So as long as Clinton says her views are different now, then it's all good? Okay then with that logic, people convicted of crimes should be let free as long as they say they won't do it again.
Can we not compare criminals to people evolving or shifting opinions on political/socioeconomic policies, please?
Clinton has moved left, there is no question. We can argue over whether it's genuine or not. Personally I don't think it's genuine because most politicians aren't genuine. The country has shifted left on a variety of issues, and thus Clinton has too.
Most people weigh politicians based on their record as well as their current platform; "what have you done, and what will you do." Apparently "what have you done" is of no consequence to BLM, unless it's in relation to (rightfully) criticizing O'Malley's record.
Ultimately the next democrat president isn't going to be able to shift policy on most of these issues. The real battle is at the state level. Body cameras, electing good prosecutors, civilian review boards for police, the minimum wage, etc.