Destiny |OT32| Driviks and Draksis (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)

Titan is the right one. They all look excellent.

I don't like the look of the Titan helmet, but other than that they all look great.

Intriguied to see what the new Trials gear looks like, too.

What are the odds Fate of All Fools will finally be obtainable? And that IB will have an exotic?


Let me say loud and clear:

the change to MM in trials is really BAD and while on paper it might sound ok, in practice is just making things worse and more RNG based then ever:

- the idea on paper is fine, since Bungie thinks, well, on 1-4 wins you will get easy teams, on 7-9 hard ones;

- this in practice is far from true, since you might get IMMEDIATELY super hard teams that have just started the passage and are on 1-4 wins and get them again, while on the ''hot zone'' of 7+ wins

- the system will lead to even more frustrated ppl having the infamous 8-1.

Bungie, Trails was fun. Banner is not. You wanna know why? Latency!

Did Trials every week, every week to Mercury. But it was fun, because we had almost no latency, esp the first few weeks. Now with this system? Not so sure. Probably not. Esp on the last few matches, the hardest ones; and statistically there will always be more teams on 1-4 wins then on 7-9. So the ''good latency pool'' will always be much more narrow on the last games, the most important ones.

Just use latency for primary for the love of god. For ALL crucible.

And why Banner HAS TO BE Control? Every single time!!!!??!?!?! It's been more then a year, give it a change.
I'd rather have rift (even if i like it less), just for the sake of having something new.


Bungie, Trails was fun. Banner is not. You wanna know why? Latency!

Did Trials every week, every week to Mercury. But it was fun, because we had almost no latency, esp the first few weeks. Now with this system? Not so sure. Probably not. Esp on the last few matches, the hardest ones; and statistically there will always be more teams on 1-4 wins then on 7-9. So the ''good latency pool'' will always be much more narrow on the last games, the most important ones.

Just use latency for primary for the love of god. For ALL crucible.
Weel, they are saying low-latency is still the priority.

If we can’t find a high-quality match, we will loosen the win requirements first (in other words, we will not prioritize “wins” over low-latency matches).
You say Skolas kills, plural, like we did more than two. I actually would have liked to do more, but you never responded to PSN messages or when I posted replies in the thread. By then people were burned out on House of Wolves, so no one else ever really wanted to do Skolas.

I only have a USB mic, no PS4 mic. So far not much spookiness to be had just crazy homicidal robots, and a lot of ocean. Also I'm basically talking to myself since no one came to watch which is why I don't like using my mic when I stream in the first place D:

I said "kills" because two is plural... I did respond to your PSN messages eventually and mentioned that it wasn't easy finding good Skolas teams. Sometimes (like then) I get a lot of messages. I can't stand typing with the controller so I'm terrible at responding, especially when the messages disappear after a day or two. I also posted here many, many times that every run would have as many first-timers as possible since there were so many requests.

I totally understand the mic thing, I was just joking about it anyway. Lots of people prefer not to use them. I was a super anti-social gamer until Destiny and still prefer not to bother w my headset during the very rare instances I'm not playing w people.

Anyway... trying to finish new OT in time for Xur. Ack. Real life (and slow computer) aren't helping...
I said "kills" because two is plural... I did respond to your PSN messages eventually and mentioned that it wasn't easy finding good Skolas teams. Sometimes (like then) I get a lot of messages. I can't stand typing with the controller so I'm terrible at responding, especially when the messages disappear after a day or two. I also posted here many, many times that every run would have as many first-timers as possible since there were so many requests.

I totally understand the mic thing, I was just joking about it anyway. Lots of people prefer not to use them. I was a super anti-social gamer until Destiny and still prefer not to bother w my headset during the very rare instances I'm not playing w people.

Anyway... trying to finish new OT in time for Xur. Ack. Real life (and slow computer) aren't helping...

I love playing with people, always have. But I'll always despise people randomly sending me game invites without messaging me first. I'm not gonna join if you don't tell me what you're doing first. I'm super weird like that. :lol
Archers line is bad for that. You should be in the anchor of light zone. The easiest one to do ( 30 mins is enough). If you find a node close to the loading zones, just keep reloading the zone and that node will always be there. You must be solo on the instance. Time to times some ppl join. Just wait ( farm the nodes around the area) until they are gone. Keep that node untouched and when they leave, just pop it and reload the zone.

Ill try to make a map out of it.


On the top 2 nodes possible locations you can jump towards the hellmouth without doing that round trip.

Belated reply but awesome map! I was going to use the reload cheese but there were always people coming and going so I couldn't get a clear run at it. I tried anchor of light briefly but there were people there too (despite me sparrow ING hard to break the mm) and I didn't know the node spawns as well.

I actually ended up running a loop with a couple of randoms doing the same thing. Lots of waving and dancing.

It's going good to be a while before I pick up and attempt the others. Plenty of other stuff to do first.


Does the daily mission ever have a modifier other than heroic? I would love to see Fear's Embrace with some random modifiers.
Has bungie said anything about what will happen to our 310 black spindles?

They said all Spindles would be reduced to 290 Light, but they've since pushed two patches that didn't change them. My guess is they still plan to drop them but whatever the glitch is also affects any other secret gun(s) out there, especially something in the Paradox VoG mission. Might still be awhile before they adjust them.

I love playing with people, always have. But I'll always despise people randomly sending me game invites without messaging me first. I'm not gonna join if you don't tell me what you're doing first. I'm super weird like that. :lol

Haha I don't think that's weird at all. I'm the same way and so is basically everyone I play with regularly. If people don't care enough to write a message then I probably won't care enough to drop what I'm doing and help with their mystery task.
Does the daily mission ever have a modifier other than heroic? I would love to see Fear's Embrace with some random modifiers.

Nope, only Heroic.

Haha I don't think that's weird at all. I'm the same way and so is basically everyone I play with regularly. If people don't care enough to write a message then I probably won't care enough to drop what I'm doing and help with their mystery task.

Precisely. It's goddamn annoying when I have to pause my game to ask them, when they could've just sent me a message instead. I've taken to appearing offline on my Xbone the last few days, because I was just so tired of random invites.


Update for Destiny GAF Community members.

Thank you all for your continued support.
Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, we have some potentially disruptive news to unfortunately place on some of our DGAF brothers.

Tomorrow, Destiny GAF Community will undergo an emergency purge.

Anyone that no longer has access to the group after the purge, please reapply by PMing one of the Mods of the group.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope you "Please understand", and "Mistakes were made".

Thank you all for your support once again.

The Purge

Will begin momentarily.
Please pardon our dust.


Super pumped for IB.

Best looking gear in TTK imo - at least for Titans.


I'm gonna get that Titan armor, IB lag be damned.


Let me say loud and clear:

the change to MM in trials is really BAD and while on paper it might sound ok, in practice is just making things worse and more RNG based then ever:

- the idea on paper is fine, since Bungie thinks, well, on 1-4 wins you will get easy teams, on 7-9 hard ones;

- this in practice is far from true, since you might get IMMEDIATELY super hard teams that have just started the passage and are on 1-4 wins and get them again, while on the ''hot zone'' of 7+ wins

- the system will lead to even more frustrated ppl having the infamous 8-1.

Bungie, Trails was fun. Banner is not. You wanna know why? Latency!

Just use latency for primary for the love of god. For ALL crucible.

Yes, if you do the maths, if you are 5-0 then the amount of available matches of other 5-0 players is 3 %.

Three percent.

No way can you get the best connection with a pool of games that is 30 x less than it was last year.

Trials was the only game mode you can play on console that was purely connection based and not laggy except for the odd cheats / lag switchers.

That looks as if its going and instead of all green bars and 20 ms ping games we will get worse, much worse.

God, we just want the best connections. I am no great player, but I appreciate LOCAL low ping multiplayer. Its so hard to find. COD lost it with their SKBMM, gave up with the lag.


Morning gaf. Just got up, work did not allow me to play much since wednesday. Just now i read the weekly update, so hyped for those IB sets, no matter the lag i will get them. Btw i don't think its wise to start Trials and IB at the same week, from past experiences i know it was always a mess. Im actually dreading how this week will look like, but i will venture forth.
Xur is near, what if he sells an exotic leg engram? Wishful thinking, i know.


I'm gonna get that Titan armor, IB lag be damned.

It is symbol of victory for the Guardians that braved and endured the darkest enemy of all. The "Latent Ones". A power so dark it can manipulate time itself, change the outcome of any confrontation and completely defy death itself.


I'm gonna get that Titan armor, IB lag be damned.

Yup, the first time I will actually be after IB armour, never bothered with it previously. I wonder how many marks they are going to cost? I assume the same as vendor gear? Hopefully I get lucky and have a few pieces drop as rewards, gotta have that helm regardless.
Oh yeah, thanks for the fun raid run yesterday to talentburke, mehrmantrout and others! Only weak hunters use triplejump.

Doublejump Hunters for life.


Need 2 for fear's embrace (last part of ToM questline).

I solo'd that on the end. Pretty easy once you get it down. I only died 11 times lol

Kill the phalanxs clear the orb. Snipe echo head 3x clear the 2 orbs. Clear the adds, headshot snipe 3x.

I had to switch to sunsinger to do it though for the free revive. Cunt of a mission.


Yes, if you do the maths, if you are 5-0 then the amount of available matches of other 5-0 players is 3 %.

Three percent.

No way can you get the best connection with a pool of games that is 30 x less than it was last year.

Trials was the only game mode you can play on console that was purely connection based and not laggy except for the odd cheats / lag switchers.

That looks as if its going and instead of all green bars and 20 ms ping games we will get worse, much worse.

God, we just want the best connections. I am no great player, but I appreciate LOCAL low ping multiplayer. Its so hard to find. COD lost it with their SKBMM, gave up with the lag.
Guys, they said they were still putting the connection quality first, stop panicking like that. ^^
Moreover, Trials has also less lags because they are less people in the match, and you tend to play it with players you know, which increase the chance they are geographically closer to you.
IB is randoms-fest, that's why it's harder to find good matches in this mode.


How did they make Darkblade Helm worse than the rhino horn helmet i got from the raid?

Finally got a exotic engram to drop, turned into 4th horseman... Booo but 310 light yay!!! Time to replace my 300 model.

How's everyone going to do with swords? Going to buy dupes or just swap them around as needed?
My PoS computer has been stuck updating and restarting for 20 minutes. Probably not gonna beat Xur but it'll be soon... ;_;

Who do we message to join Destiny GAF Commnuntiy on PSN?

You can send me a PM with your PSN name to make sure your request is accepted.

Please bear in mind, for you and anyone else that's sent me/other mods requests, we've experienced some problems so we have put a freeze on accepting members currently. We need to do a quick purge today then tomorrow we'll start adding folks again. Thanks for your patience!


Guys, they said they were still putting the connection quality first, stop panicking like that. ^^
Moreover, Trials has also less lags because they are less people in the match, and you tend to play it with players you know, which increase the chance they are geographically closer to you.
IB is randoms-fest, that's why it's harder to find good matches in this mode.

But its no longer the best connection.

It is an acceptable to bungier server connection from a pool of games 30 x less than it was, and thats just at 5-0 lol. At 8 wins, the maths is stupid, and I can guarantee that players will get games where there is lag without the cheaters.

Sorry I have heard this for many years from Teryarch and others, once match making tries to narrow the search to a low pool of players then it becomes a lag shit fest.

Match making based on ping and ping alone is te only thing that works, period.

Bungie killed Iron banner fun with their revised match making, its crap, now they will do the same to trials.


But its no longer the best connection.

It is an acceptable to bungier server connection from a pool of games 30 x less than it was, and thats just at 5-0 lol. At 8 wins, the maths is stupid, and I can guarantee that players will get games where there is lag without the cheaters.

Sorry I have heard this for many years from Teryarch and others, once match making tries to narrow the search to a low pool of players then it becomes a lag shit fest.

Match making based on ping and ping alone is te only thing that works, period.
Reread the weekly update. I don't think that's what they meant. They will still prioritize latency.
So I want run the new raid for the first time later today and hopefully with group of players from this community. Looking at LFG sites every one wants experienced players. Will I be able to find a group on here with a little patience for players going in blind or do I at least need to watch some strategy videos(I'd rather not)?


But its no longer the best connection.

It is an acceptable to bungier server connection from a pool of games 30 x less than it was, and thats just at 5-0 lol. At 8 wins, the maths is stupid, and I can guarantee that players will get games where there is lag without the cheaters.

Sorry I have heard this for many years from Teryarch and others, once match making tries to narrow the search to a low pool of players then it becomes a lag shit fest.

Match making based on ping and ping alone is te only thing that works, period.

Bungie killed Iron banner fun with their revised match making, its crap, now they will do the same to trials.
That's not how it works.
They will search first in the pools of players with the same number of wins as you have, and if they don't find a match with a good connection in those, they will start broadening the search.
Relax. ^^


Reread the weekly update. I don't think that's what they meant. They will still prioritize latency.

No they will not, prioritising latency or ping gives you a local 20 ms game if against all possible games.

The pool of players at 5-0 will be 30 x less, yes it can prioritise latency out of this pool of players and the best connection might be 150 ms.

So instead of that 20 ms game, you will get a more appropriate 150 ms game......Both are latency priority .....Can you not understand this ?

All skill or win based match making says it prioritises latency out of the smaller pool, BUT THIS is no longer connection based.

I am relaxed. Its understanding the difference between BEST connection of all players or say best connection under 150 ms ping that meets the skill criteria. Big difference.

It depends on the new ping limit bungie servers will use for trials. At peak times in trials ping is always best at 10-30 ms, now games will be 100-150 ms. Thats how it works,
So I want run the new raid for the first time later today and hopefully with group of players from this community. Looking at LFG sites every one wants experienced players. Will I be able to find a group on here with a little patience for players going in blind or do I at least need to watch some strategy videos(I'd rather not)?
I dunno but I'll be in the same boat at some point today.


So I want run the new raid for the first time later today and hopefully with group of players from this community. Looking at LFG sites every one wants experienced players. Will I be able to find a group on here with a little patience for players going in blind or do I at least need to watch some strategy videos(I'd rather not)?

You should totally be able to find people here. Although it depends slightly on the time of day. But I would dare say this is about as blind-friendly a place as you'll find. Many a helpful sherpa. :)

Early morning greetings DGAF!

(Why do we wake up so early for Xur like it's Christmas and we're 7 years old?)


GAF weekend raiders are back at it. Putting the call out for guardians.

We cleared the raid last week with relative ease thanks to some awesome members and had tons of fun. This week back at it with better gear (Hey Oryx: My 309 Full Auto Raid Scout and 308 1000 YS say Hi)

King's Fall - Full Raid - Friday 9pm CET - 7 pm GMT

1. Mindlog
2. Cilonen (probable)
3. jayforone
4. Akademik209
5. Siyanoqq
6. Biggy70686

7. Alt1: in case Cilonen can't make it:

We ll need 3 guardians (and an alt in case Cilonen can't make it)

Please quote the list and sign up.

Edit: Full


No they will not, prioritising latency or ping gives you a local 20 ms game if against all possible games.

The pool of players at 5-0 will be 30 x less, yes it can prioritise latency out of this pool of players and the best connection might be 150 ms.

Can you not understand this ?

All skill or win based match making says it prioritises latency out of the smaller pool, BUT THIS is no longer connection based.
Once again : they will not give you a 5-0 match with a ping of 150ms if that's the best they can find in that pool of players, they will broaden the search to other groups of players.
GAF weekend raiders are back at it. Putting the call out for guardians.

We cleared the raid last week with relative ease thanks to some awesome members and had tons of fun. This week back at it with better gear (Hey Oryx: My 309 Full Auto Raid Scout and 308 1000 YS say Hi)

King's Fall - Full Raid - Friday 9pm CET - 7 pm GMT

1. Mindlog
2. Cilonen (probable)
3. jayforone

7. Alt1: in case Cilonen can't make it:

We ll need 3 guardians (and an alt in case Cilonen can't make it)

Please quote the list and sign up.

Akademik209 will be down.


GAF weekend raiders are back at it. Putting the call out for guardians.

We cleared the raid last week with relative ease thanks to some awesome members and had tons of fun. This week back at it with better gear (Hey Oryx: My 309 Full Auto Raid Scout and 308 1000 YS say Hi)

King's Fall - Full Raid - Friday 9pm CET - 7 pm GMT

1. Mindlog
2. Cilonen (probable)
3. jayforone

7. Alt1: in case Cilonen can't make it:

We ll need 3 guardians (and an alt in case Cilonen can't make it)

Please quote the list and sign up.

I'm down. When are we doing it? (Edit: nvm obvious when - still down)


No they will not, prioritising latency or ping gives you a local 20 ms game if against all possible games.

The pool of players at 5-0 will be 30 x less, yes it can prioritise latency out of this pool of players and the best connection might be 150 ms.

So instead of that 20 ms game, you will get a more appropriate 150 ms game......Both are latency priority .....Can you not understand this ?

All skill or win based match making says it prioritises latency out of the smaller pool, BUT THIS is no longer connection based.

I am relaxed. Its understanding the difference between BEST connection of all players or say best connection under 150 ms ping that meets the skill criteria. Big difference.

It depends on the new ping limit bungie servers will use for trials. At peak times in trials ping is always best at 10-30 ms, now games will be 100-150 ms. Thats how it works,

If we can’t find a high-quality match, we will loosen the win requirements first (in other words, we will not prioritize “wins” over low-latency matches).

I mean, its right there.


I said "kills" because two is plural... I did respond to your PSN messages eventually and mentioned that it wasn't easy finding good Skolas teams. Sometimes (like then) I get a lot of messages.

Those were responded to maybe a week and a half or two weeks after I sent them, but I'm referring to a few others I've sent you after those that never got replied to. As well as the times I've quoted you literally a minute or two after you post and never got a reply.


This all depends by how they define ''acceptable'' latency aka how low is the latency bar set.

If it's down to red bar... well, that's bad, since by fact, yellow bar in Trials means a lot (it is really bad and severely affects gameplay).

Not a fan of this change, not only due to lag (it can be just worse - mathematically), but also due to the fact i mentioned above, that if you are unlucky, you might get super hard teams multiple times, one due to RNG, one ''guaranteed'' due to the high wins change. While the idea itself is ok (making flawless more valuable and sweaty), not sure that the goal will be met in practice (due to RNG).
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