Don't even want to know why you're asking. Don't even want.why doesnt ddog have a butthole
What benefits do I get from uploading my Ground Zero save? I don't want to reinstall the game to upload a save haha
I don't need to be in online mode to keep getting GZ Motherbase Staff, right? I was finally able to connect online and am now experiencing how awful it is with the iDroid and general Loading issues. Just curious if I needed to be in Online Mode to keep getting GZ Staff or if it's all good now since I downloaded my save.
How do you get them to lie down froma hold up?
Also sometimes when I get spotted and enter reflex mode I get a prompt to press L2, is it for holding them up ? I mean is it possible to hold someone up after being spotted already?
I have close to 40 hours in the game and I don't know anything about this lol, I just Sam Fisher my way in and out all the time.
Fulton is OP.
I remember from older videos that you could fulton conscious soldiers provided you sneak up behind them, I don't see that option anymore. That would have been amazing.
>jump off cliff on d-horse
>boss dies, d-horse continues running unscathed
What's the name of the intro song? While I'm in the hospital bed. Thanks.
The man who sold the world by David Bowie.
But is there any incentive to stay in the open world and explore? Like, do you find missions you wouldn't be able to access from the menu?
20 hours in...MGS5 really is 2014's Destiny. The similarities are staggering.
+AMAZING play mechanics, feels great to play when the action starts
+Looks really nice, although clearly cross-gen
-Open World is really a few walled off linear hot spots used for main missions and filler "free roam" missions, with resources to collect. Areas you think you can traverse, ya can't. Its a hassle getting from one side to the other. No NPCs, villages, anything particularly interesting or notable.
-You spend a lot of time sitting in loading screens after you extract from every mission. Your ship takes you back to the hub base, until you realize its horrifically boring with maybe 2 activities and you can't interact with anybody, so you go back to the loading screen ship.
-There's not a whole lot of narrative momentum or structure, you can play for hours and not really have much of an emotional investment in any of the world or its characters. You do "main" missions thinking they'll advance the plot, and not only are they very similar to the filler missions, but it feels like nothing you did mattered anyway. Just another chore taking care of.
-There's a big grinding metagame they attached to it, so you're always on the lookout to collect a hundred different things to build yourself up and micromanage various components of your loadout. IDK, they felt this was a needed evolution over the old games where you just played it and found cool shit in the world. Now they make you grind for it.
Can't wait for the expansion next year that makes MGS5 a great game
I went into free roam doing some side ops.
I went to some bases/outposts and blew up their communications and anti air radar and such.
Then I went into the third or fourth missions,where you are supposed to destroy the comms equipment at a base.
I fly in on the helicopter, Boss opens the door, then Miller says "well that was good work Boss, nicely done, all equipment destroyed!" and Boss closes the door again and I had finished the mission in 20 seconds.
It was because I had already destroyed that bases equipment in free roam.
You can do so many things. For eg: This was during a base alert status.How do you get them to lie down froma hold up?
Also sometimes when I get spotted and enter reflex mode I get a prompt to press L2, is it for holding them up ? I mean is it possible to hold someone up after being spotted already?
I have close to 40 hours in the game and I don't know anything about this lol, I just Sam Fisher my way in and out all the time.
Thanks! GZ Staff has helped out a lot for early game.GZ sneaking suit, and anyone you extracted will come to motherbase (although Hideo seems to be the only one who is really worth it)
It's all good now
As far I know and have noticed they either spill the beans or they don't, seems to be RNG based. Knocking them out again and waking them up also won't affect it, beans are spilled by soldier X or not.
Accidentally stumbled on Mission 11 while playing as some random mercenary trying to do a side-ops. I thought when it kicked in, it would load in Big Boss's model but nope, random merc in the mission.
What a surprise though, stumbling onto the mission.
No.just no20 hours in...MGS5 really is 2014's Destiny. The similarities are staggering.
+AMAZING play mechanics, feels great to play when the action starts
+Looks really nice, although clearly cross-gen
-Open World is really a few walled off linear hot spots used for main missions and filler "free roam" missions, with resources to collect. Areas you think you can traverse, ya can't. Its a hassle getting from one side to the other. No NPCs, villages, anything particularly interesting or notable.
-You spend a lot of time sitting in loading screens after you extract from every mission. Your ship takes you back to the hub base, until you realize its horrifically boring with maybe 2 activities and you can't interact with anybody, so you go back to the loading screen ship.
-There's not a whole lot of narrative momentum or structure, you can play for hours and not really have much of an emotional investment in any of the world or its characters. Main character feels like an avatar and not a person. You do "main" missions thinking they'll advance the plot, and not only are they very similar to the filler missions, but it feels like nothing you did mattered anyway. Just another chore taking care of.
-There's a big grinding metagame they attached to it, so you're always on the lookout to collect a hundred different things to build yourself up and micromanage various components of your loadout. IDK, they felt this was a needed evolution over the old games where you just played it and found cool shit in the world. Now they make you grind for it.
Can't wait for the expansion next year that makes MGS5 a great game
Was I supposed toget quiet in this mission? I just completely avoided her and snuck past without getting shot. But I got -50 heroism after getting past it. Please don't tell me I missed getting her by doing this.
20 hours in...MGS5 really is 2014's Destiny. The similarities are staggering.
The TV show credits at the start/end of each mission really bug me. The guest starring parts spoil shit before it happens and nothing about the game's presentation otherwise supports what this is trying to do.
Easily biggest flaws I have encountered in the game during 20h of gameplay is meaningless MB and free roam. MB has nothing interesting in it after you complete those training things, but it does serve as decent place for some screenshots. Free roam is just... nothingness; all soldiers, resources, air radars etc. that you could grab in free roam are grabbable during mission/side op while actually making some progress. Those just feel very half baked and forced into the game, they ran out of time to really flesh these out?
Also never again I will make mistake of exploring the world. Getting out is fucking pain when nearest extraction point is ~2km away.
The TV show credits at the start/end of each mission really bug me. The guest starring parts spoil shit before it happens and nothing about the game's presentation otherwise supports what this is trying to do.
Wow.20 hours in...MGS5 really is 2014's Destiny. The similarities are staggering.
+AMAZING play mechanics, feels great to play when the action starts
+Looks really nice, although clearly cross-gen
-Open World is really a few walled off linear hot spots used for main missions and filler "free roam" missions, with resources to collect. Areas you think you can traverse, ya can't. Its a hassle getting from one side to the other. No NPCs, villages, anything particularly interesting or notable.
-You spend a lot of time sitting in loading screens after you extract from every mission. Your ship takes you back to the hub base, until you realize its horrifically boring with maybe 2 activities and you can't interact with anybody, so you go back to the loading screen ship.
-There's not a whole lot of narrative momentum or structure, you can play for hours and not really have much of an emotional investment in any of the world or its characters. Main character feels like an avatar and not a person. You do "main" missions thinking they'll advance the plot, and not only are they very similar to the filler missions, but it feels like nothing you did mattered anyway. Just another chore taking care of.
-There's a big grinding metagame they attached to it, so you're always on the lookout to collect a hundred different things to build yourself up and micromanage various components of your loadout. IDK, they felt this was a needed evolution over the old games where you just played it and found cool shit in the world. Now they make you grind for it.
Can't wait for the expansion next year that makes MGS5 a great game
Easily biggest flaws I have encountered in the game during 20h of gameplay is meaningless MB and free roam. MB has nothing interesting in it after you complete those training things, but it does serve as decent place for some screenshots. Free roam is just... nothingness; all soldiers, resources, air radars etc. that you could grab in free roam are grabbable during mission/side op while actually making some progress. Those just feel very half baked and forced into the game, they ran out of time to really flesh these out?
Also never again I will make mistake of exploring the world. Getting out is fucking pain when nearest extraction point is ~2km away.
Hold square.How do you accelerate with the walker gear ? Thanks !
This gets better as you progress you unlock more travel options. And the game has super-fast fast travel in the shape of cardboard box deliveries, but few people seem to be aware of this.
Honest question but is there some mythical third major area where the nearest LZ isn't about 500m away?
Just a tip, you don't need to chopper extract in free roam. Just hit select and choose return to ACC. This will take you directly to the chopper.
I just finished the first mission, at the end I was hooked. I was starting to regret my purchase because the prologue reminded me of GZ for some reason and I was not a fan of GZ (my first MGS game).
I feel like there are more complicated controls, commands, and technique but I do not know how to use them--hopefully the game will explain as I keep on going on.
I just hope I can put time into this game to beat it before other games drop this fall for me or it will be a Witcher 3 for me--a great game that I just need to find time to sit down and finish.
Any beginner tips for a new player?
No, it's telling you to press L2 to shoot the enemy. If you press that it will automatically aim straight at the person who has spotted you.
And yes hold L1 to make someone lie down if you've held them up. You can also interrogate them from this menu.
Also not sure if you saw my previous post to you - enemies start wearing gear to counter your tactics. Always tranq the back of their heads? Will start wearing back-covering helmets. Always use gas grenades? They will start wearing gas masks. Always attack at night? They will start wearing NVGs.
This is bottom left corner on the touchpad guys, will save you time and cash.Just a tip, you don't need to chopper extract in free roam. Just hit select and choose return to ACC. This will take you directly to the chopper.
I went into free roam doing some side ops.
I went to some bases/outposts and blew up their communications and anti air radar and such.
Then I went into the third or fourth missions,where you are supposed to destroy the comms equipment at a base.
I fly in on the helicopter, Boss opens the door, then Miller says "well that was good work Boss, nicely done, all equipment destroyed!" and Boss closes the door again and I had finished the mission in 20 seconds.
It was because I had already destroyed that bases equipment in free roam.
Yeah, I think you can replay missions and extract them again. I repeated mission 8 a bunch of times and the mission specific guy I extracted always showed up on the rewards (motherbase?) screen.Just thought I'd ask again - can you re-recruit specialists after they've been killed? I need to replace Malak for Anesthesia Specialist.
Same for side ops.Just a tip, you don't need to chopper extract in free roam. Just hit select and choose return to ACC. This will take you directly to the chopper.
I went into free roam doing some side ops.
I went to some bases/outposts and blew up their communications and anti air radar and such.
Then I went into the third or fourth missions,where you are supposed to destroy the comms equipment at a base.
I fly in on the helicopter, Boss opens the door, then Miller says "well that was good work Boss, nicely done, all equipment destroyed!" and Boss closes the door again and I had finished the mission in 20 seconds.
It was because I had already destroyed that bases equipment in free roam.