Heh, I already found that. There's a bunch of bottles in the basement under the house in sanctuary. And there's a speakeasy that has a ton in the nearby town. As I said, I'm keeping track of where I see them around my home base

. You got to drink a lot of water when you get that thirsty warning before it goes back to being hydrated I find.
And antibiotics so far are crazy hard to find. I've found one and I've now searched all of sanctuary and the nearby town. And even the one seller I found (a doctor) didn't have any to buy. It has made me getting a doctor into my Sanctuary settlement a big importance so I'm working towards those perks first.
I still can't decide whether I like not being able to save at all times or not. Part of me really wants that back cause I don't want to keep backtracking but part of me does appreciate that it does make me feel like I need to be more careful. But it's a little more stress than I really like in a game (even if in some ways that is fun). At least for stuff that isn't just killing a few random encounters but like whole long quests like freeing Preston from the building where you pretty much had to do that before you could save.
I think I'd settle for only being able to save when there weren't hostiles nearby (pretty much same conditions you have for when you can sleep). Or even better blank holotapes that aren't common and have some weight so you don't want to carry too many at a time (and you'll not want to use them up frivolously cause they're hard to find). I would actually love that as a save mechanism (with saving at beds also being allowed).
I think I prefer survival for turning fallout more into a survival game (I always thought it would be more fun if it had more survival aspects as well as the rp aspects) rather than a hard challenge to prove yourself/Dark Souls like thing. It also is why I wish they hadn't slowed down respawn rate

Eventually I'm going to decide whether I want to put my first character on survival (the save thing is the biggest reason I wouldn't honestly. But I think that other than that survival might make her more fun to play again and with her level and perks survival would actually not be too hard but still give her a little bit of challenge and make her interesting again).