Court of Oryx drops tons too.Strikes. Stop with the quests and do strikes. If your goal is 290 as fast as possible, that's what you should be doing for best results.
Court of Oryx drops tons too.Strikes. Stop with the quests and do strikes. If your goal is 290 as fast as possible, that's what you should be doing for best results.
We did it twice we had two solar swords and my void sword.
Killed everything but the solar knight for the first run and on the second run we left the void knight alive until the end. Hope that helps.
Makes me wonder what else they have hidden away in daily missions
We know that some of the grates in Rasputin's bunker are destroyable...
In one of the new missions there is one that is not able to be destroyed but you can glimpse through the vents there is something behind it and that it looks to lead downwards... maybe it will open up when it becomes the daily?
Anyone up for the Daily Heroic/Black Spindle mission on PS4? About to attempt it alone unless someone is getting a group together.
PSN: Squadon
Light Level 280 Warlock
Sunbreaker Titan clearing adds and gaining orbs and the Nightstalker is tethering the other adds and generates more orbs. Essentially rinse and repeat that until you either win or die, lol.Man, tell me your secrets.
Wow, the Gunsmith gives you pretty good Legendary weapons on Armsday. I just received a Legendary scout rifle with 280 attack. Not bad for a few simple field tests.
Still looking?For new page.
So is Black Spindle only available today? I wasn't going to play today but now I might need to.
I still haven't touched my alts since TTK dropped. There just isn't enough time!
Yep. I think it's a great way to grab some weapons guaranteed for a slot that you want without needing legendary marks.Wow, the Gunsmith gives you pretty good Legendary weapons on Armsday. I just received a Legendary scout rifle with 280 attack. Not bad for a few simple field tests.
So is Black Spindle only available today? I wasn't going to play today but now I might need to.
So is Black Spindle only available today? I wasn't going to play today but now I might need to.
I'll tag along. PSN - fenix1989uk.
Sunbreaker Titan clearing adds and gaining orbs and the Nightstalker is tethering the other adds and generates more orbs. Essentially rinse and repeat that until you either win or die, lol.
Court of Oryx drops tons too.
The Titan armor looks awesome.I enjoy everything about the hive except for the shitty look of their raid drops. I thought Crota's end was bad, but this makes that look like Project Runway. The Titan gear especially is super gross.
Same. That's gonna change this week though!
Same. Every hour is Warlock O'clock for me.
Same. That's gonna change this week though!
I've actually come to the decision that I'm just going to focus on one character. It's just too time consuming to maintain 3 characters. And even when I had 3 characters, I ended up only using the same one anyway, outside of doing the raids or NF with the other 2.
Court of Oryx drops tons too.
If you dismantle the legendary Strangers Rifle, do you get a Runestone?
The Titan armor looks awesome.
Artifacts can be transferred over as well, correct? I have an extra 300 sitting in my vault as we speak.So some tips, which you probably already know:
1. Move over all your weapons and ghost for immediate light level boost
2. You can move over a high blue light level class item and infuse it into the first legendary class item you get from the early missions
3. Equip an exotic
4. Spend 80 motes or 160 on two other pieces of armor
5. Edge over factions if you can for a chance at other gear
You'll be at 265+ light level before you even lift a finger.
Artifacts can be transferred over as well, correct? I have an extra 300 sitting in my vault as we speak.
teach me the ways.
Same. That's gonna change this week though!
Got my Hunter to 282 light doing almost nothing on my Hunter.
Leveled up to 40 by obtaining my subclass, poping a focused light, equipping the exotic EXP boost item from the CE junk, and handing in 16 saved bounties. This also got my nightstalker subclass halfway through the third exp row.
Today I transferred two legendary armor engrams that I had saved to my hunter and bought a legendary arm piece, and got a legendary cloak from a DO rank up, and then infused all of them with 2-3 high powered warlock armors each (you can get a lot higher powered end result by infusing 2-3 times with your three highest power pieces starting from lowest to highest versus doing it just once).
BAM. 282 light with a 200 Artifact too.
Did the daily story today on my hunter to unlock the dreadnaught.
Now I have another story mission to do. The Dreadnaught patrol is still not open. And I can not see the KF raid on my director.
Next step on my Hunter is to unlock the dreadnaught patrol and do the CoO quest from Eris. Gotta get that 300 Artifact to get to 290+.
wait, do you have to kill the boss as well? the guy in the dark who teleports away? confusing reading the quest decription
After wasting 6 hours of my life to get the spindle i give up. I need at least a week off from destiny now![]()
Darthvadernooooo.jpgNope, class specific. Ghosts can be though.
Artifacts can be transferred over as well, correct? I have an extra 300 sitting in my vault as we speak.
I don't think so. I remember people saying they did and nothing happened.
something like that
Artifacts can be transferred over as well, correct? I have an extra 300 sitting in my vault as we speak.
Anyone up for the Daily Heroic/Black Spindle mission on PS4? About to attempt it alone unless someone is getting a group together.
PSN: Squadon
Light Level 280 Warlock
That involves playing the game tho!If you just do the CoO quest you can get a 300 artifact
Carry me!No but once you get up to around 280 light, or if you are with a big team at CoO, then you can do the Eris CoO quest on your alt to get a 300 artifact.
So I love the fact that Bungie hid this Exotic from us. Aside from Sleeper and No Time, I wonder what else is hidden.
What is this?There's definitely something going on with Cayde's Stash
oh yeah the boss has to go down as well.
we took the knight down first then the boss.
30 seconds is the timer I believe from knight > boss kill