Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)

How the hell did I get to level 534 today just by idling?

I joined a game right at the change over yesterday, did the bare minimum to get autofire and armor and signed off. My game is at level 2786 at this moment. I had a few card drops too from the monster game.

Is banished worth 5$ kinda intrigued but the steam reviews are iffy?

If you like management sims of any type, its worth $5 easily. Its a single developers labor of love so don't go in expecting the world but its excellent.


Did Ubisoft remove GRAW 1 and 2 from Steam?

I cant find it at all.

As others have said, they have been removed. It sounds like they didn't want people rushing out and buying these with a new Ghost Recon coming out.

So wise steam people. Plague Inc is a daily deal but only 33% off.

That's the best I will get yes?

Yes and it isn't worth it. I love the game but its the same as the much cheaper mobile versions and it seems more of a better fit there.


Blacklist is a fantastic game! Couldn't recommend it more.

Chaos Theory is series' highpoint due to the emergent and very nuanced sneaking mechanics. Some of its stealth gameplay still hasn't been bettered and it holds up well, even if the controls can be clunky compared to modern games. After that, the developers lost their way until Blacklist which is a great and accessible game marred by one or two poor levels.

All the stories are garbage, made funny by their pretentiousness, politics and super serious voice acting.

If you're new to the series, Blacklist should give you tons of fun.
Sounds good. Thanks!


if you have ever enjoyed a stealth game, but for some reason still don't own it, mark of the ninja is currently farrrrrrr too cheap for how good it is.

Red Hood

Hmm, I'm thinking of buying that Vampire RPG, I hear good things about it. Thing is, my backlog is pretty sizeable now and I see it hitting ~ €5 relatively frequent..


Well damn



The developer is basically bankrupt, people are working for free now and this sale is their last chance to save the company. Game doesn't have the best reviews but if you're really interested in the game and want to support them I suggest buying now.

Well guess I'll get now then.
Has Vampire The Masquerade aged well? Worth playing?

The storyline is great, the graphics still hold up in my opinion (there's just something about Source games that gives it a clean look,) the voices are incredible, the way skills work is good, the horror setpiece is so well put-together...


The combat is a janky mess. You'll also need the fan patch to clean up some of the worse bugs.

That said, it really is worth it to look at.
Has Vampire The Masquerade aged well? Worth playing?

It's still perfectly playable. Combat was never amazing but the writing and voice acting is some of the best you'll see. There's a mod that people recommend, forget what it's called (I'm sure someone will link it) with a bunch of improvements that you ought to install. After that go for it.


does this mean the game will be taken off Steam as well?

Could happen, has happened but other games from shut down devs are still there. Your guess is as good as mine. And right now they're still working on the game so it isn't dead yet but they had to reduce their staff.


Quick heads up: Distant worlds is currently a flash sale. The game had a steam deal last month, but 50% is still the highest sale it ever got (I believe):

I wanted to write up a text and thread for why this game deserves much more love, but I still didnt get around to do it. I WILL eventually, but if you love 4X games, you definitely should ponder picking this up, as its very, very unique in its approach that lets you basically completely automate all aspects, is NOT turn based (dont worry, thats not a bad thing. since you can pause it anytime to give orders it still plays similarly) and just generally MASSIVE in pure universe scope and feature amount.

It has some very interesting features, like independent trading factions/ships that affect your economy, character traits and progression (for scientist, leaders, generals, spies..) , SPACE MONSTERS, Pirates, the ability to PLAY AS PIRATES, like 30 different resources, and a very engaging ship building feature.

The game felt much too daunting for me at first, but eventually I managed to "get" it and noticed its not even remotely as difficult as I imagined it to be at first. I simply approached it the wrong way. I will write about this some more and hopefully manage to explain how to tackle learning this game, but in the meantime: If you like 4X, buy this.
Props for the writeup, Distant Worlds very rarely goes on discount and -50% is the highest its ever been.

It's a super complex 4X game that has been improved and polished for years now, the rabbit hole goes as deep as you want to go.

EDIT: It also has a pretty big and enduring community.



my gold and upgrades from the clicker game all gone
what happened ?
if i join another team they all gone ?

anyway to cheat the gold like cookie clicker ?


There's only 4 hours left of the 66% offer for The Talos Principle. Should one buy it now, or wait for a daily where it'll eventually hit 75%?


There's only 4 hours left of the 66% offer for The Talos Principle. Should one buy it now, or wait for a daily where it'll eventually hit 75%?

Buy and play now. Also read the OP.


my gold and upgrades from the clicker game all gone
what happened ?
if i join another team they all gone ?

anyway to cheat the gold like cookie clicker ?

Yes. But haven't you noticed that everything gets reset every day anyway? And people in the high level rooms are using scripts but I doubt they'll help with random groups.

Well damn

I wonder if 100.000.000 are possible today/tomorrow, a group filled with high level players will have enough wormholes to last 24hrs but there still could not be enough time.
I used to love playing terrorist hunt online in those Tom Clancy games. Now that I can actually play PC games again, thinking about picking it up on the steam sale.

Do you guys know if people still play those games? Or am I gonna have a hard time finding players to join? Are there any in particular that are still heavily populated?

...and thanks to those who recommended The Fall during the previous day!


I wonder if 100.000.000 are possible today/tomorrow, a group filled with high level players will have enough wormholes to last 24hrs but there still could not be enough time.

1B is probably possible today.
Time is only a problem if there is high dps.
Because with 0 DPS you could dump all of the WHs into the boss at level 100 and jump straight to the end.
The problem is that some people are still killing the bosses which slows down the progress considerably (by not allowing a high number of WH to be dumped).
The cooldowns are not a problem due to the "like new" ability.
The limiting factor might become valve's server lag.

Edit: just checked. The max value for a 32bit int is 2 or 4 billion. If valve uses an int32 to store the level on their servers, integer overflow might become a problem in a few days.


Buy and play now. Also read the OP.

Yes. But haven't you noticed that everything gets reset every day anyway? And people in the high level rooms are using scripts but I doubt they'll help with random groups.

I wonder if 100.000.000 are possible today/tomorrow, a group filled with high level players will have enough wormholes to last 24hrs but there still could not be enough time.

yah , i know every day they will reset
but 2 hours ago i done a lot of upgrades
now i don't have any upgrade

but how to edit the gold ?
The storyline is great, the graphics still hold up in my opinion (there's just something about Source games that gives it a clean look,) the voices are incredible, the way skills work is good, the horror setpiece is so well put-together...


The combat is a janky mess. You'll also need the fan patch to clean up some of the worse bugs.

That said, it really is worth it to look at.

Bloodlines has very nice artwork on the textures as does Half Life 2. It doesn't really hurt as well that the big feature of source at the time was facial animation and lip syncing considering that a large part of Bloodlines is talking to people.

Combat is very floaty but you can play different ways with guns and spells.


First purchase of the sale this morning. Decided to pick up Ground Zeroes and the Assetto Corsa DLC. For 12 bucks I could do worse.


Anyone ever try One Way Heroics? Looks like something neat to pass the time, for 69 cents.

It's a really well done JRPG/Rogue-like hybrid with the 'twist' of every time you move or do anything, the map scrolls left one unit. So you have a constant pressure of making progress to the right before you get stuck behind scenary or hit the edge of the screen (death).

It's very smart.


The storyline is great, the graphics still hold up in my opinion (there's just something about Source games that gives it a clean look,) the voices are incredible, the way skills work is good, the horror setpiece is so well put-together...


The combat is a janky mess. You'll also need the fan patch to clean up some of the worse bugs.

That said, it really is worth it to look at.

It's still perfectly playable. Combat was never amazing but the writing and voice acting is some of the best you'll see. There's a mod that people recommend, forget what it's called (I'm sure someone will link it) with a bunch of improvements that you ought to install. After that go for it.


I'm also interested in The Secret World, but the game isn't available in my country (Brazil). Is there any other way to play it?


I know I'm supposed to wait for the daily deals, but it's not likely Double Dragon will get a bigger discount than 80%, right? In fact, not sure why give it such a deep discount and keep it hidden away for the duration of the sale. It would probably have sold more copies as a flash sale.


Edit: just checked. The max value for a 32bit int is 2 or 4 billion. If valve uses an int32 to store the level on their servers, integer overflow might become a problem in a few days.
At a certain point I have to step back and marvel at the fact that, for what Valve probably just intended to be a simple Cookie Clicker-like minigame to unlock cards and extra sales, people have exploited the system so badly it's now potentially at risk of actually breaking said system.
Though I'm sure Valve eventually realized this too and probably have measures in place to prevent anything from really happening. We're long past the days of Pac-Man level 256, after all.


Quick heads up: Distant worlds is currently a flash sale. The game had a steam deal last month, but 50% is still the highest sale it ever got (I believe):

I wanted to write up a text and thread for why this game deserves much more love, but I still didnt get around to do it. I WILL eventually, but if you love 4X games, you definitely should ponder picking this up, as its very, very unique in its approach that lets you basically completely automate all aspects, is NOT turn based (dont worry, thats not a bad thing. since you can pause it anytime to give orders it still plays similarly) and just generally MASSIVE in pure universe scope and feature amount.

It has some very interesting features, like independent trading factions/ships that affect your economy, character traits and progression (for scientist, leaders, generals, spies..) , SPACE MONSTERS, Pirates, the ability to PLAY AS PIRATES, like 30 different resources, and a very engaging ship building feature.

The game felt much too daunting for me at first, but eventually I managed to "get" it and noticed its not even remotely as difficult as I imagined it to be at first. I simply approached it the wrong way. I will write about this some more and hopefully manage to explain how to tackle learning this game, but in the meantime: If you like 4X, buy this.

Please do a thread. I saw some youtuber's review of the game around the time of release and it looked little too overwhelming and the price was too much for my liking, and I really would like to hear how hard and good the game really is.


i don't understand , how someone managed to upgrade that much ?

Wormhole stacking. Basically, wormholes can be exploited in such a way that if a room is coordinated enough, they can jump thousands or millions of levels at once. This gives them enough badge points to purchase more wormholes than the amount they started with, so they jump into a brand new room, buy even more wormholes, and repeat the process, except this time they jump even more. Repeat as many times as possible and this is what you get.


Please do a thread. I saw some youtuber's review of the game around the time of release and it looked little too overwhelming and the price was too much for my liking, and I really would like to hear how hard and good the game really is.

If you're of a mind to, give this a listen. (Skip to 14-minutes or so.) Fraser Brown giving his thoughts on Distant Worlds: Universe during TMA's GOTY show from a few months ago.
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