Chance Hale
Didn't they have a whole marketing spiel about how you'd be able to dress Quiet up like an actual soldier if you wanted to after the backlash? Where in reality every single skin is a "nude" variant?
So are resources like diamonds just lost if you reload from a checkpoint before hitting another checkpoint and get the message that the it reached motherbase? I was out collecting diamonds, managed to get about 300k worth and fell off a cliff. I couldn't find those diamonds again and it wasn't added to my total either.
I got the exact same issue man. The sound stutter reminds me of how that was in Witcher 3, but it's much worse here because it fucks with the controller inputs as you said. It seems to happen a few times in a row and then goes away and at times comes back. It really needs to be patched. The odd thing is, all my friends have the Xbox One version as well, and some of them just don't encounter this issue, and some of them do.
Digital version.
It's very hard trying to juggle work this game with work.and family life. Only managed to complete 3 missions over 3 days.
Love playing this on the Vita too. So awesome this feature.
I'm also really not a big fan of the single take thing for all the cutscenes. It feels very showy, contrived, and artificial, like its not really a benefit form using it all the time and it becomes distracting.
There's a lot of cinematic effects Kojima does in here that just feel like he's doing them because the tools are available, and not for a lot of deliberate impact.
When can I build the combat platform? So I can send troops on missions for me
Lookie lookie what came in the mail today
I've only ever played MGS4 and Ground Zeroes, so I'll be back in a few weeks.
Precious metal is used for higher lvl items
Ugh...any tips on where to find a hamoa between shago village and spugmay keep? The encycolpedia shows them as ultra rare so I assume there aren't many, but there seems to be no guidance on where to look.
Do you have DD? He'll point out plants making it a little easier to find.
Lookie lookie what came in the mail today
I've only ever played MGS4 and Ground Zeroes, so I'll be back in a few weeks.
Question about a certain sniper everyone knows about but spoilering anyways, it's the first time you meet her:If I take her down with a normal sniper rifle (deplete her red health) will she be recruitable still or will she just be dead?
Question about a certain sniper everyone knows about but spoilering anyways, it's the first time you meet her:If I take her down with a normal sniper rifle (deplete her red health) will she be recruitable still or will she just be dead?
I wish there was a fast travel button when doing the regular boring Side-Ops. Or at least an option to have the chopper to move you between landing spots without the loading+menu screens ect.
I wish there was a fast travel button when doing the regular boring Side-Ops. Or at least an option to have the chopper to move you between landing spots without the loading+menu screens ect.
Same here
so there's a thread in front page about cut content for MGS V, what are the chances that Konami will sell those as DLC? they've already cut the prologue Ground Zeroes as separate game, wouldn't be surprised if they cut more stuff and sell it for more money again as DLC.
Can't wait for Legacy Collection on PC/PS4/XBO
It's very hard trying to juggle work this game with work.and family life. Only managed to complete 3 missions over 3 days.
Love playing this on the Vita too. So awesome this feature.
Is there any point to the security team if you don't play online?
Is that kotaku article about an important story scene being cut legit? I haven't even entered that thread or read the article because spoilers.
Yeah, one of the biggest story elements is basically unresolved.
Yeah, one of the biggest story elements is basically unresolved.
Question about a certain sniper everyone knows about but spoilering anyways, it's the first time you meet her:If I take her down with a normal sniper rifle (deplete her red health) will she be recruitable still or will she just be dead?
You can take her down with lethal weapons, but for the bonus objective you'll need to do it with a non-lethal weapon, take the tranq sniper with you if you are going to do it.
You have to wonder if that was the only major plot-related mission/event that was cut.
Reposting not long after I saw it, only because this needs to get out there:
I'm having no luck finding the Joy Division tape, this base is way too big.