Peanut Butter
first time i read that you swallow too much gum thing i thought i read something else entirely
getting ideas for your next hentai? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

first time i read that you swallow too much gum thing i thought i read something else entirely
getting ideas for your next hentai? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I got Lulu and it said I believe penguins fly.
I love penguins.
It knows.
Plus Daisy scales with APit's the same with every new champion, people will attempt to force it into a position it's not good in. Ivern is undertuned, but when he's balanced I still don't expect him to be a good support.
He's an AP jungler. 70% AP ratio on his shield is big, and he needs AP to do something in combat situations despite him being supportive.
Plus Daisy scales with AP
Ivern hotfix buffs just went live!
HP per level increased 74 > 90
Base MR increased 30 > 32.1
Base AS increased .625 > .644
it's the same with every new champion, people will attempt to force it into a position it's not good in. Ivern is undertuned, but when he's balanced I still don't expect him to be a good support.
He's an AP jungler. 70% AP ratio on his shield is big, and he needs AP to do something in combat situations despite him being supportive.
yeah, she becomes much stronger with AP. Her health, armour, MR and damage all scale off your AP.
Also we just hotfixed Ivern with buffs:
I want them to just accept Ivern as a trash champ designed for selective comps.
Maybe someone will make a comp around his bushes and Qs with a team of melee champs designed to just jump onto anything he lands a Q on.
imagine calling a new champ a trash champ after a couple of days on live, especially considering how unique he is.
as usual people will say it's trash until someone plays it well and then it'll be the most broken thing ever
we shall wait and see.
imagine calling a new champ a trash champ after a couple of days on live, especially considering how unique he is.
as usual people will say it's trash until someone plays it well and then it'll be the most broken thing ever
we shall wait and see.
But that's the point, the small change Taliyah got pushed her into broken territory, maybe if Riot waited till people how to play her they wouldn't have needed to buff her at allIMO if you have to buff a champ right after release you're saying it's kinda grabo and needs help at the LEASE.
I'll stand by my trash statement like I did with the earth bender until they had a "no shit" moment and buffed her in the rights ways to make her work. (Then they decided she worked too well so now we're here)
Pretty much the cycle for every damn new champ.
I still remember Illaoi went like "it's trash!" to "It's too OP! BAN BAN BAN!" to "she's just some champ".
I have no clue what to get on Lulu.
Should I go Frost Queen + Sight Stone or Frost Stone? I went Sight Stone, Queen, Ardent Cleanser, Swiftness Boots, Locket and Frozen Heart.
Mikaeli's when I face CC heavy teams. What else can/should I get?
imagine calling a new champ a trash champ after a couple of days on live, especially considering how unique he is.
as usual people will say it's trash until someone plays it well and then it'll be the most broken thing ever
we shall wait and see.
It's amazing I haven't called him trash yet. I called Fiona trash, after all.
Pretty much the cycle for every damn new champ.
well i remember a certain somebody throwing a fit over a certain adc getting a range nerf with massive compensations :>still Breezy's finest moment
proclaim Fiora to be trash
Fiora is really strong
continue to defend his assertion that she would be trash
then complain about swain skins
the breezy life :^)
It's amazing I haven't called him trash yet. I called Fiona trash, after all.
But that's the point, the small change Taliyah got pushed her into broken territory, maybe if Riot waited till people how to play her they wouldn't have needed to buff her at all
Ivern is considered garbage, doesn't mean people won't find some way to make him work, buffs or not.
speaking of
just played my first taliyah game since the last round of nerfs
she's complete garbage now
or... :^)
Full attack speed is the only way to play Lulu.I have no clue what to get on Lulu.
Should I go Frost Queen + Sight Stone or Frost Stone? I went Sight Stone, Queen, Ardent Cleanser, Swiftness Boots, Locket and Frozen Heart.
Mikaeli's when I face CC heavy teams. What else can/should I get?
Full attack speed is the only way to play Lulu.
still Breezy's finest moment
proclaim Fiora to be trash
Fiora is really strong
continue to defend his assertion that she would be trash
then complain about swain skins
the breezy life :^)
Yet another awesome game playing Tahm jungle.
What exactly are they trying to do with rylai crystal scepter?
If it's too strong then why not return it back to how it was before it was a basic buy on almost all mid mages? Is it because it's one of the highest AP items in the game now and they don't wanna make a replacement fat ap item?
In other news, been playing Annie and I like her. Still can't CS for shit with her but I like her.
well no one bought rylais before they made it good so that's not a "good item" either
i think the cdr idea is legit, have to trade zhonyas/abyssal for rylais is pretty good, and mages should not get tankiness so smoothly into their builds
Rylai's slow applies on Ivern's brush autos. That's pretty nice lol
Yeah, Daisy just immediatly disappearing is fucking lame.Yep. Earliest evidence is that Rylai's is a significantly better buy on him than RoA which is the recommended item (and dragging Ivern's win rate numbers down as a result). He doesn't need the mana from RoA, definitely doesn't want to wait 10 minutes to fully charge it, and makes very poor use of RoA's passive. Also dragging down his win rates is all the players maxing Q first - max E first seems stronger.
Currently it's looking like Rylais and Runic Echoes are core items. His follow-up items are where, to me, it gets tricky. Even with the hotfix buff to his health I don't see Ivern as building straight tank. There's just no point to it.
I'm starting to think another problem with Ivern is that when he dies, so does Daisy. Making Daisy continue on owner death like every other ultimate summoned pet, at the very least for a certain amount of time after death, would go a long way to making Ivern feel way better to play.