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A rejected Trump would still be just as capable of monopolizing media airtime to savage the GOP nominee and shit-talk the party, regardless of whether he's actually running third-party. Their guy (let's say Paul Ryan) would never get a chance to define himself in a positive way or establish any legitimacy. It would just be conspiracy theories and howls of victimization to November and beyond, made even more powerful by the fact that the conspiracy was real and the establishment actually did victimize them. The only way I see a replacement GOP candidate doing even marginally ok (defined as keeping within 5-10 points of Hillary) is if Trump does something truly insane like dropping the n-word.

I don't think the new candidate could establish legitimacy because they would not be a legitimate candidate. The attack ads would write themselves. Hillary certainly wouldn't hold back on attacking the GOP for going against the people.
I don't think the new candidate could establish legitimacy because they would not be a legitimate candidate. The attack ads would write themselves. Hillary certainly wouldn't hold back on attacking the GOP for going against the people.

It would be kind of hilarious if she just ignored the convention nominee and continued to campaign against Trump.


Regarding religion, Maher and his types seem to have never had a serious discussion with religious people. They're just pushing anecdotes and extreme examples and then going "this is what religion is!!! How are people sooooo stupid?".

You'll never get anywhere like that. For a lot of people, their beliefs are a foundation of who they are, you can't shame them out of it. And I don't think that you should.

Not to mention that Maher actually believes in many superstitious and factless claims like vaccines and GMOs being dangerous. He's not a skeptic, just a dick.

I don't like people who get all high on themselves as they rag on the religious. Criticize religious organizations and entities, sure... but don't criticize the believers as if they 100% endorse all of that.

Maher and his dumb smug face really rub me the wrong way.

I'm a hard atheist. I'm 100% certain in and of myself that God doesn't exist... yet I can see all the good that religion can and does do, without being blinded to it by the bad. I've seen people find faith and really turn their lives around, and people lose it and plummet down into the darkness.

It can be misused. It can be corrupted. It can do harm... but so can a lot of things. Religion is 90% of the time (figure pulled out of my ass) something positive and affirmative. We can work to try and make that figure even higher. We should continue to promote religious freedom and separation of church and state...

But we shouldn't be going after beliefs. You literally can't stop everyone from believing something. You beat bad ideas with better ideas, not by banning the bad ones.

Jealous. Mine are talking about what positions they should run for. Including the nutter who previously said he wished it was legal to choke me to death. Maybe that'll be his platform.

Organized religion is a lot of the problem indeed, not Mary Sue having a personal belief in the afterlife.

Maher is like Dawkins, a huge asshole who just wants to be right and holier than thou but doesn't actually care about making his message break through to people. The Neil DeGrasse Tyson method of being polite and trying to educate is much more effective



Good. Kill the fantasy early.

On a side note, this slogan is fucking terrible, y'all!


Castro saying he's not being vetted anymore does not mean it's true; wouldn't be the first time a campaign asked someone to calm public speculation by claiming they aren't being vetted. That being said I don't believe he'll be VP. Honestly I'm rather perplexed on his short term future in the party. Unless Clinton gives him another cabinet position he's probably not going to win a race in Texas in the next couple years. Maybe there's a House seat waiting for him somewhere, I don't know.


Yeah, his brother already has the 20th District House seat in Texas. I don't see Dems taking the Senate seats anytime soon. Castro will either get another Cabinet position or he'll have to find another way. Maybe another House seat? idk
still dont understand the julian love. joaquin is a much better politician and more personable. regardless, latinos don't need a dude with a spanish surname who doesnt actually speak spanish to GOTV and i don't think voters writ large will be too impressed by a guy who's spent his entire adulthood in politics. not that VP picks matter anyway, but the Trump opposition does give HRC some leeway to think outside the box a bit.
I don't like people who get all high on themselves as they rag on the religious. Criticize religious organizations and entities, sure... but don't criticize the believers as if they 100% endorse all of that.

Maher and his dumb smug face really rub me the wrong way.

I'm a hard atheist. I'm 100% certain in and of myself that God doesn't exist... yet I can see all the good that religion can and does do, without being blinded to it by the bad. I've seen people find faith and really turn their lives around, and people lose it and plummet down into the darkness.

It can be misused. It can be corrupted. It can do harm... but so can a lot of things. Religion is 90% of the time (figure pulled out of my ass) something positive and affirmative. We can work to try and make that figure even higher. We should continue to promote religious freedom and separation of church and state...

But we shouldn't be going after beliefs. You literally can't stop everyone from believing something. You beat bad ideas with better ideas, not by banning the bad ones.

The "criticisms" that the Maher types also ignore the sense of community that the religious experience provides. For a lot of people getting together with people pointed in the same direction every Sunday or Friday to congregate and welcome and praise together is a necessary function. Advocating these people are simply stupid for taking part of that does no one any positives. Religion will always be around in one way or another, human history shows us this. We need to push more though on the positive and affirmative parts though and simply scaring people into belief and antagonistic stances to people in a community will never get people to cross the fence.

I've always maintained if an atheist is as "militant" as the the worst evangelist, what seperates them?


Good. Kill the fantasy early.

On a side note, this slogan is fucking terrible, y'all!

It's like they know they're in Texas and therefore have a significantly diminished level of importance compared to prominent Democrats in other states...


I'm going to go ahead and say Bernie's revolution was a bust and a failure.

The Tea Party was a bigger and much more successful revolution.
I'm going to go ahead and say Bernie's revolution was a bust and a failure.

The Tea Party was a bigger and much more successful revolution.

the Tea Party was never a grass roots movement of the "people"
the Tea Party was funded by rich guys like the Koch bros who wanted representative and senators who could peddle their anti-environment, anti-tax, anti-regulation views.


I'm going to go ahead and say Bernie's revolution was a bust and a failure.

The Tea Party was a bigger and much more successful revolution.

It's really sad seeing him try to pivot from his campaigjn, which cared only about getting him elected, to trying to direct the nonexistant political revolution to sweep liberalism through America.

the Tea Party was never a grass roots movement of the "people"
the Tea Party was funded by rich guys like the Koch bros who wanted representative and senators who could peddle their anti-environment, anti-tax, anti-regulation views.

What does it matter who funded it if it was supported by millions of people and acomplished what those people wanted?
I'm going to go ahead and say Bernie's revolution was a bust and a failure.

The Tea Party was a bigger and much more successful revolution.

Tea Party was bank rolled and not a revolution of the common people

Also if you're getting your religious introspection from Bill Maher, I would take a step back and think about how you're going about things.

Highschool me would have liked to not act like Bill Maher if I knew how much of a cock I was.

That's why I had major doubts Bernie was ever going to have a major impact. That group that was thinking about 2018 midterms are going to be in a for a rude awakening when "shock" the revolution goes into hibernation for off years! (actually the revolution never existed and didn't last longer than a year, but don't tell people that they might get mad)

It's really sad seeing him try to pivot from his campaigjn, which cared only about getting him elected, to trying to direct the nonexistant political revolution to sweep liberalism through America.

What does it matter who funded it if it was supported by millions of people and acomplished what those people wanted?

Because if you don't have money then you can't run campaigns, create narratives or win elections for fringe senators and house members.


The Autumn Wind
I said it before the best the GOP can do at this point is remove Trump, and present no candidate and no opposition at all to Hillary, hoping it might give them arguments to undermine Hillary's legitimacy during her presidency. Their real goal is to find a narrative to justify their constant refusal to sign anything Hillary wills end to congress, because they sure as hell aren't getting the presidency.
This would be disastrous for Republicans. Their downballot races would suffer tremendously. Even more so than with Trump on the ticket. Plenty of people just wouldn't bother to come out if they aren't voting for the president.
Regarding religion, Maher and his types seem to have never had a serious discussion with religious people. They're just pushing anecdotes and extreme examples and then going "this is what religion is!!! How are people sooooo stupid?".

You'll never get anywhere like that. For a lot of people, their beliefs are a foundation of who they are, you can't shame them out of it. And I don't think that you should.

Also I believe people are leveraged into religion just from the strife from life. Maybe he should argue for guaranteed income so people can have the freedom to act long term doing what they want instead of survival week to week, paycheck to paycheck not being able to see past the next week. If people like Maher want folks to not be so religious, get rid of the leverage. I personally don't fight against the church, can't beat them given how society is right now where people are being pressed pretty hard.


I said it before the best the GOP can do at this point is remove Trump, and present no candidate and no opposition at all to Hillary, hoping it might give them arguments to undermine Hillary's legitimacy during her presidency. Their real goal is to find a narrative to justify their constant refusal to sign anything Hillary wills end to congress, because they sure as hell aren't getting the presidency.
Um, what?

Someone would definitely run as an independent at that point.


Yesterday I was hanging out with a Berniebro friend and he kept telling me how Trump and Clinton are the same and it was driving me nuuuuuuuuts.

If someone tells me how they're two sides of the same coin ONE MORE TIME, I'm gonna jump off of something high
Also I believe people are leveraged into religion just from the strife from life. Maybe he should argue for guaranteed income so people can have the freedom to act long term doing what they want instead of survival week to week, paycheck to paycheck not being able to see past the next week. If people like Maher want folks to not be so religious, get rid of the leverage. I personally don't fight against the church, can't beat them given how society is right now where people are being pressed pretty hard.

Lol this forums ubi fetish can be embarrassing.
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