So the Ace dungeon isn't too hard then? What's the chance I could get a carry thru it to upgrade my Bastet?
Jeez tried to coop challenge 5 with a rando and looked like a fool. Misplayed so many times and got us killed. Guy apparently didn't see my leaders or thought he could solo it or something cause his teams were not compatible with mine at all. Still I fucked up badly. Feels bad.
If only you could carry me out of my ocean of shame.![]()
The hell? Tomorrow is both Star Treasure and Rare Monster? That seems unusual.
I'm in Group B, so 4 PT/7 ET for me. I'd be up for a few runs (er, 7, I suppose) if anyone wants to join me. I don't have a pushbutton team for it (I generally just blast everything with Pandora), but I could put together a team with however many skill boosts it would take. Or we could just blast everything with Pandora or ALB-style.
Sign me up. Discord is Bladelaw#6504 I have a button team that needs 11 SB to get off the ground. Basically pass turn 1 and I'll do the rest.
I'm looking to 297, D/R Haku and Tsubaki
I just cleared Endless Corridor for the first time. I thought I was hot shit and then I went back into it and saw the other 5 Endless Corridors in there. Those all sound like a nightmare.
I'm taking back my lackluster initial review of the new Krishna evo. Here he is clearing arena 3 with a pretty basic team.
I have so many fire cards to make this work and can mix and match based on the dungeon. Total hp over 70k is insane with the extra hp buff.
What are some thoughts on Nordis dungeon? What should I be aware of in building a team for it? Can I assume it's easier than Myr??
Nordis isn't too bad. He's a dick to dark teams and takes half damage from light and wood. I think our janky Sumire combo could pull it off in legend plus.What are some thoughts on Nordis dungeon? What should I be aware of in building a team for it? Can I assume it's easier than Myr??
I yolo rolled once and got red valk. Don't really need her, but happy to have one.
Wonder if the Valks will recieve some kind of buff soon ...they are still quite rare but they dont fit in too many top tier teams right now if at all.
Really seems like they should, considering that LValk will get one as soon as Ana comes over.
No I just use star vault as short for STTD (star thieves treasure den)I was wondering if there was a reason to run Star Vault instead of STTD?
What are some thoughts on Nordis dungeon? What should I be aware of in building a team for it? Can I assume it's easier than Myr??
Has anyone used the new Anima ult in co-op? I'm wondering what type of dungeons it can farm. My main and alt both have one, so putting a team together might be helpful until I can either get Myr ready on both accounts or find a way to get my alt MZeus.
Holy shit I'm sorry. At a friend's housewarming and miss timed the block. Hopefully you found someone to run with.Okay, Bladelaw, room is up. 2193 7302
I should have enough box space to do four runs before I have to fuse things. After the fifth run I'll have to pause to run Experience and level up. After that I'll have seven more runs, if you're up for it.
Holy shit I'm sorry. At a friend's housewarming and miss timed the block. Hopefully you found someone to run with.
Thalfon: @dzydzydino Did you catch? lol. You did 59824740 damage halved to 29912370, leaving Kali on 98741 HP which is ~0.33% of her max HP.
Suuuuper dumb question time.
I have a the multiplayer menu up at the moment selecting a dungeon to run and the screen is showing the super dragons from 20 minutes ago and it's letting me select them and start up a room with an ID and everything. Will it actually let me run these if I pull someone into it even tho the guerrilla has expired??
I've tried that before. Didn't work.
Ok so I have 2 more 297's and finished off D/R Haku. So I now have the standard Awoken Lucifer Arena team. Not sure what to do with the 2 297's so I'll bank them till an obvious need presents itself.
What is the standard team? Arena 1? Solo?