help her.
I posted this here because I remembered this thread
"Artist selling Instagram screenshots without permission for up to $100K each"
That guy can get away with stuff like that as an "Artist"
Here is someone in real trouble with the grey area of Art or Copying "Cheating"
Art Community Review of Contested Artwork at the US Air Force Academy
The art community is rallying around Cadet Corinne Cori Easter, a Cadet First Class at the US Air Force Academy. Cori is facing allegations that she copied from two paintings in order to create her own painting as part of Fine Arts 464. We have created the petition below and an unbiased presentation of uncontested facts surrounding the allegations. If you are part of the art community, we ask that you first review the material completely and then, if you feel as we do, please add your name to the growing list of artists and art professionals who support Cadet Easter, including Mr. Tadashi Hayakawa who has consulted with Team Cori and provided multiple statements in support.
You can personalize your own message by clicking on Read the Petition and editing the text within the pop-up window. In the Art Credentials section, please add if you have a BFA, MFA, or other art-related credential.
If you have any questions or want to add your own letter on your letterhead to the stack, please contact Coris attorney, Russell Shinn.
You can also print the petition and take it to your local gallery for people to sign. If you choose to do so, please return the scanned petition to Mr. Shinn via email as soon as possible. Please share this link with your artist friends, peers, and the community. Your name and contact information will not be used for any other purpose than this petition. No mailing lists, no subscriptions, nothing.
Thank you in advance!
I was sent this petition by a family member who is also a cadet at the academy he became close to Cori's family so they asked him to share this, he sent it to me since he grew up knowing I was a painter
I do not have any degree in Fine Arts because health issues did not allow me to complete my education but I found my own little success where it counts
If you are an artist please review the PDF of this case
During my time in Art School we spent much of it copying as we did creating original work so this is kinda strange for a class but if a class had limits you had to follow those for your grade
My problem with calling Cori's painting cheating is the fact that the assignment was focused on the medium so I would not judge it on content. The teacher already gave it a b+
Also I am not sure you can get a street scene of those elements of Paris any other way if you are painting it in your own style how did you cheat? I might have not followed this same composition though. You already have 2 paintings of the same street done by two different artists it seems. I can see where the teacher is going with her claim but I want to hear more from Art GAF if this is fair to call Cori on cheating.
I was told that Cori is in real trouble here, you could have guessed since this is a US Air Force Academy her future is recked if she loses here. As a painter it would bother me if I did not sign for #TeamCori because this is ART CLASS I think she did the work required.
The Art World is full of successful copiers so yeah it would bother me if Cori gets punished while major artists all over live off blatant printouts.
Help if you can GAF
Update 1: Images

For the Lazy who are not reviewing the PDF
We're missing a lot of the story here since a lot of people aren't reading the PDF. Not that I blame you guys.
So, looking at the PDF, it seems like the reason this is being called cheating is that the assignment specifically prohibited using another painting as a reference. You were supposed to use photos which you cited as your sources, and sort of mix and match rather than just copying them.
The student did one painting for the assignment, then after she'd handed it in, did a second copy on a "ruined" canvas to give to her sister. While doing the second copy, she used printouts of those two paintings as a reference, and was caught by the teacher.
The student claims that she only used the printouts as a reference for the second copy of her painting, and only printed them out after handing in her assignment.
The teacher, we are left to assume, found this account less than believable. And likely felt that even if the student didn't have the printouts in front of her to refer to while painting, she had definitely taken the composition from them, which was also prohibited.
I mean, maybe there's even more to the story that we don't see, but given that this account is slanted so heavily towards the student, and that this is what I'm getting out of it even so... it sure seems like the student was cheating according to the standards of that particular class.
This is the Teacher's side of things which is really powerful I think