Did my second session of 5/3/1 today and I have to say I'm really liking it so far. Shoulder felt a bit better today so I risked a few joker sets after my main working sets.
Quick question on that, is failure OK on your final joker set or should you only be going for joker sets that you're absolutely sure you can hit? First two joker sets went fine, but I could only get two out of the three reps on the final one.
1st set last felt pretty good afterwards though. Got a ton of reps on that one.
What are joker sets?
Did my second session of 5/3/1 today and I have to say I'm really liking it so far. Shoulder felt a bit better today so I risked a few joker sets after my main working sets.
Quick question on that, is failure OK on your final joker set or should you only be going for joker sets that you're absolutely sure you can hit? First two joker sets went fine, but I could only get two out of the three reps on the final one.
1st set last felt pretty good afterwards though. Got a ton of reps on that one.
I sound like a huge embarrassment with this but looking for some advice. Was out a week or so ago with work drinking. My boss decides he wants me to arm wrestle one of the contractors we have working for us. So I do, and of course, I win. Next morning I wake up on my right wrist up to the elbow is aching really bad.....and continues to ache now. I did hit the gym mid-week and it was a great session, but my wrist really suffered and ached bad up to the point where it's painful. I have full use of it and my strength is still there, but I don't know what I might have ripped or pulled. Any advice to help with recovery? Assuming the gym is a no-go until it's fully healed.
So I decided to cut down carbs significantly and replace the rest of my calorie needs with fat (olive oil, coconut oil and avocados).
I did all my calculations and my calories and protein needs are being met for the amount of physical exercise I do during a week.
However, I went from 270+ grams of carbs to less than 120 grams of carbs a day.
This is my first week and it's making me feel extremely hungry. Usually during the night I feel super hungry and that in turn it keeps me awake. I'm averaging about 3-4 hours of sleep. This has me extremely tired and sleepy during the day.
I'm starting to think that maybe a low carb diet isn't a good idea for me, but I was also hoping this is something that will go away as my body adapts to this new way of eating.
Did anyone else experience something similar? Am I doing something wrong?
Reading how some do less than 100 grams of carbs a day has me amazed, truth be told.
Then why not just stick with high-ish carb like you did. It's not like low carb/high fat is gonna make you lose fat if your calories are still exactly the same..
Pending your diet and metabolism, I'd say it's doable but you're talking about someone who outweighs you by 60~lbs and is likely taller than you. My plan is to hit 200 by July 4th and last I weighed I was 223. I should also note it was fully clothed. I got into that habbit as my one go to scale is at a local grocery store and I do subtract a pound or two for clothes.I forgot to post my weigh in.
165 even.
I was shooting for sub 165, so that's a little disheartening but can't be too disappointed. I've been fighting stress eating urges pretty hard lately. I likely will not make 150 by the end of the set period but I'll just have to be satisfied with wherever I end up (June 6). I may lose a little more water weight cycling off creatine the last month too tho...
Has anyone installed a mounted pull up or dip bar at home? I have a small home gym but I'm missing those two things and I'd love to have them, but I'm wondering if they are safe to install on concrete or if I should find a standalone dip set and mount the pull up bar maybe to a joist rafter. I've been doing pull ups on the the beam between my lally columns but that's uncomfortable, and the beam is actually starting to crack on one end and though it's probably got nothing to do with me pulling on it I'm not entirely comfortable using it for exercise. Any recommendations for compact solutions?
I've thought about that, but while plain old dip stands are pretty compact and sometimes even foldable, combo stations take up a lot of space. I'd like to keep things as clutter-free as possible.Most of the time people lag bolt a board to concrete and then install the pull up bar onto the board. But I've seen people mess it up because they thought they knew what they were doing.
If you can find a free standing pull up/dip stand combo station in your budget that would be the easiest, least mistake prone solution. They are pretty common.
Why are you getting your fats from oils rather than actual fatty foods (ignoring the avocado)?So I decided to cut down carbs significantly and replace the rest of my calorie needs with fat (olive oil, coconut oil and avocados).
I did all my calculations and my calories and protein needs are being met for the amount of physical exercise I do during a week.
However, I went from 270+ grams of carbs to less than 120 grams of carbs a day.
This is my first week and it's making me feel extremely hungry. Usually during the night I feel super hungry and that in turn it keeps me awake. I'm averaging about 3-4 hours of sleep. This has me extremely tired and sleepy during the day.
I'm starting to think that maybe a low carb diet isn't a good idea for me, but I was also hoping this is something that will go away as my body adapts to this new way of eating.
Did anyone else experience something similar? Am I doing something wrong?
Reading how some do less than 100 grams of carbs a day has me amazed, truth be told.
See if massaging the muscles in the forearm and maybe stretching the bicep/tricep helps. If it still persists, I would go see a doctor.I sound like a huge embarrassment with this but looking for some advice. Was out a week or so ago with work drinking. My boss decides he wants me to arm wrestle one of the contractors we have working for us. So I do, and of course, I win. Next morning I wake up on my right wrist up to the elbow is aching really bad.....and continues to ache now. I did hit the gym mid-week and it was a great session, but my wrist really suffered and ached bad up to the point where it's painful. I have full use of it and my strength is still there, but I don't know what I might have ripped or pulled. Any advice to help with recovery? Assuming the gym is a no-go until it's fully healed.
So I decided to cut down carbs significantly and replace the rest of my calorie needs with fat (olive oil, coconut oil and avocados).
I did all my calculations and my calories and protein needs are being met for the amount of physical exercise I do during a week.
However, I went from 270+ grams of carbs to less than 120 grams of carbs a day.
This is my first week and it's making me feel extremely hungry. Usually during the night I feel super hungry and that in turn it keeps me awake. I'm averaging about 3-4 hours of sleep. This has me extremely tired and sleepy during the day.
I'm starting to think that maybe a low carb diet isn't a good idea for me, but I was also hoping this is something that will go away as my body adapts to this new way of eating.
Did anyone else experience something similar? Am I doing something wrong?
Reading how some do less than 100 grams of carbs a day has me amazed, truth be told.
Why are you getting your fats from oils rather than actual fatty foods (ignoring the avocado)?
So many truth bombs on the last page. I love Cooter's name, made me smile. It's somehow fitting.
Taking Brolic's advice to heart though. Will try it out next time I'm doing deads.
lol Can't say I've never been called that. A lot of people call me Wall or Wally.If Cooter ever got a username change it should absolutely be TheWall.
Ha As long as you're smiling it's all good.
lol Can't say I've never been called that. A lot of people call me Wall or Wally.
That sounds about right.
I'll just leave this here...
As Chocobro said, there's definitely an adaption period for some people when it comes to low carb diets, but I think relying on non-foods probably had some effect too. Part of the reason low carb diets work is because they're so filling, but I imagine some of that is lost when you're not breaking down actual food.I'm trying to avoid animal fats, which I'm not sure if it's a good thing. I also eat peanut butter, peanuts (unsalted), almond butter (which is like peanut butter made of almonds) and almonds.
I think I need to eat more fat, and the fact that I just cut about 150 grams of carbs means that my body will take some time getting used to.
This morning I just had six egg whites scrambled with my kale and spinach in coconut oil along with some greek yogurt and a tea spoon of peanuts, and two litters of water. This keeps me full for now, but being so used to eating carb heavy meals, it's quite the struggle in the first few days.
Am I doing this right? #GAINZ?
As Chocobro said, there's definitely an adaption period for some people when it comes to low carb diets, but I think relying on non-foods probably had some effect too. Part of the reason low carb diets work is because they're so filling, but I imagine some of that is lost when you're not breaking down actual food.
If Cooter ever got a username change it should absolutely beTheWall.Like Wall
Pending your diet and metabolism, I'd say it's doable but you're talking about someone who outweighs you by 60~lbs and is likely taller than you. My plan is to hit 200 by July 4th and last I weighed I was 223. I should also note it was fully clothed. I got into that habbit as my one go to scale is at a local grocery store and I do subtract a pound or two for clothes.
Am I doing this right? #GAINZ?
Despire, this is the recipe my wife uses:
She usually adds corn and more chili powder, plus she adds cheese and sour cream in the bowl. It's perfect.
Haven't done 10 singles at 90% on deadlift for a long time. Sore as hell today. I forgot how bad ISSM is as far as training DL goes.
New log is shipping next week. Some may have seen it on Facebook. I'll edit this post to show it. 210lb empty 12" diameter, 7'3" long custom paint job.
Holy shit that looks awesome. Any significance to green and yellow?
It matches my other equipment. Lol. I like green and yellow.
Thanks but I was blessed with a lot of stability that summer that many aren't fortune enough to have. Once I hit 1 month it was a "how long can I go" thing.the most amazing thing is how you don't let life get in the way.
how is that possible? like, what if your family says "he's let's go out for the weekend and spend 3 days somewhere else" or you go to a wedding or...forgot to buy something.. anything! lol
not missing a gym session that long is really quite the achievement. Respect.
It matches my other equipment. Lol. I like green and yellow.
Where you're at you COULD be a packers fan.
New tidbit I've just learned from training I thought I'd share regarding deadlift.
If you bend over (hinge back) to set up and pull the slack out (even before you pull it out) and you don't feel your hamstrings stretch, you're not close enough to the bar and won't load properly.
I'd ask people to try this and tell me what happens to their dead.
Thanks to those videos posted earlier, I decided to knock my current squat progress down from 230 to 185 to get my form right. I think today I did the cleanest squats I've ever done. However I feel I lean forward a bit too much. Dunno if it's my height or what.
Next week, I'll see about posting a video so you folks can help me further if you're up to it.
Where you're at you COULD be a packers fan.
My first thought. Brolic, how could you...
You talking closeness in terms of torso distance ---> bar?
Shins to bar. But this is all dependant in properly pulling the slack out of the bar too which most do not do.
New tidbit I've just learned from training I thought I'd share regarding deadlift.
If you bend over (hinge back) to set up and pull the slack out (even before you pull it out) and you don't feel your hamstrings stretch, you're not close enough to the bar and won't load properly.
I'd ask people to try this and tell me what happens to their dead.
I've been dreading this squat day tonight. Can't lose that booty though.
Thanks but I was blessed with a lot of stability that summer that many aren't fortune enough to have. Once I hit 1 month it was a "how long can I go" thing.
Looking good Mr. Piano Man!yeah, having the stability is definitely hard, not matter whether you have family or are single and you made the best out of it. I am staying consistent at least two more months then it's chaos.
I have some recitals and it's too hot here in Germany in June/July, so I'll probably go do a lot more cardio than I am currently doing, which.. I definitely should if I continue bulking! I've gotten quite chunky :O
Since it's been a while since I posted progress stuff, I'll put this. It counts as an "all-time" before-after and I am dressed, but the idea was to get some motivation out of it and see where I am now.
I think I look ok on the right but here it definitely shows that I've put on weight! then again.... I get another pic some seconds later and look okish again...all "new" pics, taken minutes apart...
thing is, I have my cheat meals every now and then but I am definitely eating basically clean so finally managed to find the right amount calories to gain weight.
eh, I am enjoying lifting a lot more with all the food so I am going to go with the flow... and proceed to up my cardio.
I always have my shins up against the bar and the bar in the middle of my foot once I've gotten down into position with my lats pulled back as I grip the bar. What portion does the slack occur at?