I thought the conference was great, I thoroughly enjoyed it, I felt like the games spoke for themselves in most cases. The only thing that got muddled was the VR section. They should have had someone talking us through that.
It was certainly a different tactic for a Sony conference and I enjoyed it for that reason, as in they resisted the urge to show pie charts.
I feel very different to the guys at GB, I think my positivity makes them seem negative in contrast. But they make fair points, and wanting a more obvious flow through the show is fair enough. I missed having an Indie segment, and it needed 100% more Shu.
Also Days Gone didn't do anything for me, it looks like TLOU poorer cousin. Gameplay wasn't interesting and I just feel it has been done, many many times. There is hopefully more to it than what it seems.
Very excited about Spiderman, obviously Horizon, Detroit, Last Guardian and whatever the hell Kojima is working on. I think they did a great job showing off their exclusives this year.