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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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Didn't they have a whole marketing spiel about how you'd be able to dress Quiet up like an actual soldier if you wanted to after the backlash? Where in reality every single skin is a "nude" variant?


So are resources like diamonds just lost if you reload from a checkpoint before hitting another checkpoint and get the message that the it reached motherbase? I was out collecting diamonds, managed to get about 300k worth and fell off a cliff. I couldn't find those diamonds again and it wasn't added to my total either.

If you die before getting another checkpoint then yes, you will lose them. I lost a rather good soldier today the same way :(


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I'm having no luck finding the Joy Division tape, this base is way too big.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I got the exact same issue man. The sound stutter reminds me of how that was in Witcher 3, but it's much worse here because it fucks with the controller inputs as you said. It seems to happen a few times in a row and then goes away and at times comes back. It really needs to be patched. The odd thing is, all my friends have the Xbox One version as well, and some of them just don't encounter this issue, and some of them do.

Digital version.

Digital too. Wonder if a reinstall would help. At least I'm not alone --- hopefully it gets patched.


It's very hard trying to juggle work this game with work.and family life. Only managed to complete 3 missions over 3 days.

Love playing this on the Vita too. So awesome this feature.

Then it will take you a very very very long time to complete. Ive had this game for a week and I've put in about 40 hours but I'm only 60% on story missions and 40% overall.


I'm also really not a big fan of the single take thing for all the cutscenes. It feels very showy, contrived, and artificial, like its not really a benefit form using it all the time and it becomes distracting.

There's a lot of cinematic effects Kojima does in here that just feel like he's doing them because the tools are available, and not for a lot of deliberate impact.

Late af but I agree with this. Despite how awful Kojima's dialogue was his direction was at least competent most of the time. I guess it's trying to emulate on the ground war journalism but eh.
Has the server been up for more than an hour at a time for anyone yet? Maybe I'm just playing at bad times but every time I turn the game on I get the server is down for maintenance.


Lookie lookie what came in the mail today



I've only ever played MGS4 and Ground Zeroes, so I'll be back in a few weeks.

Can't wait for Legacy Collection on PC/PS4/XBO
Ugh...any tips on where to find a hamoa between shago village and spugmay keep? The encycolpedia shows them as ultra rare so I assume there aren't many, but there seems to be no guidance on where to look.
Any downside to letting go of soldiers with straight E ratings to make room for better ones?

Also, (buddy spoilers?)
how exactly do you get Quiet to accompany you on missions? I've brought her back to Mother Base, had a cutscene where she almost joined, but since then she's just been chilling in her cell with no way to interact with her.


Ugh...any tips on where to find a hamoa between shago village and spugmay keep? The encycolpedia shows them as ultra rare so I assume there aren't many, but there seems to be no guidance on where to look.

Do you have DD? He'll point out plants making it a little easier to find.
Is there a certain way to equip new helicopter stuff? I keep buying new upgrades for the helicopter to make it dispatch faster but I can't seem to actually equip them in the Support helicopter armament menu
for anyone that has the ability to fulton large containers, what's been the highest and lowest number of materials you've gotten from a single container?


I can't distress how important is to send teams on missions, dem rewards.

No need to do side ops for money or people (besides translators) anymore.


Subete no aware
For someone who has the guide, can you tell me if it says whether or not there's a way to get an Anesthesia Specialist that's not Malak?


lol fuck yeah went ham with mission 10 got all prisoners and s ranked it...

i can get stealth camo now... KREYGASM


Compared to MGS4, this is like a real stealth game. MGS4 was too action-y and not really like MGS 1, 2 or 3 IMO in terms of gameplay. This feels more like a modern take on MGS from a gameplay perspective, although I'm not sure how I feel about the open world part because there's a lot of downtime. I suppose I like determining how I'd approach a scenario, but maybe there should be less...emptiness.

The only gameplay/control complaint I have is you can't climb small rock ledges sometimes and it's just 'why can't Snake lift his legs here?'


Man, I hate this game.

It made me drop everything else I was playing and now I can only focus on this. Now I'm never gonna finish my backlog. See what you did, Kojima? You should feel terrible for making such an outstanding game!

I'll admit, I was on the "I mostly play for the story/cutscenes" camp of the MGS fanbase, but that's because gameplay had never been this good before. Now that it is, I'm loving the bigger focus on it and honestly don't mind that cutscenes are more spaced out.

In a perfect world, Kojima would make a final sequel improving on the already spectacular gameplay here + a bigger focus on story. And a snowy setting, because I mean, come on, there's already forest and desert, all it's missing is snow, would've been the perfect trifecta. Unless there's a snowy location later on that I'm not aware of.
I wish there was a fast travel button when doing the regular boring Side-Ops. Or at least an option to have the chopper to move you between landing spots without the loading+menu screens ect.

Nose Master

Question about a certain sniper everyone knows about but spoilering anyways, it's the first time you meet her:
If I take her down with a normal sniper rifle (deplete her red health) will she be recruitable still or will she just be dead?
Question about a certain sniper everyone knows about but spoilering anyways, it's the first time you meet her:
If I take her down with a normal sniper rifle (deplete her red health) will she be recruitable still or will she just be dead?

No matter how you take her down a cutscene plays where you choose to finish her off or not. You don't have to worry about using lethal weaponry.
Question about a certain sniper everyone knows about but spoilering anyways, it's the first time you meet her:
If I take her down with a normal sniper rifle (deplete her red health) will she be recruitable still or will she just be dead?

Lethal or non-lethal weapons both work and the end result is the same--she'll end up on your side. The only thing is, there's a mission objective for disabling her with non-lethal weaponry.


I wish there was a fast travel button when doing the regular boring Side-Ops. Or at least an option to have the chopper to move you between landing spots without the loading+menu screens ect.

Same here

At least let me call in a helicopter to move me to another point on the map
so there's a thread in front page about cut content for MGS V, what are the chances that Konami will sell those as DLC? they've already cut the prologue Ground Zeroes as separate game, wouldn't be surprised if they cut more stuff and sell it for more money again as DLC.


I tried to connect to the PC servers a few times today. Under maintenance every time. Is this across all platforms or just PC?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
so there's a thread in front page about cut content for MGS V, what are the chances that Konami will sell those as DLC? they've already cut the prologue Ground Zeroes as separate game, wouldn't be surprised if they cut more stuff and sell it for more money again as DLC.

Well the team who made this game is no more so i highly doubt it, like Ken from Kojima Productions said if they would have given up there woul be no one who could have finished this game so a big thanks to Kojima and his team for sticking together after the fallout with Konami.


This game is so damn good. Every time I complete a mission I feel like I have a story to tell.

Mission 8:
Went in without a rocket launcher. I figured I'd be able to procure one on site, and maybe you can but I never found it. Instead, I interrogated a soldier to find the location of the operations room. Inside I found some intel with the tank route mapped out. Now I knew that the tanks would be coming down the road far below me soon, but had no way to take them out. I spotted a mortar perched on a ledge and knew what to do. The tanks arrived and fire rained down from the sky. The tanks went out easy, but the colonel I needed to kill high-tailed it out of there. I chased after on D-Horse, got in front of his truck, and shot it with a grenade launcher. Miraculously he didn't die and remained unconscious in the front seat. I yanked him out and fultoned him back to Mother Base. Mission accomplished.


Is that kotaku article about an important story scene being cut legit? I haven't even entered that thread or read the article because spoilers.
It's very hard trying to juggle work this game with work.and family life. Only managed to complete 3 missions over 3 days.

Love playing this on the Vita too. So awesome this feature.

Exact same thing for me too. Can only game once the kids are down and lounging with the wife time is over. Game is very "just one more thing" going on. I am about 4 missions in.
Question about a certain sniper everyone knows about but spoilering anyways, it's the first time you meet her:
If I take her down with a normal sniper rifle (deplete her red health) will she be recruitable still or will she just be dead?

You can take her down with lethal weapons, but for the bonus objective you'll need to do it with a non-lethal weapon, take the tranq sniper with you if you are going to do it.
Did a few side-ops with Quiet, which consisted of her killing literally everything that moved while I completed objectives.
I think this is the start of a beautiful partnership.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
You can take her down with lethal weapons, but for the bonus objective you'll need to do it with a non-lethal weapon, take the tranq sniper with you if you are going to do it.

bonus objective
are you talking about?


Where should I be looking at for fuel? I'm on mission 8 and have yet to do any MB upgrades because I have hardly any fuel. I think i've been doing an alright job of exploring while i'm doing missions on side ops, so i'm not sure where/how i've been missing this stuff.
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