Skellig Gra
That's pretty harsh. He can basically never see his kids and they think he doesn't love them. No one deserves that because they married the wrong're not really helping yourself any more OP. The story is starting to scream "You made your bed, now lie in it."
In 2016 I don't understand how we can be in a place where a failed relationship can mean a lifetime of payments. So it's better for a man to be trapped in a broken relationship and subject him to a lifetime of regret otherwise he'll face abject poverty in the prime years of his life knowing that any extra income he busts his ass to get will go to fund this other half of a failed relationship. That's no way to live life.
As horrible as the OPs situation is, there are reasons why these laws exists. Dead beat dads are a very real thing and they fucked it up for the decent men out there.