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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface

I don't have the endurance to run Sothis mission for too long. I've done 4 runs, and made about 300 million credits in the last 2 weeks, which after 2 years and 600+ hours has finally pushed me over the 1 billion credit mark but I can't bring myself to put my nose to the grindstone and just do run after run after run.


I don't have the endurance to run Sothis mission for too long. I've done 4 runs, and made about 300 million credits in the last 2 weeks, which after 2 years and 600+ hours has finally pushed me over the 1 billion credit mark but I can't bring myself to put my nose to the grindstone and just do run after run after run.

There isnt much of a point after 1 bil either. Unless you're trying to A spec a corvette or something.
Ok, that is enough Sothis for now. I grinded the data missions and got feds to allied and the other three are at friendly, so at least I can start getting better missions. After that grind I did one run and it was around 15 mil, so when I get back for more at least I’ll have better mission chances.

It’s been great though, after 140 hours it feels like I’m finally making progress in this game. Before I would grind and it felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere. It’s nice to actually see noticeable progress. I’m actually excited to grind more Sothis.



it's because of the 1A power distributor isn't it? unless that's a typo, you're using a 1A?
I'll need to check, but I'm nowhere near an Outfitter station at the moment.

I think my purchase of Horizons is fucked though.
I originally bought Elite via their own website, but later redeemed it as a Steam Key and installed the game from Steam. Earlier today I purchased the Horizons Season pass for £13.99 through Steam and it now shows up as Installed in my DLC list.

Planetary landings aren't working for me though. I watched a tutorial video and whilst I get the blue marker on the system map, I don't get the blue icon that's supposed to appear in your navigation list next to the name of landable planets, nor do planetary outposts show up at all. I attempted to approach a planet that you should be able to land on (Maia A 2 A) but all that happens is as I get close to it, I get a "Too Close, dropping out" message and drop out of Supercruise. I can't get it to go to Glide.
I scanned the Nav Beacon in the system so should have all the navigation data.

And I double checked, I do have a Planetary Approach Suite installed on my ship.
Module storage coming in next Beta patch: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/55ndzi/jon_pace_module_storage_coming_in_22_beta_5/

Module storage is coming in Beta-5.

It will need a good 'ol bashing from you Beta folks to iron out any remaining stinkers. So STORE EVERYTHING! (. . . then unstore everything AND STORE IT AGAIN!)
Module transfer, and Module storage are essentially the same feature. You transfer modules between ship->storage, then storage->ship.

However there's a 'Mass Storage' option you can use to place multiple modules into storage in one fell swoop. Handy when you're parking that ship for a while, but still want to use it's modules in your other ship.

Just got a friend to buy Elite on PC. Been playing on X1 because none of my PC friends play anymore, but guess I'll have to re-bind the ol Rhino.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I don't have the endurance to run Sothis mission for too long. I've done 4 runs, and made about 300 million credits in the last 2 weeks, which after 2 years and 600+ hours has finally pushed me over the 1 billion credit mark but I can't bring myself to put my nose to the grindstone and just do run after run after run.

I lose interest after a while too. I did a few runs in my Python this weekend and made about 70 million, as the reps go up for each faction the missions get better. I’ll do more later this week, I want enough credits to buy both an exploration / trade Anaconda (~270 million credits) and a well outfitted passenger Orca for 2.2 (I think ~130 million, not sure). I almost have enough for the Anaconda now, so I need to make another 200 million or so by 2.2 to feel comfortable. I’d also like to buy a couple other smaller ships just for fun, but we’ll see how much of Sothis I can take until 2.2 hits.

I spent a bit of time unlocking some engineers this weekend too, I’d like to get them all unlocked just to have access to them, but that may be more of a long term goal as I quickly get tired of grinding them out.


anyone have a good way to grind federation rep?

don't say draconis 17, wasted my time flying way out there yesterday. its on lockdown.
Seems Thrustmaster quietly pushed back the T16000 FCS HOTAS another month. Release date is listed as 11/2 now. Disappointing since I was looking forward to getting it this week.
I'm only 2 engineers in but haven't really experienced much of a grind yet. Material costs are so low, so it makes it easy to just stock up on em and re-roll until you get a solid upgrade.

It forced me to take up mining and planetary explanation, too.

I'm sure the higher grade improvements have more grinding to them, but it's been a pretty pain-free experience, as Elite goes. Most activities in Elite have an element of tedium to them, so maybe I'm just getting used to it :p

Seems Thrustmaster quietly pushed back the T16000 FCS HOTAS another month. Release date is listed as 11/2 now. Disappointing since I was looking forward to getting it this week.

Yeah, saw that :-\ Was gonna recommend it to my friend but don't know if she wants to wait a month before buying one. She'll probably get the Thrustmaster X in the meantime.
anyone have a good way to grind federation rep?

don't say draconis 17, wasted my time flying way out there yesterday. its on lockdown.

My "home" system of Lalande 22701 has a bunch of Fed factions, is also in a cluster of close stars so you can get pretty good loops for rank up missions. Also has 4 stations close to the main star and res sites. That's where I did most of mine.
Yeah, saw that :-\ Was gonna recommend it to my friend but don't know if she wants to wait a month before buying one. She'll probably get the Thrustmaster X in the meantime.

That's what I'm currently using. It's a great HOTAS for the price, but I'm a bit tired of all the macros I have to use to get everything I want mapped. This new Thrustmaster looks like it'll solve that with all the hats it has.
anyone have a good way to grind federation rep?

don't say draconis 17, wasted my time flying way out there yesterday. its on lockdown.

I've been doing strictly data runs between Sothis and Ceos in order to increase my fed rep. It's been my grind when I don't have enough time to do a haul run out to the bubble. Seems to work well enough.

Did we get confirmation that Sothis runs are getting nerfed in 2.2? Also, has there been a date confirmed?

I've been grinding to get into a big ship prior to the update, but I'll probably have to put the game down once I meet my goals due to the grind.
So I know there were rumors that your NPC crew could eventually increase their skills based on how long you keep them alive and how much action they see. Is that true? Is it in the beta right now?
So I know there were rumors that your NPC crew could eventually increase their skills based on how long you keep them alive and how much action they see. Is that true? Is it in the beta right now?

Yes, but I only saw early on it was super bugged. I don't know what it looks like now after a few patches.


My "home" system of Lalande 22701 has a bunch of Fed factions, is also in a cluster of close stars so you can get pretty good loops for rank up missions. Also has 4 stations close to the main star and res sites. That's where I did most of mine.

cool I have two people reporting home systems in here now, much appreciated, always looking for a good home.

I've been doing strictly data runs between Sothis and Ceos in order to increase my fed rep. It's been my grind when I don't have enough time to do a haul run out to the bubble. Seems to work well enough.

Did we get confirmation that Sothis runs are getting nerfed in 2.2? Also, has there been a date confirmed?

I've been grinding to get into a big ship prior to the update, but I'll probably have to put the game down once I meet my goals due to the grind.

yeah that's a good idea too but I gave up sothis runs weeks ago as I found a new money scheme and I dislike the 500 ly trips, but thanks anyway though. I was actually hoping to find a new donation system ... I guess any fed controlled station that is in famine would have donations though??
Seems like a few 2.2 engineers are good for explorers. Some of them offer 70-80% weight reduction for utility components.

Yes, but I only saw early on it was super bugged. I don't know what it looks like now after a few patches.

Damn. I'm hoping that's a nice meta.

EDIT: So I noticed that the stat ranges for Engineers seem to change every time you exit the Engineer menu and open it back up when you're at their base?

Like, I was rolling on Elvira and wasn't happy with the stat ranges at all. I exited the menu but changed my mind, popped back in, and the potential upgrades were completely different (and much better, for that matter).

Is that normal or how it's supposed to be? Or was this a bug? X1.

EDIT 2: Holy fuck, there is a Founder's World passenger mission in 2.2 that pays out ~350 million credits to visit Sag A.

Exploration is going to get a big bump due to passenger missions.
Actually 20 mil is accurate, this is basically mine:


Edit pretty much the same as ghost lol



FTFY. Quick notes:

Never have a class E anything on a combat ship. In fact, never have a class E on any ship. Dump that beam. They're trash and force you to put 4 pips to weapons all the time just to use them. You're cutting your shield effectiveness by like 75% when you can't have 4 pips to shields (which is pretty much never with a beam). You'd be far better off with 2x pulses or 1x pulse + 1x multicannon.

Further, on the Vulture you really want a pair of A shield boosters. Put a level 1 overcharge on the power plant so you can mod up the thrusters, shield, boosters, fsd and weapons. I think a level 1 powerplant OC should be enough. At worst, you'll need a level 3.

Next, always do your power management. You can set power priorities 5 levels deep. Do so. This allows you to get more out of your ship for free.

Lastly, unless you're staying within 8LY, you're going to need a Fuel Scoop. Level 1 scoops are AWFUL, so a level 2 is the minimum acceptable scoop unless you want 10 jumps to take 25 minutes (you don't lol).

Trust ya boi Dreams. 12,000 combat kills.
Did some high speed mining today and it was so hilarious :D 14 limpets at my service, haha, so great. Now I do have enough sulphur and nickel for a lot of rolls @ blaster
Reddit found a capital class ship docked on a platform outside a station. Bug or not, pretty cool:

Obsidian noted that when you drop into the new installation locations, you drop in VERY close. Wonder if we'll have any capital class ship battles outside of stations in warzones, or even just battles outside of them in general...haha, maybe we're getting closer to the launch trailer in terms of what the game is :p

Did some high speed mining today and it was so hilarious :D 14 limpets at my service, haha, so great. Now I do have enough sulphur and nickel for a lot of rolls @ blaster

Mining with limpets is strangely satisfying. I can't imagine doing it pre-limpets, though. Egad.
So I know there were rumors that your NPC crew could eventually increase their skills based on how long you keep them alive and how much action they see. Is that true? Is it in the beta right now?

I got my npc pet half way up the first rank after about 45 minutes of combat in a CZ. I would not be surprised if it takes 100 hours to get one to Elite. Except they permanently die if you do.

I am not amused.


Holy fuck, there is a Founder's World passenger mission in 2.2 that pays out ~350 million credits to visit Sag A.

Exploration is going to get a big bump due to passenger missions.
I just hope they're not on a timer. I tend to run my own schedule when exploring, and I really don't like the idea of having to rush, or to make sure I play X hours a week in order to get the mission goal.

I'd probably be better off just stacking lower missions that don't really leave the bubble, or at least not that far out of it. Few million for a couple hours work.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
EDIT 2: Holy fuck, there is a Founder's World passenger mission in 2.2 that pays out ~350 million credits to visit Sag A.

Exploration is going to get a big bump due to passenger missions.

Don't know how enticing that's going to be. I've been heading there the past few weeks, and even though I made good progress in the first few day, I'm kinda burned out. I'm too far away to turn around, and I'm still far enough from Sag A that I'm dreading turning on the game. I wish there was a way to set it to auto-pilot and just let the A.I make the travel. It would still take the same time mind you.
Don't know how enticing that's going to be. I've been heading there the past few weeks, and even though I made good progress in the first few day, I'm kinda burned out. I'm too far away to turn around, and I'm still far enough from Sag A that I'm dreading turning on the game. I wish there was a way to set it to auto-pilot and just let the A.I make the travel. It would still take the same time mind you.

I mostly meant in the sense that, explorers who already planned on going to Sag A can now at least make millions more :) I definitely want to take the trip sometime, but probably won't until I have a fantastic passenger vehicle/jump range.
Don't know how enticing that's going to be. I've been heading there the past few weeks, and even though I made good progress in the first few day, I'm kinda burned out. I'm too far away to turn around, and I'm still far enough from Sag A that I'm dreading turning on the game. I wish there was a way to set it to auto-pilot and just let the A.I make the travel. It would still take the same time mind you.

Neutron Highway will help some (hopefully) and make the trip to the center a bit less of a chore.
Don't know how enticing that's going to be. I've been heading there the past few weeks, and even though I made good progress in the first few day, I'm kinda burned out. I'm too far away to turn around, and I'm still far enough from Sag A that I'm dreading turning on the game. I wish there was a way to set it to auto-pilot and just let the A.I make the travel. It would still take the same time mind you.

$350m is about um...about 4 Sothis runs. Or about 9 hours of delivery runs.

Now, let's compare to how long a run to Sag A* is in a passenger ship that is giving 35LY max. lol...

There and back, that's about 1,600 jumps? About 40 hours.

You decide.


A few pics I took in Qa'Wakana (beautiful system in the bubble).





If you are looking for satellites, that Earth-like has a lot of them.


Decided to jump back in the game and do some Sothis runs in my Asp Explorer which only has 84 cargo space. Should I stick with this until I get enough for a trade-conda or should I be buying something else (like a Python?) before that?


This is a pic taken from the camera. We don't see the walls, but it is inside.


As you can see the interior is already textured (control panel, door).

Frontier is thinking about the future... Space legs!


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
This is a pic taken from the camera. We don't see the walls, but it is inside.

As you can see the interior is already textured (control panel, door).

Frontier is thinking about the future... Space legs!

There have been many hints that they have been actively developing for space legs for some time now. For example, we know that they have all or most of the ship interiors planned and laid out, and many new art assets with updates seem to have lots of detail work that is pretty worthless without legs BUT they are spending time making them anyway. The commander creator itself is very much a preparation for players seeing other players in game. Seems like they have been planning and preparing for legs for some time now.

I’m pretty sure we’ll be walking around in Season 3, at least in some form or another.

Not Spaceghost

The way they integrate walking around needs to feel meaningful.

Otherwise it will basically just become a more unconventional way of menu management. Instead of selecting missions from a list when you dock you now have to leave your ship, walk to the NPC at an office and accept their mission. Sounds really cool the first 4 times lol then you're just hoping for the old menu.

Walking around in elite doesn't seem like a necessary thing for my enjoyment unless they pair it with a campaign or something like a story line which would benefit from having a player character to interact with. A campaign, while being something that I am all for seems like it goes against the core tenants of elites blaze your own trail philosophy.

Alternatively exploration could benefit from walking around but at the same time we have the SRV. So as much as I want walking around I often wonder to what end lol.
The way they integrate walking around needs to feel meaningful.

Otherwise it will basically just become a more unconventional way of menu management. Instead of selecting missions from a list when you dock you now have to leave your ship, walk to the NPC at an office and accept their mission. Sounds really cool the first 4 times lol then you're just hoping for the old menu.

Walking around in elite doesn't seem like a necessary thing for my enjoyment unless they pair it with a campaign or something like a story line which would benefit from having a player character to interact with. A campaign, while being something that I am all for seems like it goes against the core tenants of elites blaze your own trail philosophy.

Alternatively exploration could benefit from walking around but at the same time we have the SRV. So as much as I want walking around I often wonder to what end lol.
Everytime I think about walking around I have no idea what the benefit of it in Elite would be in the long run. Even walking around in stations, I don't know.... There needs to be a lot of variety for it to not be boring after seeing two stations being (nearly) identical. And for being different there is so much effort on FDs end... That could easily be used better elsewhere in the game imho.

It would be cool to get to areas where you need to be on foot though. Like getting near a forest like structure on a planet which you have to investigate and the SRV cannot be used because it's too big. Same with crevasses. Even (abandoned) stations. Fly there with your ship, leave the ship and explore the station <3

But those are 2-3 years away imho.
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