Can't wait for Kane's Minecraft series
I'm looking forward to 'Brock Lesnar plays Flower'
Can't wait for Kane's Minecraft series
I didn't expect the CZW themed thread to be this disgusting. Can it with the video game chatter nerds
Nintendo loves to troll the ever living fuck out of their fans.
Agree with everything. Owens has won me over, though, because he seems genuine, as opposed to a dude trying his best to be a character.
And I've been dragging my feet on my chronological viewings, but I'm in the middle of the Rumble '98 and Ahmed Johnson -- oh, lawd, Ahmed Johnson. He looked sooooo bad and I believe that SPOILERS! after he was eliminated from the Rumble, his tights were riding up hilariously high, so I love your aside about him.
Goddamn, which conference was that? The way you worded that leaves me legit shook, I want to feel some feels.It was some indie guy who made his first game, and he was really excited and he had a plushie of the character and he spent most of the speech nervous because he was really proud and he hoped people liked it
It was pretty cute and cool, plus it's only $20 apparently so fuck it I might get it on PC regularly and not wait for a sale
ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF USMan, I wished I hadn't dragged my heels so long to go to some local indie shows. I'm hooked. Nothing. Just go have fun and leave. Good stuff. I've already spotted the uber marks and creepers after 2 shows.
Edit: Sorry, it was the EA confreence
Here's a link to the presentation:
I decided to give this a chance. I was touched by this person's sincerity and it seemed as though he created a charming little game. Then at one point they cut to the audience for a reaction and I was immediately put off due to the disgusting people in attendance and I couldn't enjoy the trailer
I think if there was some way to separate video games from video gamers it would really help the industry. Moving towards digital downloads so that you don't have to interact with video game sales reps has been a good step but it isn't enough
Party time!!!It's official....
Lucha Underground is the hottest longest weekly running episodic television show to date.
Speaking of structured reality programs, I hope Tough Enough can keep up its momentum from last night. Exceeded my expectations, and I enjoyed the last series they did with SCSA.
The Primetime Emmy AwardNominated Lucha Underground is tonight friends!Balloted, possibly
Is it on Hulu? notes that the Golden State Warriors used a clip from Monday's WWE RAW in their film session on Tuesday, just hours before winning the NBA Championship. The clip was of Seth Rollins' promo where he showed Cleveland "what a real world championship looks like" and said LeBron James won't be bringing a title to Cleveland, which he didn't as the Warriors beat the Cavaliers last night.
No a special on the network where they get to the final 13.
Plus I wonder if any clevand fans are going to blame Rollins for the loss last night:
That game was good, remember it having really good graphics for an NES wrestling game. I think the worst NES wrestling games were the ones that were WWF related.The guy who's playing every NES game ever is playing Tecmo World Wrestling right now. I had this game as a kid and it was dope as fuck. The triple action replay on the giant swing was the most satisfying shit ever.
No a special on the network where they get to the final 13.
Plus I wonder if any clevand fans are going to blame Rollins for the loss last night:
Brock to lose match against Steph Rollins when stip added that he must carry JR-Truth and Zack Dellavadova on his back throughout the match against Rollins and four other teammates.
During my exile, I took a gander at Wreddit and my goodness, I've never seen such a community-wide boner for Fatty Owens. Well, aside from a few people here who were saying some genuinely laughable things and comparisons. A few people is fine, an entire community is just terrible. I'd say the people thinking he looks like a badass with his baby tights is really funny. Or his disgusting
Also, I know Wreddit has always been sort of circle-jerky, but damn, it's gotten really bad lately. The cognitive dissonance between the Owens push and the Reigns push from late 2014 is hilarious. They legitimately cannot handle Reigns actually being a likable wrestler in any fashion.
You'd think video games appeal to everyone, but it doesn't feel like it sometimes.
I'm looking forward to 'Brock Lesnar plays Flower'
I enjoy it too as Cena is a fantastic, amazing dude to make a new star with. Cena gave Owens everything on a silver platter. If Owens bumbles that, there's no hope. Pretty curious how it'll play out. I've never seen Cena be this generous. Good guy John. What baffled me is all the marks on Twitter rejoicing over Owens winning. That's...the whole point. It's the new "John Cena Sucks" shirt. Keep fucking tha chicken.I have no clue how HHH convinced Vince on Owens but glad he did because so far I like it. And I don't know anything about his indy career in Bingo halls. Everything I know is from just NXT on.
I like it to it fits his character,as long as he stays always from the authority.I love this booking decision to make Sheamus Mr. Money in The Bank.
Also, I know Wreddit has always been sort of circle-jerky, but damn, it's gotten really bad lately. The cognitive dissonance between the Owens push and the Reigns push from late 2014 is hilarious. They legitimately cannot handle Reigns actually being a likable wrestler in any fashion.
During my exile, I took a gander at Wreddit and my goodness, I've never seen such a community-wide boner for Fatty Owens. Well, aside from a few people here who were saying some genuinely laughable things and comparisons. A few people is fine, an entire community is just terrible. I'd say the people thinking he looks like a badass with his baby tights is really funny. Or his disgusting neckbeard.
Goddamn that ECW show where he was a heel was amazing. He can do heel really well, just rarely gets the opportunity.Indy Cena is best Cena.
Goddamn that ECW show where he was a heel was amazing. He can do heel really well, just rarely gets the opportunity.
Btw breh I drove 100 miles up and down the PCH last night. Took a while but it got beautiful. I know you were with me in spirit.
Really good insight. WWE are second to none at leveraging fans' desires and continuing to pack their wallets.As David Shoemaker skillfully noted, the WWE has finally succeeded in creating the fully subsumed by WWE, fully created by WWE, artfully cultivated by WWE Us-v-Them dynamic that the smark ass smarks desperately crave as participants in the WWE Universe. To watch WWE isn't enough; they need to simultaneously rebel against the system, see "out of touch old men" get their comeuppance through heroes they "handpicked".
WWE -- by way of NXT, the WWE Network, and with the help of scooping up dudes from VFW halls in Rahway, NJ and armories in Bumfuckstershire, England -- has its own alternative "subversive" brand and champions of said brand who exist to stick it to The Man.
It helps when said champions don't look fantastic and have exquisite physical conditioning and aesthetics, because the smarks will write these sculpted athletes off as "bodybuilders", which is code for "WWE approved".
These are the people drinking Sprite in the 90s and thinking they're rebelling against Coca-Cola.
And I do love Kevin Owens.
They're not terribly good matches at all, though. Just finisher-fests. A million kick outs. That first match they had should have been the LAST match they had in a feud, seriously.Kevin Owens has made me actually look forward to John Cena matches
They're not terribly good matches at all, though. Just finisher-fests. A million kick outs. That first match they had should have been the LAST match they had in a feud, seriously.
But you can say the same most good matches. Most big wwe matches are people just kicking out.They're not terribly good matches at all, though. Just finisher-fests. A million kick outs. That first match they had should have been the LAST match they had in a feud, seriously.
During my exile, I took a gander at Wreddit and my goodness, I've never seen such a community-wide boner for Fatty Owens. Well, aside from a few people here who were saying some genuinely laughable things and comparisons. A few people is fine, an entire community is just terrible. I'd say the people thinking he looks like a badass with his baby tights is really funny. Or his disgusting neckbeard.
Goddamn that ECW show where he was a heel was amazing. He can do heel really well, just rarely gets the opportunity.
Btw breh I drove 100 miles up and down the PCH last night. Took a while but it got beautiful. I know you were with me in spirit.