The Gundam |OT2| Another 5 years of Gunpla, Origins, and GUNDAMUUUU!

Beth Cyra

But I wanted MG Kyrios...why did they need sixty different versions of Kyrios and 00? And who buys all of those? It's like the Nissan Skyline equivalent of Gran Turismo to Gundam.

To be fair while I hate OO I can understand the pain of one suit dominating the lime light in a series.

Fuck Wing Zero, give me a damn Virgo already Bandai.
First gunpla will be the HG Revive of the OG RX 78. Found it for 11 bucks at Midtown Comics and just said fuck it. If this goes well then I'll get the Mk II.


Lol at the promotional booklet acting like G Savior never existed.
First gunpla will be the HG Revive of the OG RX 78. Found it for 11 bucks at Midtown Comics and just said fuck it. If this goes well then I'll get the Mk II.


Lol at the promotional booklet acting like G Savior never existed.


The RX-78-2 revive's a nice enough kit. Not a huge fan of the proportions, but it's nicely articulated, stable, and has a nice and clean look to it, if you're into that. Personally, the G30th's my favorite version of the suit in HG form.

The ugliest bit are the safety nubs on the v-fin, which I didn't get all the way trimmed down because I was worried about it snapping.

It will give you a good idea of what to expect with the Mk II, if you decide to keep at it.
Pretty simple and fun build. Still have to do the rebake parts but I'll be leaving him in this form.

that's a pretty cool pose =)

alright gundamGAF, i finally was able to finish unicorn after 3 attempts the past few days to watch the last episode. i tried to re-watch and couldn't go the distance the last two nights but third time's a charm=)

my impressions:
wow, that unicorn get really spiky at the end... another newtype ending,,, which i don't prefer at all.

ok, i'm a bit confused... Char is now called Full Frontal by everyone? how did he get his name change in so quickly that it became universally known to even the agama ship captain is calling him by his updated name... (maybe it was the U.C. internet or one of the parts i fell asleep and totally missed,,. when Char or whatever his name is, leaves i saw three lines or spirits: himself, that girl amuro killed, and a third streak, is that amuro...

i really prefer less mystical endings. i thought the story build up throughout was great but the resolution is so deflating. (there's no suspense at all, you know what's going to happen once light starts shining and i start seeing dead people. feels a lot like those professor layton titles. start out great but the ending is nonsensical.

there's all this tension building up to critical mass due to the limits of time and matter.. once that newtype stuff appears, all the laws of physical go out the window. as well as any believable in the fiction.
it just John Cena's the whole thing. (pardon the WWE reference but i think it's most fitting)

just so unrealistic. you got these huge weapons w/ i-field facing each other. the psycho frame of Char is manipulating suits in a twisted way... the excitement of what strategy will be used to outsmart or overcome the enemy's great power gets the mind stimulating.
like watching a chess match between two brilliant skilled opponents then Grimlock walks in and kicks the pieces all over the floor saying me Grimlock say me chess champion!

i don't know... i feel like it's it just dumbs down and that power just mindlessly solves everything. it's a cop out and insults my intelligence a bit, so char get's beat by everyone getting high and hallucinating... at least Kamile had some foreshadowing of losing his mind that kept building tension to the end...

anyways, animation and art was top notch. though ending was a downer... i think it was a good story.

overall i put this behind Zeta. but ahead of ZZ.
Alright, so:

1- Full Frontal is a Cyber Newtype clone of Char. That's why he looks, acts, and talks the same as Char did.

2- The three streaks of light are Char, Lalah, and Amuro.

3- Newtypes + Psycoframe-based suit= Nanomachines, son.
ok, i'm a bit confused... Char is now called Full Frontal by everyone? how did he get his name change in so quickly that it became universally known to even the agama ship captain is calling him by his updated name... (maybe it was the U.C. internet or one of the parts i fell asleep and totally missed,,. when Char or whatever his name is, leaves i saw three lines or spirits: himself, that girl amuro killed, and a third streak, is that amuro...

IIRC Full Frontal is a clone of Char.
IIRC Full Frontal is a clone of Char.
I love how the Char clone is literally a fucking clone of Char, that's like a joke in itself.
that's a pretty cool pose =)

alright gundamGAF, i finally was able to finish unicorn after 3 attempts the past few days to watch the last episode. i tried to re-watch and couldn't go the distance the last two nights but third time's a charm=)

my impressions:
wow, that unicorn get really spiky at the end... another newtype ending,,, which i don't prefer at all.

ok, i'm a bit confused... Char is now called Full Frontal by everyone? how did he get his name change in so quickly that it became universally known to even the agama ship captain is calling him by his updated name... (maybe it was the U.C. internet or one of the parts i fell asleep and totally missed,,. when Char or whatever his name is, leaves i saw three lines or spirits: himself, that girl amuro killed, and a third streak, is that amuro...

i really prefer less mystical endings. i thought the story build up throughout was great but the resolution is so deflating. (there's no suspense at all, you know what's going to happen once light starts shining and i start seeing dead people. feels a lot like those professor layton titles. start out great but the ending is nonsensical.

there's all this tension building up to critical mass due to the limits of time and matter.. once that newtype stuff appears, all the laws of physical go out the window. as well as any believable in the fiction.
it just John Cena's the whole thing. (pardon the WWE reference but i think it's most fitting)

just so unrealistic. you got these huge weapons w/ i-field facing each other. the psycho frame of Char is manipulating suits in a twisted way... the excitement of what strategy will be used to outsmart or overcome the enemy's great power gets the mind stimulating.
like watching a chess match between two brilliant skilled opponents then Grimlock walks in and kicks the pieces all over the floor saying me Grimlock say me chess champion!

i don't know... i feel like it's it just dumbs down and that power just mindlessly solves everything. it's a cop out and insults my intelligence a bit, so char get's beat by everyone getting high and hallucinating... at least Kamile had some foreshadowing of losing his mind that kept building tension to the end...

anyways, animation and art was top notch. though ending was a downer... i think it was a good story.

overall i put this behind Zeta. but ahead of ZZ.
This is why I viewed ep 4 as the highest point of Unicorn. There's talking, but it's not bad and the action is just excellent. Once the final ep came I was hyped, but it just never seemed as good as ep 4 though. Good action, but that ending just felt too weird. I get what they were doing now, but it was what it was. Best part was seeing that Lalah just can't escape Amuro and Char, even in death. She's just floating around in space dealing with the eternal thirst whining of Char and Amuro. Fuck Riddhe, it's mandatory when you discuss the last Unicorn ep.
Alright, so:

1- Full Frontal is a Cyber Newtype clone of Char. That's why he looks, acts, and talks the same as Char did.

2- The three streaks of light are Char, Lalah, and Amuro.

3- Newtypes + Psycoframe-based suit= Nanomachines, son.
thanks, i read about 1. in a wiki. 2. interesting that' amuro
3. yes, that's not the issue, as i mentioned char gave the blue prints for the rx-93, and also his final mobile armor suit had psycoframe nano tech. for cyber newtypes.

it's more about the ending that's anti-climatic. Zeta, there was permanent damage being done as well as Char's counter attack had fatal consequences.

IIRC Full Frontal is a clone of Char.
i didn't catch where he changed his name to full frontal and made an announcement so everyone stopped calling him Char and Full Frontal from one episode to the next.

I love how the Char clone is literally a fucking clone of Char, that's like a joke in itself.

This is why I viewed ep 4 as the highest point of Unicorn. There's talking, but it's not bad and the action is just excellent. Once the final ep came I was hyped, but it just never seemed as good as ep 4 though. Good action, but that ending just felt too weird. I get what they were doing now, but it was what it was. Best part was seeing that Lalah just can't escape Amuro and Char, even in death. She's just floating around in space dealing with the eternal thirst whining of Char and Amuro. Fuck Riddhe, it's mandatory when you discuss the last Unicorn ep.

Riddhe's character was poorly written. no way is someone w/ his character traits of risking his life for the greater good at the start does a 180 in that short of a time span. poor character development. it's more believable if Captain Bright took a gun and shot the AE leader's face at the end after all that went on...

Riddhe reminds me alot of ZZ...that Remy fella becoming instant master mind manipulator villain overnight =)


Full Frontal is actually the reincarnation of the real Char Aznable who was preserved in cryostasis and was not actually dead in Origin.

After years of preserving his vegetable body and the progression of Newtype and psycommu technology, Zeon was able to reuse the original Char's body and implant Casval Char's consciousness through the Saab's psychoframe cockpit.

He was later converted to a Cyber Newtype reliving his life as Char and finally making his dream of joining Zeon come true.

This Char is basically Sora from Kingdom Hearts.

Unicorn crystalizing is just UC merging with AD and Banagher becoming a TRUE NEWTYPE INNOVATOR. He will become ELSES power in Unicorn sequel with Unicorn QANTA BURSTTTTTT
Full Frontal is actually the reincarnation of the real Char Aznable who was preserved in cryostasis and was not actually dead in Origin.

After years of preserving his vegetable body and the progression of Newtype and psycommu technology, Zeon was able to reuse the original Char's body and implant Casval Char's consciousness through the Saab's psychoframe cockpit.

He was later converted to a Cyber Newtype reliving his life as Char and finally making his dream of joining Zeon come true.

This Char is basically Sora from Kingdom Hearts.

that clears things up, i guess i need to watch origin next...
Um Glemmy being evil isn't that out of nowhere when you stop to consider that the man was a pedophile. Pay close attention to his behavior with Leina and the Puru clones and you'll see what I'm talking about. Not to mention his stalker fixation on Roux. Dude was creepy.
Um Glemmy being evil isn't that out of nowhere when you stop to consider that the man was a pedophile. Pay close attention to his behavior with Leina and the Puru clones and you'll see what I'm talking about. Not to mention his stalker fixation on Roux. Dude was creepy.

he seemed like a naive boy that wanted a girl. lol pretty possessive. doesn't have Char's skill w/ the women


IIRC Full Frontal is a clone of Char.

In the books, I'm pretty sure Full Frontal is a Cyber Newtype who gets his looks altered and has Char's memories, which were salvaged from the psychomu cockpit of the recovered Sazabi, implanted. Not a clone, but sort of.

I don't think the OVA gives him an official backstory.


Source? Because I swear I've heard that before and it was shot down as BS.

I was joking and it's a joke within a part of the fan base. I also don't doubt for a second that bandai namco would consider making this a reality or canon.

I mean I did add in Unicorn Qanta Burst.

Also is anyone following the new Getter Robo?

Beth Cyra

I was joking and it's a joke within a part of the fan base. I also don't doubt for a second that bandai namco would consider making this a reality or canon.

I mean I did add in Unicorn Qanta Burst.

Also is anyone following the new Getter Robo?
Hadnt heard of it. Are they just recyclying Getter 1/Shin Getter again?


Of course Bannam is doing a rebroadcast of Gundam Unicorn as a TV anime like how they did Yamato. Need to make more Unicorn money.

Gundam UC RE:0096 April 3..

I can only imagine Unicorn being 21 minute episodes being stretched over a span of weeks.

Davidwhangchoi time to go watch Unicorn again.

Hadnt heard of it. Are they just recyclying Getter 1/Shin Getter again?
No Shimoguchi and Shimizu are doing a follow up manga called Getter Robo Devolution and they are working on Ultraman as well.

Beth Cyra

Of course Bannam is doing a rebroadcast of Gundam Unicorn as a TV anime like how they did Yamato. Need to make more Unicorn money.

Gundam UC RE:0096 April 3..

I can only imagine Unicorn being 21 minute episodes being stretched over a span of weeks.

No Shimoguchi and Shimizu are doing a follow up manga called Getter Robo Devolution and they are working on Ultraman as well.
Hmm. I might need to look into that.

Im still bitter Grendizer Giga is already forgotten about ans was to volunes before they canned it.



No matter what happened with SEED Destiny, I've always been a big fan of the original SEED. She did a great job creating the series with Fukuda. Hope Fukuda's holding up okay. Really sad news. She's been unwell for a long time now, sad to see that she didn't eventually pull through. Hope she's in a better place now. T_T
Source? Because I swear I've heard that before and it was shot down as BS.

In the books, I'm pretty sure Full Frontal is a Cyber Newtype who gets his looks altered and has Char's memories, which were salvaged from the psychomu cockpit of the recovered Sazabi, implanted. Not a clone, but sort of.

I don't think the OVA gives him an official backstory.

I was joking and it's a joke within a part of the fan base. I also don't doubt for a second that bandai namco would consider making this a reality or canon.

I mean I did add in Unicorn Qanta Burst.

Also is anyone following the new Getter Robo?
ok, but i can't tell it's a joke at this point.

Of course Bannam is doing a rebroadcast of Gundam Unicorn as a TV anime like how they did Yamato. Need to make more Unicorn money.

Gundam UC RE:0096 April 3..

I can only imagine Unicorn being 21 minute episodes being stretched over a span of weeks.

Davidwhangchoi time to go watch Unicorn again.

No Shimoguchi and Shimizu are doing a follow up manga called Getter Robo Devolution and they are working on Ultraman as well.

weird... that's on my bday. i think... i'm really.... a Newtype. i feel a gundam is going to fall into my hands... it's being drawn to me...


No matter what happened with SEED Destiny, I've always been a big fan of the original SEED. She did a great job creating the series with Fukuda. Hope Fukuda's holding up okay. Really sad news. She's been unwell for a long time now, sad to see that she didn't eventually pull through. Hope she's in a better place now. T_T
i guess another movie is not happening for sure


If they had a good outline and Fukuda still wants to do it, I hope he does. It would be a waste not to go through with it. If there were no real plans, then yeah, it probably isn't happening anymore.

She has mentioned before that the film is all outlined. Given that SEED still is huge and the HD Remasters seem to have done well for Sunrise, I suspect we will see some sort of OVA/Film to cap SEED off in the next few years.
RIP Morosowa.

And holy shit, that rumor about Unicorn getting turned into a TV series was true.

Key visual:

OP Theme: :「Into the Sky」 by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Tielle

ED Theme:「Next 2 U-eUC-」 by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:naNami

No Aimer :(

EDIT: Yes Aimer, after all.

ED 2:「bL∞dy f8 -eUC-」by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Aimer
RIP Morosowa.

And holy shit, that rumor about Unicorn getting turned into a TV series was true.

Key visual:

OP Theme: :「Into the Sky」 by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Tielle

ED Theme:「Next 2 U-eUC-」 by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:naNami

No Aimer :(

EDIT: Yes Aimer, after all.

ED 2:「bL∞dy f8 -eUC-」by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Aimer

wut. this was rumored
he seemed like a naive boy that wanted a girl. lol pretty possessive. doesn't have Char's skill w/ the women
The dude ogled and held a conversation with a naked prepubescent girl so to me he came off as a pedophile. Nobody in the gundam universe has more sway with woman than Paptimus and Kamille.



No matter what happened with SEED Destiny, I've always been a big fan of the original SEED. She did a great job creating the series with Fukuda. Hope Fukuda's holding up okay. Really sad news. She's been unwell for a long time now, sad to see that she didn't eventually pull through. Hope she's in a better place now. T_T

Yeah, SEED was never bad in my book and Destiny was fine outside of Shinn. I was going to say it seemed like she had been battling something for a long time.

Rest in peace.


Yeah, there was a rumor thread on /m/ a few weeks ago.

EDIT: If they're gonna announce an RG Unicorn, I can't think of a better time to then during the airing of this.

EDIT 2: Don't know if this was ever posted here, but it's a pastebin dump of stuff from the episode 7 script, clarifications and such. Don't read if you haven't finished Unicorn.
Wow so much information clarified here good stuff! Explains so much.


Tragic victim of fan death
Is Seed one of the most popular Gundam series of all time? Obviously the original is up there but I wasn't sure where Seed really stood amongst its peers.

Beth Cyra

Is Seed one of the most popular Gundam series of all time? Obviously the original is up there but I wasn't sure where Seed really stood amongst its peers.
SEED is only matched by 0079 and Zeta.

No other AU is even dreaming to be what SEED is or achieved.

It gave Gundam a bounce back after two straight series Tanked and has stood the test of time as far as popularity, suit appeal and characters like no Gundam has since Zeta.
SEED is only matched by 0079 and Zeta.

No other AU is even dreaming to be what SEED is or achieved.

It gave Gundam a bounce back after two straight series Tanked and has stood the test of time as far as popularity, suit appeal and characters like no Gundam has since Zeta.
How does 00 rank? Cause with the way they pimp out Exia I assume it's popular. Though I do assume Seed is a lot more popular than Wing.

Beth Cyra

How does 00 rank? Cause with the way they pimp out Exia I assume it's popular. Though I do assume Seed is a lot more popular than Wing.
If we go by ratings and impact?

OO rated a little higher then Wing making it look like this as far as AUs go

sEED/Destiny (ratings on Destiny where higher then SEED and Lacus along with Kira are always pulled from SEED Destiny and we see this effect where ZZ rated high because of Zeta love),OO, Wing, G, Then.......Turn A, Reco G (this is UC but I'll list it here for now) and AGE coming in Dead Last.

Given how well IBO is performing we are looking at a placement between or above OO and Wing. Also of Note Wing TV did okay/good but peaked with Endless Waltz so it could be debated Wing EW would rate higher then OO.

Really though SEED and Destiny are in a league of their own and there is a very good reason that Kira and Amuro now share the spot lit many times and are featured doing things together.

Exia is crazy popular.

Very few things break into the super popular mechs that make up things like 78-2, MK II, and Zeta.

Exia, Strike, Strike Freedom, and Wing Gundam Zero EW are the only four I would comfortably rate as high as the UC suits as far as overall reception and lasting appeal.

Even things like OO Raiser, God Gundam and Destiny don't really reach that level. Not to even mention villain suits which fare much worse as things like Master, Epyon, Reborns and Legend/Providence can't break into the status of things like Sazabi, GPo2A, Queb, and Zaku 2.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I've been reading in Japan they dislike IBO though, but maybe that's just hyperbole---I read people were complaining about the lack of fights mainly.

Anyway, my Quebeley model came in the mail---very intimidated as it looks harder to build than Barbatos, but excited to do it tomorrow.
I've been reading in Japan they dislike IBO though, but maybe that's just hyperbole---I read people were complaining about the lack of fights mainly.

From my understanding it's performing at a similar level to BFT and G-Reco.

My own personal opinion on IBO? It's a good anime, but an average Gundam anime.


I've been reading in Japan they dislike IBO though

You know that g_tekketsu has been trending on twitter every single episode, every single week right? With a ton of artists making art to go with every single episode. And that it has been one of the more popular kits to get in the past few weeks?

Are you sure you're not reading a ton of vocal minority 2ch comments? People have their own opinions on it but it is far from being disliked in the way that G Gundam, AGE, X, etc. were received.

Because to be honest all the stuff I've read on 2ch, twitter, esteru, have been generally positive or neutral.


I've been reading in Japan they dislike IBO though, but maybe that's just hyperbole---I read people were complaining about the lack of fights mainly.

Anyway, my Quebeley model came in the mail---very intimidated as it looks harder to build than Barbatos, but excited to do it tomorrow.

Japan doesn't "dislike" IBO. Japan just doesn't care about IBO. The viewership ratings are abysmal, some of the worst ratings on the block historically. I think that the people that do watch it seem to like it well enough. Which helps kit sales.


Japan doesn't "dislike" IBO. Japan just doesn't care about IBO. The viewership ratings are abysmal, some of the worst ratings on the block historically. I think that the people that do watch it seem to like it well enough. Which helps kit sales.

Yeah and that doesn't break from the fact that from the number of core fans that do regularly watch, it isn't really negatively received at all. Like every single week for an episode, g_tekketsu trends for hours during the airing of the show with tons and tons of reactions, posts, fan art, jokes.
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