stump sock
Everyone is saying it's 'hybrid' but it's not really, it is just a handheld. Which is cool,
this is where I am. give me a nintendo handheld with a non-crap screen and optional video out
and region free please
Everyone is saying it's 'hybrid' but it's not really, it is just a handheld. Which is cool,
Technically true, but if the TV dongle allows for extra features not on the handheld unit (like multiple controllers), I think it's fair to call that a hybrid.
I am excited to get my hands on this, especially with the full force of Nintendo first party behind it. New full scale Zelda and new full scale Mario on the go? Wow!
I will be honest, I expected a console priority with handheld feature but a handheld priority with console feature is much better for me and a more justifiable purchase considering I will likely stick with Sony or Microsoft for console.
I am excited to get my hands on this, especially with the full force of Nintendo first party behind it. New full scale Zelda and new full scale Mario on the go? Wow!
I.. is that a 'shop? Lang is literally floating in the air.
I.. is that a 'shop? Lang is literally floating in the air.
Boyes CEO of Iron Galaxy
Sorry Lang, but if you're not the CEO, we're going to need to see ID.
I.. is that a 'shop? Lang is literally floating in the air.
When is the bombcast in mountain time?
As someone who primarily associates Nintendo with their handhelds, I'm very happy.
Why does Dave Lang hate JV?
Feud of the century. Grudge match time.
Boyes to referee.
Aren't they the only option for handhelds now that the Vita is dead?
I wonder why:
So if the NX is a handheld and a home console and unifies the platforms for Nintendo what does this mean for the games? Will we get 3DS type games on the NX and console games too?
So if the NX is a handheld and a home console and unifies the platforms for Nintendo what does this mean for the games? Will we get 3DS type games on the NX and console games too?
I'm mainly curious as to what the former 3DS games / franchises like Pokemon will do going forward? Pokemon for example, will they still make smaller games like they always have for handhelds for the NX or will they use the power and actually make that full on console version of their handheld games that people have wanted forever? Or will we just get the same handheld games that they have always made but can now be played on a TV as well.
So if the NX is a handheld and a home console and unifies the platforms for Nintendo what does this mean for the games? Will we get 3DS type games on the NX and console games too?
I'm mainly curious as to what the former 3DS games / franchises like Pokemon will do going forward? Pokemon for example, will they still make smaller games like they always have for handhelds for the NX or will they use the power and actually make that full on console version of their handheld games that people have wanted forever? Or will we just get the same handheld games that they have always made but can now be played on a TV as well.
I hope they start playing non trash fighters on rof
So, how are Bombcast threads going to be done? Posted after the live show is over or during the live show?
Live shows are premium so I don't think it gets own thread.So, how are Bombcast threads going to be done? Posted after the live show is over or during the live show?
it gets archived here after it is done (scroll to bottom for latest)Is someone going to archive Jeff's mixlr? I missed the first 30 minutes
it gets archived here after it is done (scroll to bottom for latest)
boy these Vinny and Alex quick looks are really something
In what sense?
I.. is that a 'shop? Lang is literally floating in the air.