I use mainly the EE-3, or when I find a round where I suck with it I switch to the E-11. I use the Scout trait, though I may switch to the Survivalist or Bounty Hunter one.
My main hand is the jump pack, personal shield, and thermal detonator.
My secondary hand is the jump pack, ion shot, and ion torpedo.
My first backup hand is the scout pistol, scan pulse, and impact grenade.
My second backup is the jump pack, explosive shot, and pulse cannon.
I refuse to use the homing shot and barrage launcher.
After getting killed by one swinging around a complete 180 after dodging it, I've sworn a blood pledge of vengeance against anyone using it.Homing shot is the new 'n00b cannon' I gather?
After getting killed by one swinging around a complete 180 after dodging it, I've sworn a blood pledge of vengeance against anyone using it.
Homing shot is the new 'n00b cannon' I gather?
When you have to straight up spoon feed your team to victory..
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Gravemind IV/video/12882042#t=58
Also, seeing two almost full health AT-ATs at the end stage of Tatooine and seeing them both get towcabled and NOBODY defending them or shooting at the airspeeders. Urgh, I was standing there as Palpatine hitting them with the chain lightning in the hopes to throw them off, but damn.. people can be oblivious.
I think I have about 20 games of Droid run in.. and yeah... Droid Run is WAY better for teamwork than either of the 20v20. Out of those 20 there were probably less than 5 which my team was "team deathmatch". Most were 2-3 guys going to claim a droid, with the other 3-4 hanging back at the captured droids to defend. You can tell teamwork is hitting when balance shifts back and forth constantly.. it's frustrating (more losing than winning, but still) when control is largely one-sided..Drop Zone and Droid Run are the best modes and they also have the best maps in their rotation as far as I am concerned.
Got the trophie yesterday. I can confirm its cumulative. You don't have to get the kills in one match.
I don't think I've given Droid Run enough of a fair shake, but I didn't like what I played of it.Honestly 80% of my complaints about teamwork, objectives and general gameplay design (like spawning locations) go away when I stop playing supremacy / walker assault.
Drop Zone and Droid Run are the best modes and they also have the best maps in their rotation as far as I am concerned.
Yea, search for this PS4 Community: BattlefrontGAF
I wish the PS4 GAF community allowed games.. I wanna play with gaffers.
If there is a BF community someone send it to me PSN Deap92x
Just went 49 and 10 in Hero Hunt. Won the game in a canter. That game mode is sado masochism lol
Hit 40 hours. O_O
The homing shot (I have abused this so many times) should need to be kept locked on the enemy till they are killed.
Just went 49 and 10 in Hero Hunt. Won the game in a canter. That game mode is sado masochism lol
I really wish they'd give people credit for the amount of damage they've done to the heroes. I mean they do at the end of the match, but it'd be cool if whoever dealt the most damage played as them. The games I played I did the most damage, but the final shot was done by someone else so I never got to play as them.
Damn you random nades or rocket splash damage!
I really wish they'd give people credit for the amount of damage they've done to the heroes. I mean they do at the end of the match, but it'd be cool if whoever dealt the most damage played as them. The games I played I did the most damage, but the final shot was done by someone else so I never got to play as them.
Damn you random nades or rocket splash damage!
Two weapons need a nerf big time: DL-44 (pay 2 win basically. Fuck EA) and the Impact Grenade. You shouldn't be able to kill someone instantly with a single wave of your arm. Leave that to the heroes.
What's even the point of the standard thermal grenade when you have an impact grenade? You can't even cook thermals so they're way easier to avoid. I guess they're decent for wall bouncing.
What are some of the lower level (under level 20 maybe) weapons in this game? I haven't really had a chance to experiment.
When you have to straight up spoon feed your team to victory..
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Gravemind IV/video/12882042#t=58
Also, seeing two almost full health AT-ATs at the end stage of Tatooine and seeing them both get towcabled and NOBODY defending them or shooting at the airspeeders. Urgh, I was standing there as Palpatine hitting them with the chain lightning in the hopes to throw them off, but damn.. people can be oblivious.
Hasn't really bothered me. You crouch behind cover and it misses like 99% of the time.Homing shot is the new 'n00b cannon' I gather?
That is a hilarious thing to imagine hahah, Palpatine striking lightning at 2 airspeeders, almost like old man shouts at cloud.
A way to discard a powerup you do not want without having to use it.
The attention to detail in the game is absolutely amazing. There are so many things that occur in the background that you don't notice during game time. I flipped out at the taun-tauns and wampa in the distance on Hoth. So awesome.
I'm surprised how fun standard team deathmatch (blast) is in this game. The maps are pretty damn great and have variety. Vehicles may not be included, but there are a shitload of pickups all over the place to keep it interesting. 10 vs 10 can still get pretty hectic, too.
What's even the point of the standard thermal grenade when you have an impact grenade? You can't even cook thermals so they're way easier to avoid. I guess they're decent for wall bouncing.
What are some of the lower level (under level 20 maybe) weapons in this game? I haven't really had a chance to experiment.
I just realized why I started to dislike some maps in Fighter Squadron. I absolutely love Sullust because there are actual obstacles on the ground you can weave in and out of to challenge the enemy chasing you and have missiles hit those objects. The rest of them don't have any of that and are extremely flat. You are just a sitting duck once anyone competent comes your way. I hope that whatever maps they add to this mode they add more obstacles and structures on the ground that one could use to try to evade.
I think ti would be cool as shit if there was another snow map with some caves underneath that you could dive into with your fighter and the enemy would have to follow you if they want the kill. Don't make the mistake of just having the cave go from point A to point B but have a rotunda in the center with 3-4 exits.
Amazing list, I pretty much agree with all of it. Just wanted to let you know that you can switch powerups by pressing and holding Square/B while standing on a new one.
Amazing list, I pretty much agree with all of it. Just wanted to let you know that you can switch powerups by pressing and holding Square/B while standing on a new one.
Thank you for the tip!
WHAAAAAT! This changes everything!
(I assume this is E on PC, by default.)
WHAAAAAT! This changes everything!
(I assume this is E on PC, by default.)
No more having to spam a nade to get rid of Card Refresh!![]()
When you have to straight up spoon feed your team to victory..
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Gravemind IV/video/12882042#t=58
Also, seeing two almost full health AT-ATs at the end stage of Tatooine and seeing them both get towcabled and NOBODY defending them or shooting at the airspeeders. Urgh, I was standing there as Palpatine hitting them with the chain lightning in the hopes to throw them off, but damn.. people can be oblivious.
Good, good, i don't have to waste Blaster Cannons anymore by setting them on strange places. (The Cannon's good but it is rarely useful in my experience, and it is too vulnerable often.)
Card Refresh with a Jetpack is pretty good, allows for double jumps. But overall it doesn't feel very useful.
Yeah, Refresh is fantastic if you use the Jump Pack. Blaster Cannon is mostly worthless.The Cannon can be so good in Cargo, especially on the hallway maps. But yeah, it has limited uses.
For some reason I've never thought to use Refresh with the Jetpack, but that sounds amazing.
Those can also make for some awesome moments too though. I was doing well defending an uplink then i move to another hallway and theres Palpatine slowly creeping right at me. Had time to shout an 'oh fuck!' on my couch before getting zapped.The worst feeling is when you're on about a 10 kill streak in Supremacy and turn the corner to see a hero five feet in front of you.