The correlation coefficient of a trend line with 2 data points isn't very strong, you need several more data points before you can even begin to confidently talk about a trend the way you are. I'm guessing English is your second or 3rd language, but i've also noticed what Rex is speaking of.You have a way of expressing yourself that makes predictions fel like facts. And a self aggrandizing nature. You are also very very enthusiastic about Nintendo, and their games. You're the guy that posted a splatoon chart with your name on it in a thread about MS qarterly numbers.
I'm very sorry if you feel attacked, that is not my intention at all and i assure you this isn't personal. But try to separate your Nintendo love from sales threads, it will make you more objective. I think sales threads on here would be better for it. God bless.
This IS NOT my Nintendo love, this is MY PREDICTION.
I made a prediction with a graph. So, why you should think this prediction is not realistic?
Am i a Nintendo fan? Yes, does it mean i don't argue what i said?
Rex said the trend show Splatoon is not gonna sell what i believe will sell... And why?
Now, don't talk about who i prefer like company. He said the trend show i overestimate Splatoon, but SO FAR, it is selling better than i predicted.
So, why this is not a realistic prediction?
And you can say i have only two quarter of sales, ok, but in those 2 quarter of sales, Splatoon has show better legs than Mario Kart. Is not? yes.
So, if you guys predict Splatoon will sell some like 4 million or less, well, this for me seem just impossible. But i'm ok with this.
Just, i'm tired when people say my prediction are unrealistic. Splatoon has always sold more than all predition, including mine.
The trend, so far, show this. Why my prediction is unrealistic?
So far, in my opinion, my are the most realistic prediction. If you disagree, well... ok.
But don't say those are dream or hope, when is even selling more than what i predict.
I just jumped in here, so I'm not entirely sure what you guys are arguing about, but no, that's not really a "trend." Yes, Splatoon currently has stronger legs and is selling better than MK8, but that's not really a trend; it's just the current state of affairs. A trend would be if all Splatoon games tend to have longer legs than MK games, or the fact that Nintendo games tend to have long legs in general, or even if the strong legs of Splatoon vs. MK8 were to carry on for a few periods.
Yes, Splatoon is selling well — currently better than MK8 — but that doesn't demonstrate it's going to pass MK8. It does demonstrate that it stands a good chance though. HTH <3
I don't say it will beat MK8 in lifetime sales.
I predict 8 million for Mario Kart and 5.5 million for Splatoon.
That said, i enjoyed replied with you guys, because you argue what you said.