Should I use my Red Dragon Fruits to skill up Red Sonia before the skill up event ends? I know the skill ups would carry over to her final form, but I have no near-term plans to develop any fire cards...
I'd hold onto them since you only have three. Since you probably can't reliably clear Cave of Dreaming yet they're more valuable as evo material than skillup fodder at the moment.Should I use my Red Dragon Fruits to skill up Red Sonia before the skill up event ends? I know the skill ups would carry over to her final form, but I have no near-term plans to develop any fire cards...
Is there any use for Awoken Izanagi?
Myr is a better lead and if I want a burst inherit, non-Awoken Izanagi does the job (though I have better options anyway), so I don't know what I'd do with him...
I have another stupid question, sorry.
I was just using Ronove with a friend Ronove lead on super ruby dragons and I was getting x16 and x100 damage without even using a heart cross, from doing very little combos and I have no clue how, can someone explain to me? It seemed like the x16 was activating after like 2-3 combos max and then after that it would hit x100 and do infinite damage... How is this game calculating my multiplier???
The cross damage bonus carries over if you kill the current floor and the following floor has no preemptive action.
For normal and some guerillas you can make a cross on floor 1 and just match 3 colors from then on out for max damage.
Holy shiiiiiiiiiiit, what? That's busted! Do you have to keep one-shotting subsequent floors to maintain the bonus, or only get a single match?
This is why Cross meta is a thing. You need to keep sweeping to keep the pain train rolling. As long as there are NO preemptive actions (even text bubbles like in Anime collabs) you keep the shield AND the damage.
i've already been using your bastet daily but I may have to get on the Ronove Express, please max awaken and +297 asap thanks bro
uh, I thought it was just the defense that carries over, not the combo as well
brb maxing my ronove, I don't even have any good subs for him but can probably do more damage
Ok, yeah I just tested this out and found that's the case. Man that's still crazy though... Why have I been wasting so much time on Bastet. After the initial cross is made I'm basically playing the same way as I play her, just try to get my 5+ combo, only with Ronove it does infinite damage and with Bastet it does jack effing shit. Insanity.
Nice. You should be able to clear the normals fairly trivially now. Bastet is good because you do need to learn how to combo and she provides a lot of tools to do that, Bacetet is better because if
I know the feelingGot a rando to sami-carry me thru the legend daily (I didn't do too bad!) but got a got damned blue mask just like I knew I would. I hate RNG so much it makes me froth.
Still need 2 green masks
Have 4 blue ones
So this is one of the VERY few times it can be worth burning MP for evo mats. Basically if you think it will improve your team to where you can run more content it's worth considering spending MP for the masks. That said I'd wait till Friday. I'll try and carry you through Ace. Bacetet is much better than Awoken and it's at least worth a show trying to nab him.Ugh this game sucks
Jorm looks like a nice addition to my Fenrir team. Skilling him up seems like it would be a major chore, though.
So this is one of the VERY few times it can be worth burning MP for evo mats. Basically if you think it will improve your team to where you can run more content it's worth considering spending MP for the masks. That said I'd wait till Friday. I'll try and carry you through Ace. Bacetet is much better than Awoken and it's at least worth a show trying to nab him.
It's not that bad tbh. Dungeon gives a decent +egg rate and has skillups for a good handful of other monsters as well.
That dungeon has some good skill ups and has pretty good +eggs. Pretty good if you can reliably clear it, and shouldn't be too hard find co-op partners.
It's a relatively easy clear with my Ronove crew, but I'm still learning how to play him with a cool head. It's so easy to get overwhelmed with everything I need to do for high damage.
But co-op sounds interesting...The question is, do people get shitty if my team is hyper or penta maxed for running descended dungeons?
Ok, yeah I just tested this out and found that's the case. Man that's still crazy though... Why have I been wasting so much time on Bastet. After the initial cross is made I'm basically playing the same way as I play her, just try to get my 5+ combo, only with Ronove it does infinite damage and with Bastet it does jack effing shit. Insanity.
Box post.
Gung-ho trying to telling me I can't run Myr or XM on challenge 9 with "all attributes required". They're not the boss of me.
No way this was coop with that HP level.Was this solo or coop?
Hey Nicoga, Nice to see you back, if you want to friend me again:
Maple because monsters with combined durability, thermal, you can recommend to shake the 297. However, in order to Kaedepa to exhibit the true value is, let's remember that there is a need to gain more than the maple.
Sub in a party in which a plurality of body organizing the Hiryu Bei. High-fired by the two-body attack, it can be as long as a round of a simple dungeon crisp capture. The point about sealed resistant Hiryu increase the number of Bei will no longer Umara Be careful.
Skill use doesn't roll over on a sweep unfortunately. It would breathe new life into a lot of leads but also make ALB even more broken than he already is.Watching a video of cross meta from renove.
Does Gremory work the same way? I know her defense boost rolls over, but does her 36x prior to skil roll over too?
I ask because a 1 turn skill would make that sick...
No way this was coop with that HP level.
Coop etiquette question: Because of the way guerrillas dungeons are made available where people are looking for hosts from different regions to let them access it, does that mean it's acceptable for the host for a tama or super dragon dungeon to request that the person that joins their co-op room have a button team to breeze them thru it even if they don't have buttons themselves? I'm always super reluctant to post super dragons on the Discord because I don't want to risk someone joining it who doesn't have a team built for it and it feels rude to expect someone to bring their farmed up button team to come carry me thu. But then they're getting access to it in the first place, right?
Also Pad X confirmed for NA.
Based on the reddit thread I'm not sure I'm planning on rolling in the DC. My main would love any of the legendary heroes but that's really all I'm missing.
Saw this. What's so special about this collab?
Also, the DC looks very lackluster. What's in there that's worth fielding?