Destiny |OT39| Tainted Love

Well let me make a list again.

  • PvP Custom Matches
  • Loadouts
  • Rotating Vendor Items with rerolled gear/weapons
  • Not getting kicked out of Inventory Screen for 814 times before actually landing and spawning
  • More Vault and Inventory Space
  • Ability to categorize/order inteventory/vault by weapon type, weapon level, etc.
  • Join back Trials match that was booted from.
  • Join back previous pvp matchmade session or pve strike that was booted from.
  • Similar Infusion System from HoW (no 80% crap)
  • Way Better guns and better gear.... wtb Carrots again
  • Elemental primaries (elements weren't the problem, the perks versus kinetic, were).
  • Fix Special Ammo glitching (ice Breaker/sidearm/invective and switching weapons when dead)
  • LIGHT FIX. 170 IB should never ever 1 shot a guardian that's 300+. Light barely matters in modes where light matters (makes 0 sense).
  • Fix shadestep glitch
  • Dedicated servers or netcode fix or both or whatever.
Well let me make a list again.

  • PvP Custom Matches
  • Loadouts
  • Rotating Vendor Items with rerolled gear/weapons
  • Not getting kicked out of Inventory Screen for 814 times before actually landing and spawning
  • More Vault and Inventory Space
  • Ability to categorize/order inteventory/vault by weapon type, weapon level, etc.
  • Join back Trials match that was booted from.
  • Join back previous pvp matchmade session or pve strike that was booted from.
  • Similar Infusion System from HoW (no 80% crap)
  • Way Better guns and better gear.... wtb Carrots again
  • Elemental primaries (elements weren't the problem, the perks versus kinetic, were).
  • Fix Special Ammo glitching (ice Breaker/sidearm/invective and switching weapons when dead)
  • LIGHT FIX. 170 IB should never ever 1 shot a guardian that's 300+. Light barely matters in modes where light matters (makes 0 sense).
  • Fix shadestep glitch
  • Dedicated servers or netcode fix or both or whatever.

would be nice if dreams are true


Well let me make a list again.

  • PvP Custom Matches
  • Loadouts
  • Rotating Vendor Items with rerolled gear/weapons
  • Not getting kicked out of Inventory Screen for 814 times before actually landing and spawning
  • More Vault and Inventory Space
  • Ability to categorize/order inteventory/vault by weapon type, weapon level, etc.
  • Join back Trials match that was booted from.
  • Join back previous pvp matchmade session or pve strike that was booted from.
  • Similar Infusion System from HoW (no 80% crap)
  • Way Better guns and better gear.... wtb Carrots again
  • Elemental primaries (elements weren't the problem, the perks versus kinetic, were).
  • Fix Special Ammo glitching (ice Breaker/sidearm/invective and switching weapons when dead)
  • LIGHT FIX. 170 IB should never ever 1 shot a guardian that's 300+. Light barely matters in modes where light matters (makes 0 sense).
  • Fix shadestep glitch
  • Dedicated servers or netcode fix or both or whatever.



Same. RNG on top of RNG, and the lack of good weapons and gear. Weapons especially. That combination is a disaster. Still sucks they never even fixed the minimum light drops in KF. 300-310 and 310-320 for normal/hard. The 2 minimums should be upped by 1 at the very least, a long time ago.

I remain both disappointed and deeply worried Bungie considers the current Nightfall loot tables appropriate or rewarding. LIke, it's kind of a perfect microcosm of the problems with the loot in Destiny right now. Even if you get something you want - which is itself unlikely - it's going to have a pitiful light level. As you say, RNG on top of RNG.

How they went from the dedicated progression paths in HoW to TTK is something I do not understand.

stay gold

Most fun I've had in a long time. Also the scuf feels amazing the paddles sit right where your index finger would be

Which button did you assign to the right paddle Mehr? I've got a spare controller that im thinking of sending to Sharq, can't decide if i should put slide on the right paddle, or weapon switch and stick with puppeteer for slide.
Well let me make a list again.

  • PvP Custom Matches
  • Loadouts
  • Rotating Vendor Items with rerolled gear/weapons
  • Not getting kicked out of Inventory Screen for 814 times before actually landing and spawning
  • More Vault and Inventory Space
  • Ability to categorize/order inteventory/vault by weapon type, weapon level, etc.
  • Join back Trials match that was booted from.
  • Join back previous pvp matchmade session or pve strike that was booted from.
  • Similar Infusion System from HoW (no 80% crap)
  • Way Better guns and better gear.... wtb Carrots again
  • Elemental primaries (elements weren't the problem, the perks versus kinetic, were).
  • Fix Special Ammo glitching (ice Breaker/sidearm/invective and switching weapons when dead)
  • LIGHT FIX. 170 IB should never ever 1 shot a guardian that's 300+. Light barely matters in modes where light matters (makes 0 sense).
  • Fix shadestep glitch
  • Dedicated servers or netcode fix or both or whatever.

If only. I'd love to play that game.


Further wants:

  • Make nightfall rewards meaningful again. Return the XP buff, and make rewards commensurate to the activity level.
  • Exotic engrams should always be geared to drop weapons/items you do not already have. If you are running a Hunter, for example, that class would have preference for any missing armor drops, and then move to other classes, and only then dupes.
  • AFKers automatically kicked in strikes after a set time (2-5 minutes).
  • Add all existing strikes to Heroic strike playlist. No strike should repeat within a five strike run at minimum.
  • All raid drops should drop at the level of your equipped gear at worst (if you are playing NM and are over the 310 threshold, then drops would automatically be 310).
  • Allow challenge modes to be accessed directly. No one who only wants to run the CM should have to scrounge for checkpoints or run it up to that point. If selected directly, then only the CM is able to be run.
  • More varied bounties, both in content and difficulty. Same for patrols.


Just 5-6 pages away from a new OT.

Destiny still dad tho :p

Haven't bothered checking but any good rolls for Arminius-D (or whatever it's called) this week? Last week's were bad.
Which button did you assign to the right paddle Mehr? I've got a spare controller that im thinking of sending to Sharq, can't decide if i should put slide on the right paddle, or weapon switch and stick with puppeteer for slide.

I just went for standard X O. I haven't tried puppeteer so wouldn't know how easy it is to slide shotgun, if it is got for it as It immediately felt odd reaching for triangle as it all feels so natural just using the paddles
Dedicated servers is pretty much a must for Destiny 2. I think this is my most requested feature for it because of how great the fps gameplay is pairing it with dedis would be amazing.

ALSO, after really sinking my teeth into it, i really hope they take a lot of great ideas from the Divison.


Hmm, I just noticed on Amazon there's "The Division Origins" 30 min movie. This would be perfect for Destiny so Bungie could explain some of the missing backstory on how some things came to be like the city walls, Iron Banner, maybe some of the weapons. Maybe it wouldn't cost/take too much effort neither to help keep people interested while there's the drought of content or be used to help give a positive note to the BWU's. I dunno, maybe I'm grasping for straws, but I would really be interested if they did something similar.


Sadly, the only "Division" related place Destiny has is "The Divide" in Old Russia. Hard to make a pun with that IMO.

Something with the "in Soviet Russia, <thing> ________ you" or w/e


He selects the title at the time of posting. I get to choose what it is once it's up.

dun dun DUNNNNN

I've only tweaked a couple, I generally stay out of it..

Oooohhhhh the powa

Ghaleon sings I've Got the Power

Go ahead LT. You know you want to. :)
reading the division thread people still thinking that destiny needs matchmaking for raids?

yeeeeeesh.. sure implement it but i would never use that shit.. sounds like a nightmare

a form of "looking to raid" on your friends list would be cool though

that said theres no reason nightfalls can't have matchmaking at this point.. theres no punishment for dying anymore.. i would have never used it for old nightfalls
reading the division thread people still thinking that destiny needs matchmaking for raids?

yeeeeeesh.. sure implement it but i would never use that shit.. sounds like a nightmare

a form of "looking to raid" on your friends list would be cool though

that said theres no reason nightfalls can't have matchmaking at this point.. theres no punishment for dying anymore.. i would have never used it for old nightfalls

Destiny needs an LFG function for raids. There is no excuse. Default matchmaking would probably be bad though.

Everything else needs default matchmaking.
He selects the title at the time of posting. I get to choose what it is once it's up.

dun dun DUNNNNN

I've only tweaked a couple, I generally stay out of it..

I remember you added "At Last" to the "Time to Explain" title (when the NTTE quest became available) because I forgot Twilight had already used that for the TTK thread. Other changes were for spoiler tags iirc, but maybe I forgot something. Or missed some typos. Please don't ban me. Kappa


I remember you added "At Last" to the "Time to Explain" title (when the NTTE quest became available) because I forgot Twilight had already used that for the TTK thread. Other changes were for spoiler tags iirc, but maybe I forgot something. Or missed some typos. Please don't ban me. Kappa
Typos in the thread titles?

Please ban this filthy illiterate!


Deku Tree

He selects the title at the time of posting. I get to choose what it is once it's up.

dun dun DUNNNNN

I've only tweaked a couple, I generally stay out of it..

The title of OT3 needed a lot of tweaking though.

I remember you added "At Last" to the "Time to Explain" title (when the NTTE quest became available) because I forgot Twilight had already used that for the TTK thread. Other changes were for spoiler tags iirc, but maybe I forgot something. Or missed some typos. Please don't ban me. Kappa

There was that infamous GRX OT topic title.
reading the division thread people still thinking that destiny needs matchmaking for raids?

yeeeeeesh.. sure implement it but i would never use that shit.. sounds like a nightmare

a form of "looking to raid" on your friends list would be cool though

that said theres no reason nightfalls can't have matchmaking at this point.. theres no punishment for dying anymore.. i would have never used it for old nightfalls

Options is never a bad thing though, right? I think Destiny 2 should have MM for everything but make it optional. Give people a choice at how they want to play the game.

Its one of the main reasons Destiny got so much heat. If it wasnt fot DGaf or the, I would never be able to complete the end game activties that make Destiny so awesome but not everyone has time to do that. Something like LFG or can easily be implemented into the game world of Destiny if Bungie really thinks about it.

The Division might never have complicated raid mechanics with challenges like Destiny does but the missions on hard in that game are challenging like Nightfalls used to be and people still get them done with MM.

I think how well The Division implements MM as an option for everything in the game is very smart. It's very well built into the game and world very nicely.
I remember you added "At Last" to the "Time to Explain" title (when the NTTE quest became available) because I forgot Twilight had already used that for the TTK thread. Other changes were for spoiler tags iirc, but maybe I forgot something. Or missed some typos. Please don't ban me. Kappa

Pfft, look at you and your flawed record.

I'm 100% for never having Ghaleon need to edit any of my OTs. ;)
I'm running out of reasons to boot the game as I don't have much left in the way of gear, weapons, or even space in general to infuse stuff to 320 (and with the LL increase incoming what's the point?)

I got four 320 primaries from Oryx this week which I used one to infuse my Imago Loop w/ Firefly to 320 and was hoping to get a good/fun roll on the Suros Dis-47 scout from the Gunsmith but the options are a bit of a letdown. Only if we could re-roll those legendary weapons through the Gunsmith for glimmer/motes/etc. Such a good idea...

I really want that high rate of fire scout with Full Auto and Explosive Rounds.

Edit: Two simple changes to the current Destiny formula would make me excited to play the game again (and by play I mean simple stuff like strike playlists and whatnot just for the gunplay)...

Gunsmith: Make re-rolling legendary weapons an option...again.

Nightfalls: Make the rewards LL-based...

Below 290: Rewards up to 300

290-309: Rewards up to 310

310-320: Rewards up to 320
I remember you added "At Last" to the "Time to Explain" title (when the NTTE quest became available) because I forgot Twilight had already used that for the TTK thread. Other changes were for spoiler tags iirc, but maybe I forgot something. Or missed some typos. Please don't ban me. Kappa

Boguester banned?

So the HERJA-D armsday order I have been keeping around for a while might finally pay off. All rolls have max stability but should I go with;

Glass half full, zen moment, hand laid stock


Crowd control, range finder, hand laid stock

Or is the pulse not even worth it in pvp?


So the HERJA-D armsday order I have been keeping around for a while might finally pay off. All rolls have max stability but should I go with;

Glass half full, zen moment, hand laid stock


Crowd control, range finder, hand laid stock

Or is the pulse not even worth it in pvp?

That's a PvE pulse. I have one with Last Resort.

Zen moment and GHF IMO.
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