Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


Wormhole stacking. Basically, wormholes can be exploited in such a way that if a room is coordinated enough, they can jump thousands or millions of levels at once. This gives them enough badge points to purchase more wormholes than the amount they started with, so they jump into a brand new room, buy even more wormholes, and repeat the process, except this time they jump even more. Repeat as many times as possible and this is what you get.

but how to get Wormhole ?
i don't know who much badge i have


but how to get Wormhole ?
i don't know who much badge i have

After you leave a room, be it at the end of each day or at any time during the day, the maximum level you reached in that room is converted to a certain amount of badge points, which you get to spend in the next room you join. You can purchase wormholes then.

The better your max. level, the more badge points you get. That's why as soon as wormholes are exhausted in a room, everyone leaves to get way more badge points than they started with and join a new room and repeat.


how do i get into a crazy room and reach a high level in the steam mini game? i have a friend on 7 million right now and i have no idea how this happens


how do i get into a crazy room and reach a high level in the steam mini game? i have a friend on 7 million right now and i have no idea how this happens

Wormholes are the key.

Wormholes allow you to skip 10 levels when played on the level -00 boss. With people stacking 1000+ wormholes through c/d reduction and other items, you can skip 10,000+ levels at once.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Yeah reddit has been killing it. I'm in a ~3mil room right now and it's honestly one of the lowest ones we have out right now.


How do I wormhole?

You dont. You use steamdb/wchill's script and it coordinates the wormhole use.
And you need to join a room where everyone is using those scripts. Because if people kill bosses (like in regular rooms) it totally messes up this strategy.

As a side note, running 3rd party scripts like these is a security problem ,so you are doing it at your own risk.
You are basically allowing the script to do whatever it wants while being logged in as you on steam. (This has nothing to do with the security issue in wchill's scriptthat was fixed)
Damn, I wanted to download ARMA 3 over night but when I woke up this morning I saw that I downloaded ARMA 2 instead.

Whoops. Try again tonight.


Did the monster game get easier to level up in? Yesterday I would get to a boss level say like level 20 and then when I finished the boss I was at level 80+. I guess it is a glitch?


Edit: Yea I guess it is cause I fight things and they die in like one click.
Grabbing Rainbow Six Vegas 2.
Spent a crapton of time playing Terrorist Hunt on the 360 version, hopefully I can find a group on PC.

Thinking about Ghost Recon Future Soldier as well, but there are a lot of reviews complaining about the quality of the port and multiplayer not working.

Couldn't care less about competitive MP, but lack of coop would suck.

Also I could have sworn Streets of Fury EX was going to release today.
Next week...sadface.

Joey Ravn

If I don't see Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky as one of the new Daily Deals or Flash Sales in about an hour, I swear I'll riot.

Did the monster game get easier to level up in? Yesterday I would get to a boss level say like level 20 and then when I finished the boss I was at level 80+. I guess it is a glitch?

Edit: Yea I guess it is cause I fight things and they die in like one click.

The wormhole ability allows you to skip levels (stackable, and can jump 10 levels at a x00 boss) so that's where you're seeing the big level jumps.


is payday 2 pay2win bullshit
No it's not. First of all it's a co-op game. You can't lose against humans. There are also multiple difficulties for every skill and experience type. Then it's a lot of RNG with grinding, but no DLC will take that ever away from you.


Welp finally decided on some stuff and got:

Chaos Theory
Vegas 2
Fight The Dragon (Have no idea what this is but it seems interesting)
How To Survive

All for only $26 which is awesome.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Bad day this time in the game. Only reached level 280. Couldn't scrap together enough money to be effective and ran out of items. Sucked.

I resisted buying Final Fantasy 7 ... I know I won't have time to play it right now, and I'm sure it'll go on sale again in the future.


If anyone is interested, the £20 steam wallet code is back in stock at CDKeys. Works out at just over £18. Just in time for the last few days of the sale, God help me.


Pretty sure it's already been on sale so that smell you noticed might be because you have been dead a few days and not realised.
Crusader Kings was, but I think EU IV only had the normal sale price. Plus, if it was an extra sale price, it sucked stinky stuff. I was really looking forward to cheap DLC and getting friends to buy the game.


Crusader Kings was, but I think EU IV only had the normal sale price. Plus, if it was an extra sale price, it sucked stinky stuff. I was really looking forward to cheap DLC and getting friends to buy the game.

Yeah i was just looking back through my purchases and saw it must have been CKII. Though in fairness EUIV must have been on sale shortly before the summer sale as I see some DLC purchase.


Crusader Kings was, but I think EU IV only had the normal sale price. Plus, if it was an extra sale price, it sucked stinky stuff. I was really looking forward to cheap DLC and getting friends to buy the game.
Yep, it was just CK2 earlier. Hearts of Iron 3 has been on sale through the mini game tie in, so it's likely we'll see an EU4 deal shortly.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I got into an early game and it's goofy time. Five minutes in and we're already at Level 1202. Every time it refreshes, I'm 10 or 20 levels higher.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I'm tempted to grab Never Alone for $6, but wary because it's apparently a 2-hour game with no replayability. Thoughts from anyone who has played it?


Grabbing Rainbow Six Vegas 2.
Spent a crapton of time playing Terrorist Hunt on the 360 version, hopefully I can find a group on PC.

Thinking about Ghost Recon Future Soldier as well, but there are a lot of reviews complaining about the quality of the port and multiplayer not working.

Couldn't care less about competitive MP, but lack of coop would suck.

Also I could have sworn Streets of Fury EX was going to release today.
Next week...sadface.

Do you or anyone else have an opinion on which game is better between rainbows six Vegas 1 or 2? Feel like getting only one and want the better since gel player game content as I assume mp is completely dead.


Please do a thread. I saw some youtuber's review of the game around the time of release and it looked little too overwhelming and the price was too much for my liking, and I really would like to hear how hard and good the game really is.
Larry Monte has a pretty decent tutorial style series on the game. It has a lot of moving parts, but you can pretty much let AI run most of them and get into it one system at a time.
Just started Hyperdimension Neptunia. The game seems fun so far, but two questions:

Is there a preferred keyboard setup, because damn, space/enter/R-Ctrl/backspace is a bit crazy. I was thinking z/x/a/s but am not sure if they're used for anything...

Also, is there a toggle for the camera controls? When I hit left for the camera, it appears to go right to me. I know I could switch them manually, but I'm always worried that could screw something else up in another situation.


Dang, I waited too long to join a Monster game and now I'm stuck in a crappy room that isn't progressing quickly :/
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