Yesssssss things really pick up from here on out. I found burning through any and all ammo while swerving my view like a motherfucker helps. Chainsaw usually fixes the ammo problem midway through.
Level 5 is so good. Nice to see a vertical level.I just plowed through Level 4. It was rough. Hell Demons were kicking my ass. Got the Super Shotgun though! But man, I need a break beforeclimbing the tower to kill Olivia.
And I just noticed @zeemumu asked me to play earlier. Whoops. Surprised I completely missed it
I just plowed through Level 4. It was rough. Hell Demons were kicking my ass. Got the Super Shotgun though! But man, I need a break beforeclimbing the tower to kill Olivia.
I just plowed through Level 4. It was rough. Hell Demons were kicking my ass. Got the Super Shotgun though! But man, I need a break beforeclimbing the tower to kill Olivia.
It's fine. It's not like I'm upset or anything
*sobs quietly*
Obviously id rather play with randoms than you
I did have one fun match when first round everyone decided to play lucio and the second time everyone chose Winston. Vs Ai tho so not super impressive
is so fucking good. One of the best Mars levels in the game.Argent Tower
Quick tip : Focus all weapon points on the Super Shotgun. The mastery upgrade basically turns it into a guaranteed Death Gun.
Man....I think I might attempt and Ultra Nightmare run in a second.
You got Doom?
I haven't even played because finals.
Fine! I'll make my own Overwatch! With Blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget the Overwatch and the Blackjack!
The weekly brawl was Genji and Hanzo only. It makes you realize how much better Genji is than Hanzo against Genji/Hanzo.
But before that I had a match where the entire enemy team was Junkrat.
You're fucking insane, dude.
(I keep blowing myself up with the rocket launcher...)
How can I be this self aware and entirely clueless at the same time?
How can I be this self aware and entirely clueless at the same time?
I nailed The UAC on first try no problems.
Resource Ops fucked me by trying to get to the Classic lever and falling to my death and the second time dying at the Gore Nest part.
Oh God it's so much fun.
Edit : yeah man, in the later levels splash damage can really mess you up EVEN WITH THE DAMAGE REDUCTION.
Especially when the game throws everything it has at you
how are you not sure your awareness is nothing but an illusion, how confident every decision you make is your own?
how are you not sure your awareness is nothing but an illusion, how confident every decision you make is your own?
Don't care, love the fully upgraded rocket launcher with the detonate perk.
Oh I never said it was bad, it's the fucking best haha
Just really difficult to not cock it up later on.
I'm totally with you on this. That feeling of nailing like 6 imps with a delayed detonation.
Some of those endings are my favorite moments in gaming.Speaking of self awareness, The Stanley Parable is $2.99 on Steam right now.
to you ever feel the urge to bite someone or is this just me being perv?
Just when I thought you couldn't get any hotter Ivy
Shaq goes under cover as a Lyft driver. Girl at 0:27 has amazing hair ♥
Apparently Oxenfree got a legit NG+ DLC added to it recently. I'm going to go see what that's all about but I probably won't get very far cause I'm exhausted from a night swim.
to you ever feel the urge to bite someone or is this just me being perv?
happens to me too.
:O..... <3!
(sorry couldn't resist...I'll shut up now)
Go bite your wife.
I got you fam
You're betraying the Ol Thirsty Bastards!
Also I don't bite...I get bitten.
Still no bueno. I like REAL people.
You guys had a biting/etc discussion without me?
One of my early encounters with my girlfriend was not entirely unlike the bear scene in The Revenant. I actually had to ask her to not bite my neck so much after that because it looked weird
I have a high pain tolerance and I can appreciate the intensity of it (within limits, still, of course)
I quench the real thirst with my lovely wife.
But then there's the FakeGAF thirst...the thirst of all thirsts!
I did no such thing, you betray us by not availing yourself of the nearby oasis.
I quench the real thirst with my lovely wife.
But then there's the FakeGAF thirst...the thirst of all thirsts!
And you act like I'm weird