When you think the situation surely couldn't be any worse.

The sheer stupidy of what Cameron/Johnson have enabled is just unheard of, I'm struggling to come to terms that this shit is actually happening, so many decent people are going to get fucked due to political games. Save me from this madness Sturgeon!
I just read an interesting interview (in French, sorry) of Lord Adair Turner, former head of Financial Services Authority by French paper Le Monde.
He says he thinks the chances of UK not leaving the EU are low ("no more than 5%"), but thinks there's a 50% chance they could negotiate a Norway-like deal with no major consequence to the City. In case UK can't access the single market and loses passporting though, he thinks Scotland would stay in the EU and Edinburgh would replace London in financial trading.
Would be great for those of us up here, though I doubt everything wraps itself up in such a nice little bow so easily. Would be worth it just to see the tories turn green though.