Did anyone see the Forbes article that said this game is basically Far Cry 3? That was something.
for anyone that has the ability to fulton large containers, what's been the highest and lowest number of materials you've gotten from a single container?
Just walk inSo is there any indication to head to the medical bay to see the scene or are you just supposed to happen upon it?
OH MY FUCKING GOD mission 16 I have never been more infuriated at a video game before what the fuck am I supposed to do
OH MY FUCKING GOD mission 16 I have never been more infuriated at a video game before what the fuck am I supposed to do
OH MY FUCKING GOD mission 16 I have never been more infuriated at a video game before what the fuck am I supposed to do
extracting the vehicle.Which part of the mission?
Got my ass kicked in mission 6 and had to go ahead and enter full combat mode. I still don't like killing people in MGS and I hate the whole scoreboard thing at the end, but at least it only judges you based on getting no kills or not, instead of deducting points for each kill.
extracting the vehicle.the skulls are apparently invincible (I killed one with the help of quiet and a grenade launcher and it just refilled its health. I can't Fulton the truck because they shoot the balloon literally before it even leaves the ground. I can't drive it away because they all immediately start attacking the truck once I get in it. I've been trying all of these over and over all day
extracting the vehicle.the skulls are apparently invincible (I killed one with the help of quiet and a grenade launcher and it just refilled its health. I can't Fulton the truck because they shoot the balloon literally before it even leaves the ground. I can't drive it away because they all immediately start attacking the truck once I get in it. I've been trying all of these over and over all day
Ōkami;177522356 said:During a side op a soldier attack me, DD attacked him, soldier toses DD, message appears saying DD is now deceased or something like that.
Immediatly restarted the mission.
Did anyone see the Forbes article that said this game is basically Far Cry 3? That was something.
Ōkami;177522356 said:During a side op a soldier attack me, DD attacked him, soldier toses DD, message appears saying DD is now deceased or something like that.
Immediatly restarted the mission.
The check points sometimes feel really unforgiving. I'm doing the mission to extract Malak and I always seem to get caught after extracting the first two prisoners in the second compound since all the guards I tranq end up waking up. Then I get put right back at the start of the second compound and have to do it all over again :/
Did anyone see the Forbes article that said this game is basically Far Cry 3? That was something.
Why are some side ops I already cleared added again?
Why are some of my completed side ops letting me play them again? There is a check mark in the box and everything.
Reposting not long after I saw it, only because this needs to get out there:
Wow this target practice thing is fucking awful.
This has happened to me several times on Xbox One as well. Can't figure out why.Been having a strange issue since launch, Xbox o e. Occasionally, perhaps 1 to 2 times in an hour of play, the game randomly bogs down. Frame rate chugs, sounds glitch, and worst of all, controller inputs seem to get stuck once this bug occurs. So, for example, if it happens as I'm sneaking up on someone, snake keeps walking forward while the game chugs along for a few seconds, which has caused me to collide with enemies I'm trying to grab.
Is this a known issue? Anyone else affected? Any fixes now or planned? I'll try to remember to record a clip next time it happens if no one else has seen it.
They are all super easy except for the R&D one. I had to YouTube it.
Exact same thing for me too. Can only game once the kids are down and lounging with the wife time is over. Game is very "just one more thing" going on. I am about 4 missions in.
They are all super easy except for the R&D one. I had to YouTube it.
If I replay a mission and do some of the objectives I missed, do I have to complete the mission for them to save?
Wow this target practice thing is fucking awful.
nope.I'm know I'm bragging, but am I the only one who managed toin Missionkill all the skulls?16I just fired rockets at them when they were clumped together, it took a bunch but it wasn't anything crazy.
Can someone explain how to use quiet as a buddy. She won't follow me on the map.
They're notextracting the vehicle.the skulls are apparently invincible (I killed one with the help of quiet and a grenade launcher and it just refilled its health. I can't Fulton the truck because they shoot the balloon literally before it even leaves the ground. I can't drive it away because they all immediately start attacking the truck once I get in it. I've been trying all of these over and over all day
I found her to be pretty terrible early on. You need to just deal with her until you get her bond high enough. Then you'll be able to give her more commands.Can someone explain how to use quiet as a buddy. She won't follow me on the map.
Go into the menu screen and you can tell her to scout the map![]()