Destiny |OT32| Driviks and Draksis (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)


GAF weekend raiders are back at it. Putting the call out for guardians.

We cleared the raid last week with relative ease thanks to some awesome members and had tons of fun. This week back at it with better gear (Hey Oryx: My 309 Full Auto Raid Scout and 308 1000 YS say Hi)

King's Fall - Full Raid - Friday 9pm CET - 7 pm GMT

1. Mindlog
2. Cilonen (probable)
3. jayforone
4. Akademik209
5. Siyanoqq

7. Alt1: in case Cilonen can't make it:

We ll need 3 guardians (and an alt in case Cilonen can't make it)

Please quote the list and sign up.
I'm down, psn biggy70686


Once again : they will not give you a 5-0 match with a ping of 150ms if that's the best they can find in that pool of players, they will broaden the search to other groups of players.

But at 5-0 there is only 3 % of the players you can play with, go to 4-0 and thats up to 7 %....

When you cut the possible game matches the search will eventually say OK, 150 or 100 or whatever is fine.

That 15 ms game next door to you is not available...

I mean, its right there.

Yes it is, its clear, you cannot have that 15 ms ping connection, there is another team also with 5 wins and out of all the 5 win players they have an acceptable 100 ms average ping....but that 1 guy starts red bar in middle of match.

Its no different to all non ping based match making, choose best ping out of the lower pool is always asking for shit connections. Match making should go like this, best ping ..FULL STOP.


This all depends by how they define ''acceptable'' latency aka how low is the latency bar set.

If it's down to red bar... well, that's bad, since by fact, yellow bar in Trials means a lot (it is really bad and severely affects gameplay).

Not a fan of this change, not only due to lag (it can be just worse - mathematically), but also due to the fact i mentioned above, that if you are unlucky, you might get super hard teams multiple times, one due to RNG, one ''guaranteed'' due to the high wins change. While the idea itself is ok (making flawless more valuable and sweaty), not sure that the goal will be met in practice (due to RNG).
I don't think they would consider a red bar to be "good quality". ^^
Sure it may drop a bit the overall quality of the matches as you climb the ladder, depending on the value they choose to define a good latency, but thinking that they will be ok with 100-150ms is kind of crazy.

I agree with you on the "can still get unlucky at the beginning" part, though.

But at 5-0 there is only 3 % of the players you can play with, go to 4-0 and thats up to 7 %....

When you cut the possible game matches the search will eventually say OK, 150 or 100 or whatever is fine.

That 15 ms game next door to you is not available...
If they can't still find anything acceptable at 4-0, they will continue broadening the search, up to a point where the wins don't count anymore, getting you back to "how it was before".


At this point is it worth doing Crota's raid? I never had the original dlc so missed out there. Are the rewards even worth it at this point? Or shall I just jump straight into kings fall? I am now up to 294 light


GAF IB trains are an issue due to the fact that we have many people from different regions playing together.
Never joined those, and from my experience on two "full IB" weeks, I've never had much more lag in IB playing with randoms or friends than regular crucible, really. ^^
Don't really want any particular helmet so my coin is better spent on 3oC. Better returns for your cost. 19 coins could easily be 3 engrams with the rate they drop for me.


It is symbol of victory for the Guardians that braved and endured the darkest enemy of all. The "Latent Ones". A power so dark it can manipulate time itself, change the outcome of any confrontation and completely defy death itself.

Even Oryx fear them.

I think I'm gonna go on a spending spree with the helmet engrams, and hopefully get some in 310 so I have something to infuse with.


Ohhhhhh Xurs got Helm engrams?! I'm 303 and my helmet is only 295. If I can get a 310 helm that should bump me up to 305. Hooray!


Bought one Helmet engram and the robes for my lock. Got a 310 obsidian mind > 308 devouring maw. Hit 302 light now, so hopefully I can find a raid this weekend since I'm at my parents and that should hopefully fix my connection issues for the weekend.


At this point is it worth doing Crota's raid? I never had the original dlc so missed out there. Are the rewards even worth it at this point? Or shall I just jump straight into kings fall? I am now up to 294 light

Useless. I dismantled everything from that Raid just now. I only keep stuff thats suitable for PvP, and CE has basically none of that.


Had 150 coins. The Stag (310), Dupes of helm of st.14 and empyrean bellicose, insurmountable skullfort and helm of inmost light. No Taikonaught :(
Edit: also got heart of the praxic fire


x-0 being matched with x-0 in osiris, in theory, makes it work more like a tournament, and if you put more undefeated teams against each other, then you mathematically make lighthouse more prestigious :V


GAF weekend raiders are back at it. Putting the call out for guardians.

We cleared the raid last week with relative ease thanks to some awesome members and had tons of fun. This week back at it with better gear (Hey Oryx: My 309 Full Auto Raid Scout and 308 1000 YS say Hi)

King's Fall - Full Raid - Friday 9pm CET - 7 pm GMT

1. Mindlog
2. Cilonen (probable)
3. jayforone
4. Akademik209
5. Siyanoqq
6. Biggy70686

7. Alt1: in case Cilonen can't make it:

We ll need 3 guardians (and an alt in case Cilonen can't make it)

Please quote the list and sign up.

Edit: Full

Can you all please send me and Mindlog FR of we r not yet on your lists?


At Restorative Mind. Just me and another random. Plz help.

PSN: GibbShift

EDIT: Nevermind, rage quit. That's the new Cerberus Vae, it's so fucking tedious.


First coin of the new batch, chest engram. I had the last 8 coins from the previous batch turn up with nothing so it probably carries over.


An exotic engram just rolled into a 4th Horseman (Year 2). that was one of the only exotics I never got in year 1. I'm happy with that. Thanks 3 of coins


115 people have requested to join without PMing myself, or iRAWR.
115 people will stay in limbo for the foreseeable future as long as they do not confirm their GAF identity.

Sorry I was out for a bit. I applied with my PSN tag ROBOT_FACE__ the day communities dropped.


I got kicked from the Destiny GAF community. Is this my PS4 glitching out or is there any requirements to be a member?

Edit: Whoops nevermind.
I got kicked from the Destiny GAF community. Is this my PS4 glitching out or is there any requirements to be a member?

Edit: Whoops nevermind.

I didnt even get in :'( though communities on my PS4 are wacky and work half the time.

Mr. Hawk... pleaseeeee! :) (PSN: TheCanisDirus)

Edit: Nevermind here as well. Damn you buggy communities!
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