Bill Maher was terrible tonight
I don't know why I keep watching.
Did he talk about Islam and the liberal hypocrisy
Yep, a lot more than usual.
He also had a gun rights nutjob that agreed with his views on Islam.
Maher is a self-righteous douche. Dude took the "smug know-it-all liberal" stereotype and ran HARD with it.
WASHINGTON Senator Marco Rubio of Florida is leaning heavily toward running for re-election to the seat he swore he was giving up after six often frustrating years and a failed presidential run, associates said on Friday, a reversal that would upend one of the most competitive races in the country.
Rubio's back:
He's the most hated politician in Florida right now and is gonna get fucked up real bad so this is gonna be fun.
Shit, that's been the Republican playbook for years.Wow, so anyone can make stuff up and people just believe it. That's amazing.
Hasn't he been nicer towards QUeen lately?
Rubio's back:
He's the most hated politician in Florida right now and is gonna get fucked up real bad so this is gonna be fun.
Lies are all they have left.
Ballots are still being counted in California, and last I heard, at least 3 counties originally "won" by Hillary have flipped to Bernie, and based on what has been seen so far with the mail-in & provisional ballots, Bernie is estimated to have won California by a landslide with around 69% to Hillary's 31%.
Google will try not to tell you this
Can confirm that this is how all dating works in Wisconsin. We then apologize to one another for 20 minutes for not being the person who let the other person who let the other person pick up the bill. It's an apology positive feedback loop.I'd guess it's an awkward exchange where both offer to pay back and forth before one concedes
Hasn't he been nicer towards QUeen lately?
Bill Maher is not wrong about the things he talks about. Is he smug and brash about religion? Yes, but so are the religious. He's part of a big effort doing the good work that will eventually lead us to an irreligious society. Thank the god I don't believe in that there are men like him.
Bill Maher is not wrong about the things he talks about. Is he smug and brash about religion? Yes, but so are the religious. He's part of a big effort doing the good work that will eventually lead us to an irreligious society. Thank the god I don't believe in that there are men like him.
I love how Rubio hates being a Senator but his dream job (the Presidency) somewhat similar, only infinitely more difficult.
My favorite is this, which goes along with that list of supposed superdelegate reversals:
Because if you search for any of the names, you'll see that they have never publicly announced support for either candidate, and they still have not. So if you find out the truth, Google is just hiding it from you I told you so!!!!111
You play Blops 2 right? I have a COD itch lately. We should swap friend codes or whatever the fuck it is on Nintendo now.Congratulations on your BA!That's awesome! GET IT!
ANd ya, totally cool. I didnt think anyone on gaf actually played Cod on Wii U.![]()
You play Blops 2 right? I have a COD itch lately. We should swap friend codes or whatever the fuck it is on Nintendo now.
Did you watch Religilous? Making people feel embarrassed for having such bizarre and illogical beliefs is probably the fastest way to do this.Fighting zealotry with zealotry is one hell of a flawed gameplan though, don't you think? It seems like an arrogance-fueled fool's errand to me.
Will Richard Dawkins go into history as a footnote? How about Christopher Hitchens?![]()
Maher, and the gnu atheism movement for that matter, will go into a history as a footnote... if even that. It's a white boys club and operates as such.
I love how Rubio hates being a Senator but his dream job (the Presidency) somewhat similar, only infinitely more difficult.
All three of us! Might actually get on right now.You play Blops 2 right? I have a COD itch lately. We should swap friend codes or whatever the fuck it is on Nintendo now.
That Clinton ad buy in total has become ginormous. Setting the tone in the few actually potentially competitive states early could lock Trump out entirely. Does Trump even have a campaign fund for advertising, to say nothing of actually running ads?
Did you watch Religilous? Making people feel embarrassed for having such bizarre and illogical beliefs is probably the fastest way to do this.
Will Richard Dawkins go into history as a footnote? How about Christopher Hitchens?
Did you watch Religilous? Making people feel embarrassed for having such bizarre and illogical beliefs is probably the fastest way to do this.
Will Richard Dawkins go into history as a footnote? How about Christopher Hitchens?
All three of us! Might actually get on right now.
One: Religilous was unfunny, lazy crap. It's terrible. And lazy. And, I can't believe how lazy it was. I even made a thread about how lazy it was last year!
Will Richard Dawkins go into history as a footnote? How about Christopher Hitchens?
Not yet. Last match was 33 and 0. No camping. Also had a 27 and 0 match recently. Clan tag is currently RIP but thinking of changing it to SSDD (Same shit, different day) due to the campers lately.Did you add me?
I'm online if you want to party up.
My last match. Ya, my Clan name is Cher. lol
Anyway, I know it doesn't matter now, but did Bernie release May funds? What about his financial disclosures? The ones he couldn't do because he was too busy running for President? Did we ever get those?
I just realized I don't think I've ever watched anything Maher has done or been in.
Wait, no, I did watch Religulous. I didn't much care for it.
He's funny when taking down Republicans, but is a total idiot when it comes to religion, specially Islam.
Like tonight the show actually started off great cause he shit on Trump during the monologue and then had a really good guest.
Then the panel came and he made most of it about his hate boner for Islam.
Did you watch Religilous? Making people feel embarrassed for having such bizarre and illogical beliefs is probably the fastest way to do this.
I haven't watched him in at least a year or two so I couldn't say. He seems like the Bernie or Bust type to me but that's maybe an unfair assessment.
Maher preferred Bernie but he's always been positive/fair toward Hillary as well, is backing her basically without reservation now, etc. He's pretty realistic about presidential politics from everything I've ever seen...basically said "give it up Bernie" last week, he loathes Trump and complains appropriately when people try to pull the false equivalency crap with them. He said months ago something like "if I were explaining this election to a child, I would say it's a crazy man vs. a smart lady."
I know he can be an ass about religion...I'm an atheist myself but I'm pretty chill about it (I don't think about it much at all tbh) so all those controversies with him just kinda go over my head. I usually enjoy the show but he's been having a bunch of extra-trolly Trump supporters on lately and they just derail the whole hour.
Bill Maher is not wrong about the things he talks about. Is he smug and brash about religion? Yes, but so are the religious. He's part of a big effort doing the good work that will eventually lead us to an irreligious society. Thank the god I don't believe in that there are men like him.
Are there seriously no Real Time fans here?Maher sucks and Kristoffer is a bad troll
Are there seriously no Real Time fans here?
Don't lie, ampere, you love every inch of this.
How does Libby Schaaf (Oakland mayor) still have a job?
Her police covered up murder, were massive racists, and rape children and three police chiefs have resigned within eight days (one after another after another). Come on, people, make her unemployed.
No, and he doesn't have a semblance of a ground game either. Apparently, he thinks being on tv all the time will be enough to win.That Clinton ad buy in total has become ginormous. Setting the tone in the few actually potentially competitive states early could lock Trump out entirely. Does Trump even have a campaign fund for advertising, to say nothing of actually running ads?
At one meeting on April 27, Backholm can be heard giving various tips to petitioners, such as going to places like retirement communities, where the residents are all registered voters who are excited to have visitors. For gentlemen, he then suggested, what I would encourage you to do, if you are so bold and you want to make the point, take your petitions and stand outside the womens restroom at the mall, and if any of the women dont want to sign it, just go ahead and follow em on in [laughter from crowd]. Maybe this will be a better time to sign our little petition, and we can make the point that way.
Backholm hasnt only made this point in private meetings. On the April 29 episode of the FPIW podcast, he shared the same suggestion and was supported by cohost Zach Freeman:
BACKHOLM: My favorite signature gathering strategy, for all the men out there: go to the mall, go to the store, stand outside the womens locker room take it to the gym with you stand outside the womens locker room and gather signatures from the women, and if they decline, then follow them into the bathroom
FREEMAN: and then they will sign it.
BACKHOLM: and ask them if now would be a better time. And see what kind of a response you would get.