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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
They are pretty different. Witcher's world is amazingly complex with NPCs, MGS doesn't have that. MGS takes the cake in gameplay options though, it is so fluid in how it can transition from stealth to action depending on how you go about the tasks.

Hope it works for you.

Hmmm. Ok. I'm going to grab this either way, but I just haven't been able to make time to play anything and The Witcher 3 is the only game I've been able to play more than 40 hours in in the past 4-5 years.


Just done a mission very similar to this.

Was a complete stealth one which meant no reflex mode and any sort of detection was an instant mission fail. I quickly realised though that that only applied to me. Quiet was free to cause as much chaos as she wanted, which she duly did, allowing me to freely wander around an empty outpost to complete the mission.

Felt like a massive cheese, but what the hell.

There are story missions where you can't be seen or you instantly fail? Lol that's me never completing this game then :/


Finding cassette tapes is the most satisfying thing in the game.

Just found
, it got me in a pumped-up disco mood.

Nose Master

If blow up air control radar, does that open up new landing zones permanently or just during that current stance on the area you're in?


How the hell do I get quiet to move around with me? Seriously as soon as we get off the chopper she moves to w/e location she wants and just sits there aiming at 1 guy the whole time while I'm off on the other side of the map.


There are story missions where you can't be seen or you instantly fail? Lol that's me never completing this game then :/

Much later on, yeah.

Don't worry, it's nowhere near as oppressive or difficult as it sounds. I think I've engaged at least 1 reflex mode on every single other mission in the game, and most Side Ops, but I did that one on a second try. Like I say, give Quiet a lethal sniper rifle and she will clear the place out.
Just unlocked mission 11. I'll have a proper whack at it tomorrow I think.

There's so much downtime in these open world games. I just get annoyed when I end up getting caught in some snag situation where I came at something the wrong way - not open enough! - or have some huge way to travel between every little thing - too open!

I mean say what you want about the 20 minute cutscenes, but MGS has been fairly succinct in terms of gameplay. I just don't see the value in adding spans of nothing between actual encounters and 'levels'. It just wastes my time, y'know? I want to see the goods!


The more I play this game the more I sour on it. The mission i'm on
has a extremely lame boss fight. It's garbage.

The story is doing nothing for me so far and the more missions I get that don't advance the plot whatsoever just grinds me down to the point of boredom. I'm just straight up killing everyone guns blazing at this point because it's so throwaway and pointless. I love the mechanics here but it seems to all be wrapped in a supremely uninteresting package. I don't mind that the story is more sparse, but anytime there is something that happens it feels so disconnected from everything else and doesn't progress things. This game seems to lack a narrative through-line.

I'm pretty close to putting the game down for a bit and maybe coming back to it down the line. I feel burned out on the repetitiveness (I hear it gets way worse). I hate to say this about a damn Metal Gear game because this is one of my favorite series.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Can somebody help a beginner, I can'T seem to find the list of medicinal plant that my guys at mother base wants.

Which plant?

Just unlocked mission 11. I'll have a proper whack at it tomorrow I think.

There's so much downtime in these open world games. I just get annoyed when I end up getting caught in some snag situation where I came at something the wrong way - not open enough! - or have some huge way to travel between every little thing - too open!

I mean say what you want about the 20 minute cutscenes, but MGS has been fairly succinct in terms of gameplay. I just don't see the value in adding spans of nothing between actual encounters and 'levels'. It just wastes my time, y'know? I want to see the goods!

Fast travel.


2 quick questions relating to MB activities and a buddy.

DD be
visited at the base? It's been taking
him a long freaking while to grow up.
2) Where can you visit the
petting zoo?
I love this game but trying to do multiple side-ops at once is a colossal pain in the ass, even with D-Horse/a vehicle. I'm just going to start chopper-ing in and out all over the map. I haven't found any of that fast travel stuff either.

Also, my Mission 12 run was certainly something.
I was spotted almost instantly and somehow managed to book it all the way to the objective where I hid in a doorway until the search for me ended.
Probably not the way most people did it lol.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Is it possible to get the chopper to ferry me between landing zones without going back to the ACC and having to spend money to redeploy?
Sounds like you should unlock some fast travel points.

Look for signs on the outskirts of bases on the road that have a little note attached. Take that and you can fast travel to any other points you unlocked.


When the hell do we get DD as a buddy? It has been hours and hours since I've had anything related to him. Sometimes he's on the command deck and still a pup, other times he's not even there.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
When the hell do we get DD as a buddy? It has been hours and hours since I've had anything related to him. Sometimes he's on the command deck and still a pup, other times he's not even there.

Just do a few more missions.
I just have to say that the official guide is awesome. I know most people want to figure everything out on their own, but there are so many strategies and options presented that I guarantee I would have never thought of.

My two favorite so far (spoilers about Mission 11 and Wandering Soldier side ops) are
being able to take away half of Quiet's stamina by marking her and ordering an ammo drop that falls on her, and by simply wearing a cardboard box the wandering soldiers will simply come up to you in curiousity even if they see you approaching, allowing you to pop out and CQC them


How do I set the music for my helicopter extraction?....And there's no way to skip mission intros? I'm replaying rescuing miller cause I missed some mission tasks.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Can DD be spotted by enemies?

Yes, they then tell him to go away, same with the horse but it won't trigger an alert or something, it's pretty funny when a guard says "Hush hush" to DD.


uh yeah man, still doesn't really fix anything since you need to find all these cargo points before you can use them. it would just be an alternative list of things i wish i didn't have to do to see the actual game and story content.

You have to find fast travel points before you can use them? Thats unheard of!


An interesting way to fix the intro credits issue would be to cover the names with black bars (that seems pretty Metal Gear to me) the first go around. Once you beat the mission, the next time you play it, no black bars on the names.



I wish I never clicked this but then again I'm so glad I did.

That's fucking crazy.

(it's an equipment spoiler in case anyone is wondering)

An interesting way to fix the intro credits issue would be to cover the names with black bars (that seems pretty Metal Gear to me) the first go around. Once you beat the mission, the next time you play it, no black bars on the names.

Yeah seriously, anything at this point. I don't mind the IDEA of the credits but I hate having to avert my eyes to avoid spoiling who is gonna show up in a mission.
I'm hearing a few different things from different people - realistically, is the game unplayable?

Not necessarily, not Mordor level, but it's definitely ugly and choppy.

If it were the only way to play MGS V for some people, it's worth it I suppose, but for the rest of us, we can't deal with this after playing it the way it was meant to be played.
Loving the game, but the whole mountain-area-in-front-of the-objective-and looking-for-an-opening is driving me insane.

Most of the time you have to go backwards just to get there.

Or maybe I'm blind.


Junior Member
Got my ass kicked in mission 6 and had to go ahead and enter full combat mode. I still don't like killing people in MGS and I hate the whole scoreboard thing at the end, but at least it only judges you based on getting no kills or not, instead of deducting points for each kill.

Anyway, when you go action mode this actually becomes a really good third person shooter. Everything in it feels more dynamic than what you might get in Uncharted or new Tomb Raider or something. The more open environments and how the AI behaves seems to allow for more possibilities. A big thing though is how this game makes really good use of prone in combat. The terrain is a lot more varied than just chest-high walls and Snake has a ton of mobility while prone and aiming.


God damn this game is good. It just feels so amazing to play. Got my first S rank which was really satisfying. Usually I end up resorting to blowing everything up but being a ninja was awesome. Especially since the stealth is difficult.


Mission 20
Is there a way to fulton man on fire when he is wet? Mantis looking guy keeps popping them and I can't shoot him :(


Did anyone see the Forbes article that said this game is basically Far Cry 3? That was something.

Forbes practically has looser standards for publishing than NeoGAF does for making an account. Seriously most of those articles are just written by bloggers publishing on Forbes site, they're not worth paying any attention to.
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