Okay, next question, which difficulty level is best to start with? Lowest?
You'll play it on Ultra Violence and you'll enjoy it!
Okay, next question, which difficulty level is best to start with? Lowest?
I hear you man. It absolutely was relentless at the beginning. After the upgrades, I'm kicking ass. It's just ridiculous at certain points on nightmare. I'm a big quake player so I know how to get out of those sticky situations. It's a beautiful game though.I loved it on nightmare. Basically almost any projectile you can dodge. Stay on the move and don't directly towards the imps or they will fuck you up. Though I think nightmare was at its worst the first few missions but got way better once you got some better weapons/upgrades. So if you haven't gotten over the beginning it is still very rough going.
I've just hithow much longer that i have to do, i really don't want the game to finish... this is truly a amazing game...Hell
Because mouse and keyboard is so important in this game it made me look into trimming my mouse setting to improve my gameplay and accuracy.
I wonder how many of you unknowingly play this game with 'Enhanced Pointer precision' enabled in windows mouse settings? Because it is a lot more accurate with is disabled, for those unaware it's basically mouse acceleration.
Also regarding mouse settings this is an interesting bit of information from a cswiki regarding mouse setting,
I just read through the GAF Doom 3 review thread and a had a good chuckle
I would say leave it on Hurt me plenty.
Finished the first level with no problems whatsoever. Should I increase the difficulty or does the game get significantly harder?
Finished the first level with no problems whatsoever. Should I increase the difficulty or does the game get significantly harder?
Lol there I am first page.I just read through the GAF Doom 3 review thread and a had a good chuckle
Theory: review copies not sent out early due to needing patch first?
I tuned the difficulty down, Barons kept spawning behind my back is no fun.You'll play it on Ultra Violence and you'll enjoy it!
Nah,Night Sentinels are really redesigned Quake Knights, the DOOM DLC will bridge Quake and Doom together, and then lead into a tease for DOOM V: Hell On Earth Special Arachnotron Edition TACTICAL DEMON KILLING ACTION. and a teaser trailer for Quake V.
For those who have seen The Mist,.....the feeling after he murders everyone and finds out the army is a block away
That's exactly how I feel after cleaning a room by the skin of my teeth with hardly any ammo left, only to see a Berzerk powerup that was right above me.
Beat it last night. Even the credits were amazing.
Game did bug out on me on ps4, lost a lot of weapon challenge progress...had to replay a few levels I already cleared 100%..but thankfully the game is fun so it was not a big deal.
Going for the plat but can't beat the first level on hardest difficultyCan't even get past the first encounter some tries lol.
Do you keep your progress after you beat the game (upgrades and everything?) or you start from scratch?
Plasma gun is awesome.
but it's shooting animation is beyond terrible though, I genuinely thought it was a bug.
You referring to the lack of recoil? That never struck me as odd since it's supposed to be a very sleek, futuristic weapon. It helps give the gun a little more character actually.
Exactly what I've been saying. It's pissing me off and every encounter feels cheap as fuck. I still love the game. But, fuck these laser homing accurate 9,000 fireball shooting assholes. When they cling on walls you're almost 100 percent fucked.
You referring to the lack of recoil? That never struck me as odd since it's supposed to be a very sleek, futuristic weapon. It helps give the gun a little more character actually.
What mostly bugs me about the weapon visuals is how several off them have this jarring cutoff on alpha effects like blinking lights. The most visible one is the yellow light for the combat shotgun charge shot I think. The plasma rifle has similar issues with its blue lights.
Geez Mancubus doesn't fuck around on Ultra Violence.
Y'know, can we all agree that the biggest loss this game has from classic DOOM is that we don't have good old Terry and others making troll WADs anymore.
(What was it about DOOM and Half-Life that they had so many garbage WADs made to be absolutely terrible? Like, no other game with mod support has had the kind of volume of garbage that Doom and HL got. Not even Skyrim.)
I was gonna start a new thread but it has probably been discussed already...
Theory: review copies not sent out early due to needing patch first?
So I don't know how many people on PS4 bothered to try DOOM before waiting for the Day 1 patch to download (I was too excited to start it)... but the game had MASSIVE frame rate issues. It was constant screen tearing across the middle of the screen during cinematic moments, and screen tearing here and there during gameplay. But after installing the initial download patch, the v-sync is locked down.
Does anyone know on what date exactly this Day 1 patch was initially available for download?
I can certainly say right now, that the game as it existed raw off the disk would have left people with a very bad impression.
I don't know about half life, but DOOM always had the advantage that making a WAD is really easy. It's one of the reasons it's still so popular to make maps for. Given the barrier for entry is so low, it makes sense that a lot of garbage will ensue.
Doomguy is my hero.Another classic quote from /v/
Just started playing tonight and just finished the first level. Still fiddling around with the settings for PS4. Not sure what might be best.
I managed to get two weapon upgrade points but not sure if I should save them for another weapon or use them now. Went for the Explosive Shot for the Shotgun so not sure if I should spend the two on upgrading that.
It doesn't matter much. You get plenty of upgrade points as you play. Just buy what you like the sound of.
Edit: Oh, except the pistol, that's always garbage.
It doesn't matter much. You get plenty of upgrade points as you play. Just buy what you like the sound of.
Edit: Oh, except the pistol, that's always garbage.
Another classic quote from /v/
Another classic quote from /v/
Ha, I like it!I can feel a Chuck Norris like wave of internet meme's will be about DOOMguy.
"DOOMguy doesn't feel pain. Pain feels DOOMguy."
There's my contribution.