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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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I don't get what the game is comparing a gun to when you highlight it. I have the Burkov equipped but when I highlight it in the items menus it shows me comparison bars still. What.


1) what does fultoning gun turrets and mortars and stuff do?

2) when a gun turret is under a net, is there any way to fulton it? I can't figure a way to move it.

3) what does fultoning wildlife do? I've been fultoning tons of sheep, vultures, deer, whatever the fuck this thing below is, etc.. And I don't know why. Just doing it because I can.


4) quiet as a battlefield buddy is certainly cool, but I'm having trouble so far really figuring out what the utility is. any time she headshots someone, no matter how isolated they are, she seems to pull aggro and ultimately raise alarm (seems that way). The idea of her taking out people who see me is a nice idea, but it usually does more harm than good, since tranqing people in the face during slow mo is one of my main fallbacks, and her shot kinda ruins that. her main use seems to be support during an actual battle, but actual battles aren't often the desired outcome (though they sometimes are) anyway. thoughts?


Kiefer is a better Big Boss.

David is a better Solid Snake.

Eh, disagree. Though honestly, for me it's never been about who's better or worse, it's just that Hayter IS Solid Snake and Hayter IS Big Boss. I dislike it when any creator switches around VA's, since it seems like they don't understand how important it is to the character and the world they're building. Whether or not Sutherland's performance as Big Boss is good doesn't really matter to me at this point, because to me it'll always be jarring that I'm playing as what seems like an entirely new and different character.

I don't think hayters cartoon voice would work for this game

Seems to work well for the rest of the cast. Unless you're talking about the PW voice, which I agree was horrible. I'd like to think that that was mostly due to bad voice direction though, since we know Hayter is still capable of a good normal Snake voice from MGS1-3.


Is there any way to use vehicles without triggering an alert? I'm surprised everyone seems to notice me when I drive by. I kind of wish there was a "hide" button similar to D-Horse cause getting passed bases with them has been a nightmare. Can't even retaliate when it happens.
So has anyone found any doors on motherbase you can go in besides the one on the
medical platform

I believe there might end up being one on the
R&D strut
, as I found at least one door that reacted when I went near it. Locked, but it'll probably open at some point.
Can't say I'm a fan of Ocelot's characterization in this one. Comes across as generic neutral good guy rather than the torture-happy asshole from the other games. Just listen to him talking about how they should treat Quiet fairly.
Just finished 28 or 29, can't remember the number but
it was that boss fight with the Skulls.

It might just be me getting used to the format, or just the fact I stopped fucking around in the open world but I thought the last dozen episodes I played felt more story oriented, or at least less sparse, than previous episodes.


Was really looking forward to hearing Kiefer say "you're fired" like Hayter does when you discharge a soldier from Diamond Dogs. Sadly he says nothing :^(

I've found myself being annoyed at the lack of dialogue from Snake. There's too many moments where I think "oh David Hayter's Snake's would have said something there" and all I get from Kiefer are some hand gestures or silence.

I'm guessing they paid him a lot more than what they would have paid David Hayter and it turns out they're paying him to do much less.


After being quite ill yesterday I am finally getting to play this for the first time tonight. Can someone let me know what crazy thing is happen in the med bay that I should be looking for that is easy to miss without spoiling everything about it.
Just finished 28 or 29, can't remember the number but
it was that boss fight with the Skulls.

It might just be me getting used to the format, or just the fact I stopped fucking around in the open world but I thought the last dozen episodes I played felt more story oriented, or at least less sparse, than previous episodes.
yeah has towards the end he story missions are pretty good, they have like a more linear feel?


No way, at least Keifer sounds like a real person. Hayter has that put on voice that completely takes you out of the game as soon as you hear it.

I disagree. Hayter's cartoony voice takes you out of games that feature giant robots, ghosts, men who shot bees out of their mouths, men who turn into fiery flaming faces when they die, photosynthetic geriatrics, shamans that paralize their enemies with the power of the raven, women who can deflect missiles....?

And no, this game is not less goofy that the previous ones even if it may seem so at the beginning.

EDIT: Hell, you even got a villain called "Skullface" which literally has a skull face, which speaks in the most cartoony villain way and wears a zorro mask?


I wonder if the lack of Kiefer in cutscenes is an artistic decision or simply because he wasn't able to do many face capture sessions for those scenes. He obvious had enough time to record a lot of dialogue in the cassette tapes. Also there are some scenes where he's way more chatty than usual.

I disagree. Hayter's cartoony voice takes you out of games that feature giant robots, ghosts, men who shot bees out of their mouths, men who turn into fiery flaming faces when they die, photosynthetic geriatrics, shamans that paralize their enemies with the power of the raven, women who can deflect missiles....?

And no, this game is not less goofy that the previous ones even if it may seem so at the beginning.
I've really disliked Hayter's delivery in 4 and PW. I'm not sure why he kept the Old Snake gruffness when switching back to Big Boss in PW. If he just stuck with the MGS2/3 delivery I would probably miss him way more. As it stands I don't really care.
I've found myself being annoyed at the lack of dialogue from Snake. There's too many moments where I think "oh David Hayter's Snake's would have said something there" and all I get from Kiefer are some hand gestures or silence.

I'm guessing they paid him a lot more than what they would have paid David Hayter and it turns out they're paying him to do much less.

Making Snake a mute was a shitty idea, considering he's a predefined character with a backstory and history of talking a lot. Just comes across as forced, not saying shit and just waving his hand instead.
After being quite ill yesterday I am finally getting to play this for the first time tonight. Can someone let me know what crazy thing is happen in the med bay that I should be looking for that is easy to miss without spoiling everything about it.

You'll be looking for a
door with a blue light
. Having just did it, I won't say more than that.
Stuck on the Honey Bee mission. Is it always in the same place or do I need to do something for it to appear?

I'm standing right when it shows on the IGN guide. Been on this mission for ages getting nowhere :/

Edit: just found it. Was it a different location, part way through a wall.

I was stuck on that one for awhile as well. I didn't notice one of the side entrances to the caves. I'm surprised by how much time I can spend on a single mission. Story progress has been slow so far.
Did we play the same game?
That game is ridiculous. :p

MGS3 is the silliest of all MGS games, easily. The radio conversations with Paramedic, Zero and Sigint are often beyond ridiculous.
Meh, perhaps it's just me but I always felt like Snake + The Boss' arc was quite serious. I guess I forgot the other stuff :p

The Boss' VA was really good as well. Helped add a lot of weight to her dialog.
OK so I'm down with the whole Big Boss does less "huh and what?!-ing" and repeating the last word of other characters at the end of each sentence, totally fine with it. But does he really have to be so silent during the cutscenes?

Example, mission 11 spoilers (gameplay and cutscene):

Boss has an encounter with Quiet and stops her from killing herself, restrains her and then fights back against a jet that attacks the heli and he doesn't make a single sound. No words of reassurance to Quiet, not a single grunt of exhale as he's being tossed about the heli cabin during the attack and basically no reaction to Quiet making that awesome shot. It's not until he gets back to Mother Base that he says maybe 3 lines of dialogue.

It's just weird. It's the exact opposite of the 'natural' performance that they seem to be aiming for. It feels like this is a fan-dub of the game by someone who really wanted Sutherland to voice BB.

Also, where the hell is my zoo? Ocelot mentioned building one but I can't find it.


Does anyone know if NAT 2 has an effect on online? All my friends playing but I keep getting error 10012 :(

Can definitively be an issue.

Thats something you have to work around through your router too.

Have you contacted Konami support? tora?
OK so I'm down with the whole Big Boss does less "huh and what?!-ing" and repeating the last word of other characters at the end of each sentence, totally fine with it. But does he really have to be so silent during the cutscenes?

Example, mission 11 spoilers (gameplay and cutscene):

Boss has an encounter with Quiet and stops her from killing herself, restrains her and then fights back against a jet that attacks the heli and he doesn't make a single sound. No words of reassurance to Quiet, not a single grunt of exhale as he's being tossed about the heli cabin during the attack and basically no reaction to Quiet making that awesome shot. It's not until he gets back to Motherbase that he says maybe 3 lines of dialogue.

It's just weird. It's the exact opposite of the 'natural' performance that they seem to be aiming for. It feels like this is a fan-dub of the game by someone who really wanted Sutherland to voice BB.

It's like Kojima took Drive to heart, and decided to just go all the way with emulating Ryan Gosling's performance.


Can someone tell me something about that medbay scene?
I really hate creepy stuff and jump scares in games.
Just want to know if I am going to see that cutscene.


Meh, perhaps it's just me but I always felt like Snake + The Boss' arc was quite serious. I guess I forgot the other stuff :p

The Boss' VA was really good as well. Helped add a lot of weight to her dialog.

Well sure, but the rest of the game is just silly.
We've got spider man, bee man, fire man, ghost man, electric man, plant man..


I wonder if the lack of Kiefer in cutscenes is an artistic decision or simply because he wasn't able to do many face capture sessions for those scenes. He obvious had enough time to record a lot of dialogue in the cassette tapes. Also there are some scenes where he's way more chatty than usual.

I've really disliked Hayter's delivery in 4 and PW. I'm not sure why he kept the Old Snake gruffness when switching back to Big Boss in PW. If he just stuck with the MGS2/3 delivery I would probably miss him way more. As it stands I don't really care.

It is completely fine if you didn't like Hayter's tone in the previous games, and a valid opinion. I'm just against the silly "it doesn't fit" argument, because not only does Hayter's cartoony perfomance fit in such a cartoony series, but actually was modeled for it.


Why does Quiet just sit in 1 place miles away from where I am and not mark anybody? What do I have to do to get her more involved?
Anybody not able to connect when trying to go online with this game? I'm assuming it's standard launch overpopulation? I really wanna get started on my FOB and I should be at the point where it's unlocked by now.


MGS3 wasn't particularly silly and it worked there.

... I mean

the tone was still super silly in comparison. with the whole bond-like thing music-wise, the twists, the crazy bosses

game is ridiculous

I think this plays it a lot more straight so far

sure there's no MGS2 fatman but it was still pretty crazy compared to this


Man, that scene when you bring
back to base. Big Boss having fewer lines in this makes the feeling when he does talk really heavy


Well sure, but the rest of the game is just silly.
We've got spider man, bee man, fire man, ghost man, electric man, plant man..

You can make anything sound silly if you reduce it like that. Hell, I'm not even far in MGSV yet and already we've got a fire man, psychic man (kid), and skeleton man. MGS3, like all MGS games, had both silly and serious moments.


I really need to play more of this game, if this had come out last week I would have had plenty of time, but there's so much life stuff getting in the way. At most I've been able to sit down for two hours in one go without interruptions.

I noticed the soundtrack popped up on iTunes, will have to pick it up. Do we know why Harry Gregson Williams didn't come back to do the full score this time? After four games and while he does two tracks, it seems to be another change made for this game for unknown reasons. I hope there's some typical MGS theme in there somewhere, gonna have to sit down and have a good listen through the tracks at some point.

Yeah, he lacks authority. He doesn't sound like a real commander. I mean, listen to this:


And then tell me if Kiefer's voice doesn't sound soft, boring and not commanding at all compared to that.

Freakin' Solidus had presence. He had authority. He had a strong voice. Big Boss in MGSV has nothing of that.

Man, I still miss Hayter. Kiefer is fine I guess but I feel like his would be better suited to a game where everyone elses voices are of, I dunno, the same caliber or tone or something, his still feels a little out of place. So far everyone else's voice and lines feel like they wouldn't sound out of place next to Hayter.

Maybe it's because every time I hear Kiefer I see Kiefer in my head.
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