How many hours you put into it? I'm at 15 hours and no crashes.I'm ready to throw my PC out the fucking window. Dark Souls 3 needs to quit fucking crashing.
Really sucks you're having issues :/
How many hours you put into it? I'm at 15 hours and no crashes.I'm ready to throw my PC out the fucking window. Dark Souls 3 needs to quit fucking crashing.
I'm ready to throw my PC out the fucking window. Dark Souls 3 needs to quit fucking crashing.
You got the lighting on low, right brah? Fuck try everything on low, make that shit look like geocities.
A damn shame. I've read and watched of a lot of cases with constant bonfire crashes with all classes besides knight and heavy stutter.I'm ready to throw my PC out the fucking window. Dark Souls 3 needs to quit fucking crashing.
A damn shame. I've read and watched of a lot of cases with constant bonfire crashes with all classes besides knight and heavy stutter.
I'm very thankful to not have encountered either but it's a shame these issues are present at release.
Sonic 06 first, please.
Ucchedavāda;201698639 said:The recent images posted in this thread contrasting the layout of DS 1 - 3 made me curious about how the connectivity in the games actually look, so I went ahead and made graphs of connections between named locations in each game using GraphViz (hence the often odd placement of nodes which is not based on in-game traversal distances), using the named location pages on the Dark Souls Wikidot wikis as the source. A non-spoilerish version comparing each game, with no location names, but with DLC areas and the start location marked, can be found here. Spoilerish versions for each game, which include location names and also marks the final location, can be found here (1, 2, and 3).
Please note that I've only played DS1, so the graphs are only as exact as the information in the wikis, plus whatever mistakes I made while importing that information. Also, since the resolution is named locations, the figures do not show shortcuts such as the one in DS 1 connectingLost Izalith to the shortcut to Quelaag's Domain.
At some point it could be interesting to do 3D versions that takes in-game distances into account, but that would be quite challenging (for me at least).
so bummed this is fake
IS THIS REAL???? Messiah just linked me to that and hes saying it is
cool, i gotta try them out sometimeThey are. I really need to get back in to the second game. Loved the first one and its weird story.
I'm curious and want to find out how bad it really is. Plus I just want to watch the world burnWhy in good concious would you ever want Sonic 06? Please say purely for collection's sake.
What good came out of 06 is already being worked as mods for Generations. for example.
I also beat Time and Eternity, the game with one of my favorite OTs ever.
Can you feel the sunshine?
Does it brighten up your day?
Don't you feel that sometimes
You just need to run away?
Why are the Back to the Future episodes listed separately instead of one whole? If necessary as DLC or whatever, but this is.. ugh.
I watched a video on Youtube and apparently it still is there. I agree with you though, it's a great Souls game if a bit shorter. Enjoyed all my time.I thought the knight stuff was only prerelease?
Way back then Telltale was more inline with JaseC's expectations.
oh man, dragonslayer armour is a pain >_<
He's not a difficult or complex boss he just hits really fucking hard >_<
oh man, dragonslayer armour is a pain >_<
He's not a difficult or complex boss he just hits really fucking hard >_<
His attacks are very well telegraphed and leave enough time for dodging. I got him in first try with a bit of patience.oh man, dragonslayer armour is a pain >_<
He's not a difficult or complex boss he just hits really fucking hard >_<
I know it doesn't help anyone, but I haven't had a single crash in Dark Souls 3. Steam says I'm 44 hours in.
Aside from the lighting thing, I've heard people have had luck increasing their virtual memory when trying to prevent the game crashing.
Also since we are talking about Souls, couldn't help but laugh at this.
It's such a perfect Dark Souls moment.
Surviving the mimic just barely, only to get slain by a silver knight you agroed when going up the stairs.
edit: Just noticed the thread title change. Ice cold.
Oh wow dragonslayer is back for another game? Thats pretty neat
Don't let him hit you. I took him out in one try, fully expecting some bullshit to happen midway.
its called Possessed Armor
His attacks are very well telegraphed and leave enough time for dodging. I got him in first try with a bit of patience.
Oh wow dragonslayer is back for another game? Thats pretty neat
Im not the one that said dragonslayeryou know what, not gonna touch this one, Some Souls fans are crazy about "spoilers"
no, the one you're thinking of isn't
No. Thankfully unlike DS2 there are no old bosses from previous games being recycled and that is great.Oh wow dragonslayer is back for another game? Thats pretty neat
I have this morbid curiosity of trying that game, maybe it'll come to steam someday which would eventually allow me to buy it dirt cheap or in a bundle.
Having a good time RotTR.
No. Thankfully unlike DS2 there are no old bosses from previous games being recycled and that is great.
Do we have any idea on when's Pascal releasing?
At least P5 is real ;__;
Do we have any idea on when's Pascal releasing?
niceFinally started putting in some time on Dark Souls, the first one. Got up to a fight on a bridge with a giant minotaur thing ("Taurus Demon", IIRC) before I decided to take a break. (Lost 10k souls when I died at the boss, then died on my way back to retrieve them. (The first time something like that happened, but I suspect it's far from the last.)
Really liking the atmosphere so far. The imagery puts me in mind of Glen Cook's Black Company novels. (Now there's a series that could use a good game tie-in.) Quickly learned that I can't play this like DMC, since trying to rock stylish combos will just earn me a spear through the chest from some zombie with a kite shield.I can see what all the hype was about now.
As soon as SOTFS goes on sale I can buy it and finish the DLC.One of the most important things you should do in Dark Souls(s) - pick a weapon and upgrade it. Max your shit out as far as you can until the next area. Don't worry about permanence, just be vigilant.
Also don't trust fuckers names Patches.
I also realized that fire infused weapons are pretty OP.One of the most important things you should do in Dark Souls(s) - pick a weapon and upgrade it. Max your shit out as far as you can until the next area. Don't worry about permanence, just be vigilant.
As soon as SOTFS goes on sale I can buy it and finish the DLC.
And then play DS3.
I already finished the first 2 games with a vanilla longsword (with a vanilla mace for DS2, cause holy fuck at all the enemies with slash resist in that game). Can't wait to do a vanilla longsword run on my first playthrough.
Fuck yo magic weapons, I'm just gonna do it old school
I live in Canada plus I already own DX9 DS2, so this is probably a bit more expensive vs. the next time Steam puts it on sale.Ucchedavāda;201726287 said:SotFS is on sale right now, at least if you're looking for the PC version:
As soon as SOTFS goes on sale I can buy it and finish the DLC.
And then play DS3.
I already finished the first 2 games with a vanilla longsword (with a vanilla mace for DS2, cause holy fuck at all the enemies with slash resist in that game). Can't wait to do a vanilla longsword run on my first playthrough.
arcadian atlas also has fighting racoons