Destiny |OT32| Driviks and Draksis (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)


Grab all the swords!



so not sure if i like trails being the same week as IB... for me without a stroooonng back looks like ill never see the lighthouse..:/
Why are the collector's edition shaders class specific?

The Hunter one is beautiful and perfect for any class. It's a deep purple with touches of black. Subtle and refined. I want it for my Defender so bad. There are a lot of purple shaders in the game, but they're all atrocious. Bright Purple, or combined with Teal or garish Yellow or worse, tiger stripes. It sucks the best purple (read: Void) shader in the game is locked to Hunters, for no reason.
Ok... WTF just happened....

Just popped my first ToC.... went to Draksis... cleared adds killed him and myself exotic gauntlets first try... second try go in the room clear adds... Draksis glitches through wall and match ends?!?! lol never had that happen.
Ran 10 straight Heroic Strikes with Stabie and Jigga:

Taniks - Saber - Taniks - Saber - Taniks - Echo Chamber - Saber - Valus - Shield Bros - Valus (Bungie pls add back in old Strikes ;_;)

Overall we received 5 Exotic engrams from 28 3oCs used.
I got 4 from my 9 3oCs o_O

We decrypted 4 290 Exotics and 1 310, plus I got another 310 Crest from a Legendary. It's not the best system but sadly grinding exotic engrams is the only way outside getting lucky with raid drops to continue vertical progression for Heroic KF. Boots, Ghost and Class Armor are out of your control so celebrate loudly if you get one of those at 310.

edit: wow I managed to post so late in the wrong threads that I made, smh


Steroid Distributor
Wow this Exotic Sword material farming is bad.
I thought you were all just being whiny when I read complaints about it.

But I have farmed 183 helium and gotten 3 materials needed for my sword.
Spent about an hour and a half.
On a planet that has zero Taken public events and therefore zero chances to fight some higher level enemies and get some drops.

Just running around in the Moon farming a material I already have over 1000 of. Good stuff here. Compelling.

* anyone know if getting a ghost with the helium extractor perk would help my progress for this?


Holy shit, the Fear's Embrace mission has me about to throw my controller at the wall. It says 260 light recommended but I'm at 274 and can't even get the boss past half health. Just too much shit to deal with.

Anyone want to help on PS4? PSN name is CandleGoat61


Anyone need the shield bros 290 strike for chaperone or feel like helping me do it? Psn Lifendz. Feel free to join.


Can anyone help me kill these two taken back bosses on earth? I've gotten them to like 5% solo but can't seem to kill them in time in my own.


-Definitely finish the campaign. There are some important quest lines that only open up afterwards.

-Do Vangaurd strike playlists and Court of Oryx to get blue engrams. The new loot system gives progressively higher light gear based on your own light level when you decrypt. So be sure to always have your highest light stuff equipped at the Cryptarch.

-you're high enough to do the Daily story so do that and daily crucible for legendary marks. Buy something nice at the Tower for whatever gear slot has the lowest light, or a nice weapon. People really like the Dead Orbit scout rifle.

-ultimately a lot is just luck but they give a ton of engram drops so eventually you'll get some good stuff just playing naturally. Good luck!


Finished up the campaign for those quests, in which one gives you a good weapon for finishing up CoO. Just got to get lucky when there's people doing them and jump in to them I guess, especially the higher lvl ones.

That's interesting about the cryptarch though, wasn't aware of that. A good heads up there.
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