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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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The sheer stupidy of what Cameron/Johnson have enabled is just unheard of, I'm struggling to come to terms that this shit is actually happening, so many decent people are going to get fucked due to political games. Save me from this madness Sturgeon!

I just read an interesting interview (in French, sorry) of Lord Adair Turner, former head of Financial Services Authority by French paper Le Monde.
He says he thinks the chances of UK not leaving the EU are low ("no more than 5%"), but thinks there's a 50% chance they could negotiate a Norway-like deal with no major consequence to the City. In case UK can't access the single market and loses passporting though, he thinks Scotland would stay in the EU and Edinburgh would replace London in financial trading.

Would be great for those of us up here, though I doubt everything wraps itself up in such a nice little bow so easily. Would be worth it just to see the tories turn green though.
If the next prime minister fucks with my life here in the eu (Brit working in a school in Norway) or my wife's family (Swedish living in the uk) it will make my world come crashing down (just bought a house here in Norway)

All this brexit has made clear to me in 5 years I'm getting Norwegian citizenship for sure I hate my British nationality right now.

Off topic, but What do you teach?


Why? What's happened?

What did I miss??


"First you exit then you negotiate," Cecilia Malmstrom told BBC Newsnight.

After Brexit, the UK would become a "third country" in EU terms, she said - meaning trade would be carried out based on World Trade Organisation rules until a new deal was complete.

A recent trade deal with Canada took seven years to negotiate.

The Canadian agreement will also require ratification by all EU countries, adding another one to two years before it takes effect.

Ms Malmstrom, the EU Trade Commissioner, underlined that detailed talks to shape the UK's new trading relationship with the EU should not start until after the process of leaving politically, under an Article 50 process lasting up to two years.

"There are actually two negotiations. First you exit, and then you negotiate the new relationship, whatever that is," she said.


Why? What's happened?

What did I miss??


  • Labour are needing members for their shadow cabinet so badly at the moment that they put an 81 year old backbencher of 20-something years, who literally has written a book on being a backbencher, in a front bench position
  • Theresa May is the favourite to be Tory leader. Fortunatly isn't planning to withdraw from the European Human Rights but only because she won't get the support
  • Michael Gove, Boris' lapdog, stabbed him in the back and announced he would be running for leader
  • Boris Johnson then gave a 15 minute speech explaining how good he would be as a leader and how good he was as London Mayor... Before saying he would not be standing at the end
  • Turns out that Gove may have sub-edited Boris column
  • Ketterings MP has made a motion for Lyndsey Lohan to turn on their Christmas lights for saying "Where is Kettering?"
  • The pound went down after the Bank of England talked about the long period of uncertainty
Can't think of anything else that's happened today... OH WAIT, we can't negotiatie trade deals with the EU or anyone else while we're in the leaving period after Article 50.... That small thing.
Not strictly related to the EU decision, but with the reported rise in hate crimes I thought it was worth a mention.

Britain First have been on one of their patrols again...


I'd normally laugh at this, but these guys are wilfully spreading hatred, surely knowing that it's a load of rubbish.

Other recent jaunts include them shouting at a tent: http://m.huffpost.com/uk/entry/uk_5768e983e4b0a4f99adc5ba9?edition=uk
My Polish wife, (who works for the Ministry of Justice no less), was subject to that casual racism of: 'The country is too full, so we shouldn't be let anyone in. Not you (my wife), of course, but all the others'

Some of these are white, some if these are second generation immigrants from all over the world. Either way, you have had all of the benefits and opportunities provided for you and now you don't want to share it with others.

Well l'm sorry if l sound small-minded, but if you don't like it and you voted out, irrespective of race, colour, Creed or religion, you can GTFO out of my country, because that is not what l stand for, or my country stands for.

When the political becomes personal, that's when it's raw.

Last Friday was my wife and mines 10th wedding anniversary. She spent the day in bed. I've never seen her so sad. Desperation. Desolation. That's all we could feel.

If you think that is acceptable or the sign of a liberal democracy you are deluded.

I'm sorry to vent like this, but that's the way l feel. I don't recognise what is going on here anymore.

Yeah. I'm not gonna lie, I've had to pull up my parents up before when they said "theres too much polish here".

My father is an immigrant and my mother, while born here, was brought up overseas. My grandparents are immigrants, so are the majority of my family the generation before me.

In the 70s people of my skin colour had white paint thrown at them and were subject to horrific abuse. I don't give a fuck what color you are, if you stand with the leavers on immigration you are as bad as them.

I'm not saying I love all immigrants, far from it, I feel there are alot of assholes from all over the world coming here
particularly nigeria, sorry.

But where someone was born, their skin color, or their nationality is no reflection of their personality and nobody should feel that they should be removing people from the country based on those things.

Unless they are here breaking laws and generally being asshats, I do not give a fuck.


  • Labour are needing members for their shadow cabinet so badly at the moment that they put an 81 year old backbencher of 20-something years, who literally has written a book on being a backbencher, in a front bench position
  • Theresa May is the favourite to be Tory leader. Fortunatly isn't planning to withdraw from the European Human Rights but only because she won't get the support
  • Michael Gove, Boris' lapdog, stabbed him in the back and announced he would be running for leader
  • Boris Johnson then gave a 15 minute speech explaining how good he would be as a leader and how good he was as London Mayor... Before saying he would not be standing at the end
  • Turns out that Gove may have sub-edited Boris column
  • Ketterings MP has made a motion for Lyndsey Lohan to turn on their Christmas lights for saying "Where is Kettering?"

Can't think of anything else that's happened today... OH WAIT, we can't negotiatie trade deals with the EU or anyone else while we're in the leaving period after Article 50.... That small thing.

You missed Corbyn comparing Israel to ISIS at an event on antisemitism in the Labour party.
Interesting thing about it to me is that it was probably leaked by someone on Johnson's staff. I guess this is payback for the betrayal, want to show Gove is duplicitous + tie him to the unpopular Telegraph article.

I forget now, there's been so much going on, what was wrong with the Telegraph article?
A comment regarding Malmström's comments: She is Swedish. Just like the Germans, trade with the UK is pretty important to us Swedes. One argument of Leavers was that it would be in the interests of countries like Germany to push for a mutually beneficial trade agreement even after Brexit. Malmström's comment can be considered evidence against this view.


This might be unintentionally the funniest thing l have ever read.

We'll have to scrap our armed forces and replace them with an army of senior civil servants, in fact we'll have to scrap NATO to achieve it.

Fucking LOL. Well done fucktards.

OOOOOOOORRRRRRR they could hire foreign workers in other EU countries to do it!....wait....


  • Labour are needing members for their shadow cabinet so badly at the moment that they put an 81 year old backbencher of 20-something years, who literally has written a book on being a backbencher, in a front bench position
  • Theresa May is the favourite to be Tory leader. Fortunatly isn't planning to withdraw from the European Human Rights but only because she won't get the support
  • Michael Gove, Boris' lapdog, stabbed him in the back and announced he would be running for leader
  • Boris Johnson then gave a 15 minute speech explaining how good he would be as a leader and how good he was as London Mayor... Before saying he would not be standing at the end
  • Turns out that Gove may have sub-edited Boris column
  • Ketterings MP has made a motion for Lyndsey Lohan to turn on their Christmas lights for saying "Where is Kettering?"
  • The pound went down after the Bank of England talked about the long period of uncertainty
Can't think of anything else that's happened today... OH WAIT, we can't negotiatie trade deals with the EU or anyone else while we're in the leaving period after Article 50.... That small thing.

Hold the fuck up.

Wait, hold the fuck up.

You're telling me one of the MOST IMPORTANT matters of the EU, trade deals CANNOT be negotiated until we've exited the EU well and truly? And it may take years and years before one is decided?

We're so unbelievably fucked. Holy shit. How did that slip the radar for the past week?
After this news my anger is dissipating and it's being replaced by sorrow. We're fucked.
There's no way this will be allowed to happen. It would be complete suicide for the UK, and more broadly it would be grossly damaging for the entire bloc. Let's be honest, Article 50 will never get triggered if this can't be sidestepped.

Hopefully this news nugget won't get buried and we'll see those in the leadership contest pressed on this very issue and how they intend to deal with it. Clearly any suggestion following the article trigger that the UK will be on WTO basis for any period of time would be the final straw for many of our EU focused financial services - there's no way they would take that risk.

The shit will hit the fan.


Hold the fuck up.

Wait, hold the fuck up.

You're telling me one of the MOST IMPORTANT matters of the EU, trade deals CANNOT be negotiated until we've exited the EU well and truly? And it may take years and years before one is decided?

We're so unbelievably fucked. Holy shit. How did that slip the radar for the past week?
The only person that knew was the Trade Comissioner of the EU. It's never come up before that and even other EU countries didn't know. We're one helluva guniea pig.


After this news my anger is dissipating and it's being replaced by sorrow. We're fucked.

We need riots in the street or something, we need everyone to be campaigning and up in arms against this referendum and handing in article 50 for them making us believe that leaving was even a viable choice which wouldn't leave us decimated.

When the full information wasn't given then what value does the vote have?



The only person that knew was the Trade Comissioner of the EU. It's never come up before that and even other EU countries didn't know. We're one helluva guniea pig.

What??? No way. This is ridiculous, it's the most important thing we have to negotiate.

How can anyone press forward now knowing this? It's a suicide mission.


Gold Member

This is great! Haha. I'm honestly not sure what the big picture stuff is looking like at the moment. Part of me is hoping May comes in, keeps everything as is for now, lets people get a glimpse of how things are going to change, make Christmas a bit bleak for people culminating in a severebudget. Hopefully then there will be some sort of reflection on the past '9 months' and a realisation it's on our best interests to not trigger article 50, and we begin the healing process.



We need riots in the street or something, we need everyone to be campaigning and up in arms against this referendum and handing in article 50 for them making us believe that leaving was even a viable choice which wouldn't leave us decimated.

When the full information wasn't given then what value does the vote have?


For those that can make it, there's a march in London on Saturday to protest.

Marchers will gather at Park Lane at 11am on Saturday 2 July and march towards Parliament Square.
We need riots in the street or something, we need everyone to be campaigning and up in arms against this referendum and handing in article 50 for them making us believe that leaving was even a viable choice which wouldn't leave us decimated.

When the full information wasn't given then what value does the vote have?

It'll happen. If it's absolutely the case that this cannot be sidestepped, it will happen.


There's no way this will be allowed to happen. It would be complete suicide for the UK, and more broadly it would be grossly damaging for the entire bloc. Let's be honest, Article 50 will never get triggered if this can't be sidestepped.

Hopefully this news nugget won't get buried and we'll see those in the leadership contest pressed on this very issue and how they intend to deal with it. Clearly any suggestion following the article trigger that the UK will be on WTO basis for any period of time would be the final straw for many of our EU focused financial services - there's no way they would take that risk.

The shit will hit the fan.

It'll be rebuffed like all the facts during the campaign - with some gruff dismissal like "oh I wouldn't listen to what the EU say - of course they don't like the idea that one of their biggest economies will have more freedom soon"

The entire campaign was literally just ignoring facts and firing off deflecting comments. Makes me sick


Hold the fuck up.

Wait, hold the fuck up.

You're telling me one of the MOST IMPORTANT matters of the EU, trade deals CANNOT be negotiated until we've exited the EU well and truly? And it may take years and years before one is decided?

We're so unbelievably fucked. Holy shit. How did that slip the radar for the past week?

It's an essential piece of consequence for anyone looking to make an irreversible binary choice - and yet 7 days after the vote, it hits the news.

Would it have swung many? Maybe not. But that, coupled with the revelations this week and the backstabbing and Johnson standing down and everything else....how the Government can honestly say 'ho hum, its done now' after all these things that were not even brought up blows my mind.


I am utterly speechless by what I just learned about trade negotiation talks.

This keeps adding to the list of 'why Article 50 should not be invoked' whereas its counterpart still sits there with very little reason to pull the trigger.

what a fucking mess lol


It's an essential piece of consequence for anyone looking to make an irreversible binary choice - and yet 7 days after the vote, it hits the news.

Would it have swung many? Maybe not. But that, coupled with the revelations this week and the backstabbing and Johnson standing down and everything else....how the Government can honestly say 'ho hum, its done now' after all these things that were not even brought up blows my mind.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. How can the government actually go through with this??


March in York planned too if you're more north. 1.5k people expected.

I'm at Uni of York, I'd love to go but I'm going home to London for Summer on Saturday.

I do hope it gains traction - great to see my uni town firmly against this.

edit: sorry for double post
Am I right in thinking that the Leave campaign talked about negotiating during the exit period?

Was it really not known about beforehand?

Juicy Bob

My girlfriend and I just happened to be travelling to London on Saturday morning to attend the Formula E race at Battersea Park on the Sunday.

Turns out there's going to be a big march on the Saturday so instead of going shopping and other bullshit we may be taking part in that instead :D

Lego Boss

I am utterly speechless by what I just learned about trade negotiation talks.

This keeps adding to the list of 'why Article 50 should not be invoked' whereas its counterpart still sits there with very little reason to pull the trigger.

what a fucking mess lol

Surely as soon as the Square Mile starts twitching like a psycho on electric shock therapy this is going to go down the shitter.

It's an absolute economic cataclysm of biblical proportions. Even dead-eye May isn't insane enough to do that.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Under EU law, the bloc cannot negotiate a separate trade deal with one of its own members, hence the commissioner's insistence that the UK must first leave.

It is also against EU law for a member to negotiate its own trade deals with outsiders, which means the UK cannot start doing this until after it has left the EU.

Taken at face value, these rules mean the UK cannot conduct its own trade talks for up to two years - a fearsome challenge to any prime minister trying to deliver Brexit.
This is what happens when you let people stand on a platform and just spout nonsense.


Article 50 never gets invoked, calling it now. The govt don't want it, May has now put it back to next year, why? To buy time for them to sell a GE / 2nd referendum on deals etc...

They may say they are honouring it now, cos they have to, but quote me if they ever do (I won't care cos I will be doped up on antidepressants).


This is what happens when you let people stand on a platform and just spout nonsense.

Surely as soon as the Square Mile starts twitching like a psycho on electric shock therapy this is going to go down the shitter.

It's an absolute economic cataclysm of biblical proportions. Even dead-eye May isn't insane enough to do that.

It's all going down the drain and fast.

What a joke. I'm really surprised this is just coming out. This HAS to turn the tides somehow, right?
Am I right in thinking that the Leave campaign talked about negotiating during the exit period?

Was it really not known about beforehand?
This was never mentioned. The whole campaign made everything so simplistic. The general public are stupid and such decisions should be left to the 'experts' we elect in to government. The referendum should never have been called.

But I've been thinking this the whole time - surely we have to be out of the EU before we start negotiations! It makes perfect sense, but I thought what do I know!

This is such a suicidal situation way beyond anything before that I'm hoping it's the thing that shifts the tide. The pressure from business and those who support and donate to the parties will ensure this cannot happen. One hopes. Otherwise it's up to us to revolt, civil war!

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
The clip was just uploaded 1 or 2 hours ago. But it's going up on BBC newsnight in half an hour (BBC2), it'll be all over the news in the morning.
Oh, fuck. I misunderstood when I read earlier.
I thought it was more of the same news that trade negotiations wouldn't start until Article 50 was invoked.

We are well and truly fucked.


Hold the fuck up.

Wait, hold the fuck up.

You're telling me one of the MOST IMPORTANT matters of the EU, trade deals CANNOT be negotiated until we've exited the EU well and truly? And it may take years and years before one is decided?

We're so unbelievably fucked. Holy shit. How did that slip the radar for the past week?

You know we are one of the biggest markets for EU goods, so why exactly would conclude that we are 'fucked'? Being out of the EU doesn't make us any less of a market for the likes or Germany, France etc. In whose interest exactly is it to 'fuck' us?

I know it's convenient to envisage that the EU like some spurned lover intends to punish the UK for having the temerity to leave, but the financial and economic reality is, it just isn't in their interest to alienate the UK.


Am I right in thinking that the Leave campaign talked about negotiating during the exit period?

Was it really not known about beforehand?

I think it was strongly suggested we'd negotiate an amazing deal during exit talkse imolication being we'd switch over nearly with no fuss. Many peoples best hopes of a "simple' EEA deal were thinking they might be able to squeeze that in during the exit talks.

All that is out of the window now.

Do you want to leave Europe? Would you like to know if it'd take years with no guarantee of a good deal at the end of it? Nah we can just vote based on gut instinct and heresay.


Article 50 never gets invoked, calling it now. The govt don't want it, May has now put it back to next year, why? To buy time for them to sell a GE / 2nd referendum on deals etc...

They may say they are honouring it now, cos they have to, but quote me if they ever do (I won't care cos I will be doped up on antidepressants).

I tend to agree. If even the most hardline Leave PM candidate is saying "no article 50 this year" then it's pretty clear everybody understands how impossible this is.

At the end of the year, when it's still impossible, it will get pushed off again. And again, and again, until either you guys elect UKIP to blow everything up or Lib Dem/a functional Labour Party to definitively say no article 50 ever.


Article 50 never gets invoked, calling it now. The govt don't want it, May has now put it back to next year, why? To buy time for them to sell a GE / 2nd referendum on deals etc...

They may say they are honouring it now, cos they have to, but quote me if they ever do (I won't care cos I will be doped up on antidepressants).

The danger is that if the Government fails to invoke Article 50 we end up with Prime Minister Farage. If 35% of the country are hard line Leavers and none of the traditional parties are ready to follow the referendum result those voters are going to be energised to vote for UKIP.


A comment regarding Malmström's comments: She is Swedish. Just like the Germans, trade with the UK is pretty important to us Swedes. One argument of Leavers was that it would be in the interests of countries like Germany to push for a mutually beneficial trade agreement even after Brexit. Malmström's comment can be considered evidence against this view.

Trade in goods is easy enough under the WTO (after all the average tariff is just 3.5%) but it's trade in services which is the killer (due to a number reasons not least the sheer amount of services including financial which are excluded from the standard deal). If there's a default to WTO rules then the UK is most at risk because so much more of their external trade is in services.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
You know we are one of the biggest markets for EU goods, so why exactly would conclude that we are 'fucked'? Being out of the EU doesn't make us any less of a market for the likes or Germany, France etc. In whose interest exactly is it to 'fuck' us?

I know it's convenient to envisage that the EU like some spurned lover intends to punish the UK for having the temerity to leave, but the financial and economic reality is, it just isn't in their interest to alienate the UK.

She makes it very clear in the end that it will obviously have negative effects for everyone, but she says firmly 'yes, but the vote was very clear'.
Essentially, she knows it's damaging to the EU too, but it's far more damaging to the UK. And she's all but saying 'you made your bed, now lie in it'.


Unconfirmed Member
This is what happens when you let people stand on a platform and just spout nonsense.

"There are actually two negotiations. First you exit, and then you negotiate the new relationship, whatever that is," she said.

so what are people doing for the first two years? this doesn't make any sense.


It seriously seems like they'd do far less damage if they just vetoed the referendum. Some damage is already done, but it just looks like they're willingly walking into an incinerator.

Pretty much, except nobody has the balls to stand up and actually say it, and why they need to do it to protect the country as best as possible. I really can't get my head around the complacency on display by the 'leaders' right now.

It's either some bizarre long game to reverse course or just plain old power grab even if it's a disaster for normal people.


The danger is that if the Government fails to invoke Article 50 we end up with Prime Minister Farage. If 35% of the country are hard line Leavers and none of the traditional parties are ready to follow the referendum result those voters are going to be energised to vote for UKIP.

Indeed, failure to follow through in a timely fashion would be the death-knell for the conservative party, as is any of this talk of a second referendum. The electorate simply isn't going to buy it.

She makes it very clear in the end that it will obviously have negative effects for everyone, but she says firmly 'yes, but the vote was very clear'.
Essentially, she knows it's damaging to the EU too, but it's far more damaging to the UK. And she's all but saying 'you made your bed, now lie in it'.

Random much? I'm posting in response to a particular post. I don't much care for 'she' nor I put much faith in fortune tellers.


Indeed, failure to follow through in a timely fashion would be the death-knell for the conservative party, as is any of this talk of a second referendum. The electorate simply isn't going to buy it.
Luckily, FPTP makes it more difficult for UKIP to strive.
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