Canadian Gaming Deals and Discussion Thread 7: More Shipping Talk than Anime & TV GAF

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Costco is weird. I tried to order one more year of plus. First time I got "your order could not be verified. Tried again with the exact same info and it went through.

Ah well, good till 2019 now.

Also cancelled my VR preorder. I'll wait till a price drop and the games are more then tech demos where you just stand there and watch things around you with minimal to non existent interactivity.
So annoyed that the 60" KS8000 isn't easy to get around here. Out of stock at best buy (one was in stock for a brief moment online yesterday), and everywhere else it seems like you're gonna have to wait a while for them to order a shipment from Samsung. And the 65" KS8000 is way too expensive unless I import it, and even that is just a little out of my price range if I'm trying to be responsible. I wanted to buy it from Best Buy to get the 90 days no interest since I just dropped 700 bucks on the iPhone 7+ upgrade. Oh well.

So I ordered the 65" KU6290 from Costco for now and saved some money (and their warranty is also way cheaper-- $99 5 years vs around $400 4 years from other places). They've got 90 day returns, so if I'm unhappy I can return it. It's got an 8-bit panel, but after reading about FRC/temporal dithering I realize that shouldn't make a big difference. the two weaknesses is lack of wide color gamut and the peak brightness is about half of what HDR content is mastered to. But, it does have good sustained brightness. And probably has better brightness than my current TV anyway.

So in December, I might just return the 6290 and import the damn 65" KS8000 from b&h or buy it from here if anywhere here has a good deal on it by then. And I'll be able to afford it by then as well.

Also traded in my Xbox One + 2 extra controllers (kept my day one edition) and my PS4 + 3 extra controllers (kept my PS1 anniversary) and a handful of games (witcher 3, fallout 4, halo 5, halo mcc) towards a 500GB Xbox One S (comes with halo mcc & halo 5) and a PS4 Pro. My hardware got a 20% boost through the level up promo and games got a 30% boost. The xbox one tiv was $165 (before boost) and the ps4 was $175 (before boost) which I thought were pretty good values. Ended up paying for my Xbox One in full and half of my PS4. Decided to trade in the controllers since there are better ones now.


The DA:I games are having a sale, DLCs are $5 and GOTY game is $20. Seems to be on both XBL and PS+. Seems to be memebership only


Thx been waiting for a deal on Trespasser. I'm debating whether I should just start it up or play through again because it's been so long.


This might be old news, but uh... did Superstore stop selling video games? The one near me now has 0 video games.

It's also in a mall though, near an EB... so not sure if it's a company wide thing.


Neo Member
This might be old news, but uh... did Superstore stop selling video games? The one near me now has 0 video games.

It's also in a mall though, near an EB... so not sure if it's a company wide thing.

The one near me had a clearance sale on all of their games around 2 months ago, so it seems that way! Unless other people still see games at their local stores?
This might be old news, but uh... did Superstore stop selling video games? The one near me now has 0 video games.

It's also in a mall though, near an EB... so not sure if it's a company wide thing.

The one near me is basically having a clearance sale on games so my guess is its company wide. I even managed to pick up a copy of Kirby's Epic Yarn for $12


This might be old news, but uh... did Superstore stop selling video games? The one near me now has 0 video games.

It's also in a mall though, near an EB... so not sure if it's a company wide thing.

Think so, the one near me only had old stock they still for some stupid reason won't mark down. They had stacks of almost full price wonderbooks.
Is that nvidia promo where you get Gears 4 with a graphics card in Canada as well?

I'm wondering if I should look around for cheap Gears 4 codes


This might be old news, but uh... did Superstore stop selling video games? The one near me now has 0 video games.

It's also in a mall though, near an EB... so not sure if it's a company wide thing.

Yep, I even remember reading it here or somewhere, it's been a while.

My local Superstore retired it's game shelf space to other electronics and removed the games to the bargain bins.
*sees eBay $10 off $50 promo*
*sees that it doesn't work with gift cards*
*decides to buy a bunch of UMD-only PSP games because why not*
*realizes after checkout that he already owns a copy of Crisis Core from the last time he bought some UMD-only PSP games*



FYI for those who bought a GTX 1070/1080 within the last month at Memory Express, I sent them my invoice number and asked if I was eligible for the Gears of War 4 promo and they emailed me a code with 30 min. I bought my 1070 on August 19... I guess YMMV depending on how much earlier you bought one but thought I'd let everyone know.
This might be old news, but uh... did Superstore stop selling video games? The one near me now has 0 video games.

It's also in a mall though, near an EB... so not sure if it's a company wide thing.

The one closest to me drastically reduced their video game stock sometime in 2015. They used to have a corner of the store dedicated to electronics and toys, and now it's been reduced to just two aisles in the middle of apparel and books.


So annoyed that the 60" KS8000 isn't easy to get around here. Out of stock at best buy (one was in stock for a brief moment online yesterday), and everywhere else it seems like you're gonna have to wait a while for them to order a shipment from Samsung. And the 65" KS8000 is way too expensive unless I import it, and even that is just a little out of my price range if I'm trying to be responsible. I wanted to buy it from Best Buy to get the 90 days no interest since I just dropped 700 bucks on the iPhone 7+ upgrade. Oh well.

So I ordered the 65" KU6290 from Costco for now and saved some money (and their warranty is also way cheaper-- $99 5 years vs around $400 4 years from other places). They've got 90 day returns, so if I'm unhappy I can return it. It's got an 8-bit panel, but after reading about FRC/temporal dithering I realize that shouldn't make a big difference. the two weaknesses is lack of wide color gamut and the peak brightness is about half of what HDR content is mastered to. But, it does have good sustained brightness. And probably has better brightness than my current TV anyway.

So in December, I might just return the 6290 and import the damn 65" KS8000 from b&h or buy it from here if anywhere here has a good deal on it by then. And I'll be able to afford it by then as well.

Also traded in my Xbox One + 2 extra controllers (kept my day one edition) and my PS4 + 3 extra controllers (kept my PS1 anniversary) and a handful of games (witcher 3, fallout 4, halo 5, halo mcc) towards a 500GB Xbox One S (comes with halo mcc & halo 5) and a PS4 Pro. My hardware got a 20% boost through the level up promo and games got a 30% boost. The xbox one tiv was $165 (before boost) and the ps4 was $175 (before boost) which I thought were pretty good values. Ended up paying for my Xbox One in full and half of my PS4. Decided to trade in the controllers since there are better ones now.

You will need to post some impressions of that TV. :)


This only applies to "just because" returns, right? I'm not getting charged if I return a game that's supposed to be multi-disc because half the discs are missing?

yeah. it's a "i forgot to cancel the pre-order" type of refund lol

edit: now i can either pay $49.99 for trails of cold steel 1 so I can play the sequel I got, or pay $6.48 to refund it.


Off topic but... I receive playstation emails once in a while but today i noticed something I hadn't before - lifetime gameplay hours with psn...

2300 hrs !! Holy mothers I have no life lol!
With PS+ prices up tomorrow curious how far out everyone is set up with PSN now?

I ended up using a few of those futureshop card deals. And am now locked in until .... 2022.

Bring on the PS5!


yeah. it's a "i forgot to cancel the pre-order" type of refund lol

edit: now i can either pay $49.99 for trails of cold steel 1 so I can play the sequel I got, or pay $6.48 to refund it.
You should go the $49.99 route. Trails of Cold Steel is a solid JRPG series worth supporting. It's not like we have many of those any more.
Just an FYI for anyone who loaded up their account with PS Plus subscriptions:


I'm not kidding when I say all someone needs is your password and they can get access to your account and remove your ability to access it in 2 seconds (happened to me at 1:30am last night).

You've invested ALOT in your PSN account, don't let it become comprised.


So annoyed that the 60" KS8000 isn't easy to get around here. Out of stock at best buy (one was in stock for a brief moment online yesterday), and everywhere else it seems like you're gonna have to wait a while for them to order a shipment from Samsung. And the 65" KS8000 is way too expensive unless I import it, and even that is just a little out of my price range if I'm trying to be responsible. I wanted to buy it from Best Buy to get the 90 days no interest since I just dropped 700 bucks on the iPhone 7+ upgrade. Oh well.

So I ordered the 65" KU6290 from Costco for now and saved some money (and their warranty is also way cheaper-- $99 5 years vs around $400 4 years from other places). They've got 90 day returns, so if I'm unhappy I can return it. It's got an 8-bit panel, but after reading about FRC/temporal dithering I realize that shouldn't make a big difference. the two weaknesses is lack of wide color gamut and the peak brightness is about half of what HDR content is mastered to. But, it does have good sustained brightness. And probably has better brightness than my current TV anyway.

So in December, I might just return the 6290 and import the damn 65" KS8000 from b&h or buy it from here if anywhere here has a good deal on it by then. And I'll be able to afford it by then as well.

Also traded in my Xbox One + 2 extra controllers (kept my day one edition) and my PS4 + 3 extra controllers (kept my PS1 anniversary) and a handful of games (witcher 3, fallout 4, halo 5, halo mcc) towards a 500GB Xbox One S (comes with halo mcc & halo 5) and a PS4 Pro. My hardware got a 20% boost through the level up promo and games got a 30% boost. The xbox one tiv was $165 (before boost) and the ps4 was $175 (before boost) which I thought were pretty good values. Ended up paying for my Xbox One in full and half of my PS4. Decided to trade in the controllers since there are better ones now.

You would have been much better off with the Vizio M65 for $100 more. It's on sale for $1999. It's a much better TV than the 6290. Just read Cnets review that just came out on the M65.

I initially had the P65 but returned it for the M65 and saved $1000 and the difference isn't all that much. It has 64 zones vs 128 on the P but looks the same to me. I can hardly tell the TV is on on an all black screen in a completely dark room.


Is there a place where I can buy PSN cards and the codes will be sent trough email? does do that? does that for PS+. I'm guessing they probably do the same for cash cards.

I'm curious though, if you're going to buy online, why not just add the amount to your wallet directly?


Member does that for PS+. I'm guessing they probably do the same for cash cards.

I'm curious though, if you're going to buy online, why not just add the amount to your wallet directly?

For me PSN gives an error now when trying to add funds via credit card or paypal, even though I had been using paypal for years prior to this year.


Oh..hmm, I was charged tax for buying Forza digitally on the app store?

edit - I guess I forgot about it, always used points to buy shit from XBL.
Oh..hmm, I was charged tax for buying Forza digitally on the app store?

Yeah that's normal. XBL and the Windows Store charges tax. If anything PSN is more an exception than the norm with charging tax in Canada. I think the eShop charges tax as well. does that for PS+. I'm guessing they probably do the same for cash cards.

I'm curious though, if you're going to buy online, why not just add the amount to your wallet directly?

It's for my brother's account, he doesn't have a Canadian CC, I know amazon USA sends the codes via e-mail and can't believe in this day and age Canada doesn't do that (AFAIK).
I tried once with amazon Canada and they freaking sent me the card, what a waste of time for a digital code.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
Amazon free shipping threshold is now $35.

They destroyed the competition (or watched the competition self-destruct), and now they're free to become progressively less and less consumer-friendly.

What is the code?

Too late, it was one of their limited-time promos. It was only valid until 10pm Pacific yesterday night.

The promos seem to come around once every couple of weeks, so if there's something you want on eBay and it's not an auction ending soon or something like that, you'll be able to get another shot soon. (Dunno if it'll be $10 off $50 though, usually it's more like $20 off $100 or $15 off $75)
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