His R2 is screwed, no question. This is a very common problem with games like Battlefield where ps4 players learn of DS4's lame ass build quality
Going from COD to this game has been rough and frustrating. I mostly play TDM and I am getting lit up. I am finishing like 2-15. I am using a medic sticking with my squad etc but I am outgunned every single time I see someone. The medic weapons suck and I cannot kill anybody.
I am trying to like this game but it's not fun finishing like 3-17 every match.
Same story on XB1 unfortunatelyWow, I just played Rush mode on ps4 and it's so much smoother than conquest. I wish conquest could be like this. Everything just seems to look better as a result. I guess it's too much too hope that DICE can somehow optimize ps4 conquest?
Is anyone else coming to this after never really playing a Battlefield game before? The single player sounds incredibly intriguing, but I'm nervous I might be too far removed from the series to really get good at the multiplayer.
Going from COD to this game has been rough and frustrating. I mostly play TDM and I am getting lit up. I am finishing like 2-15. I am using a medic sticking with my squad etc but I am outgunned every single time I see someone. The medic weapons suck and I cannot kill anybody.
I am trying to like this game but it's not fun finishing like 3-17 every match.
Is anyone else coming to this after never really playing a Battlefield game before? The single player sounds incredibly intriguing, but I'm nervous I might be too far removed from the series to really get good at the multiplayer.
Honestly I think these maps suit the 64-player count way better than anything in BF4. Everything feels tight and there's not a lot of wasted place. And, there's never too long an instance between finding something to shoot.
Installed on an ssd here and it happens every time.
Going from COD to this game has been rough and frustrating. I mostly play TDM and I am getting lit up. I am finishing like 2-15. I am using a medic sticking with my squad etc but I am outgunned every single time I see someone. The medic weapons suck and I cannot kill anybody.
I am trying to like this game but it's not fun finishing like 3-17 every match.
Can anyone tell me how this game runs on ps4? Pretty good? I own the PC version but I crave the ps4 one so I can go back to my bf4 controller/ tv setup and play with friends. Just trying to make sure my decision to double dip is worth it.
Can anyone tell me how this game runs on ps4? Pretty good? I own the PC version but I crave the ps4 one so I can go back to my bf4 controller/ tv setup and play with friends. Just trying to make sure my decision to double dip is worth it.
Conquest and Operations run like shit imo. The smaller modes run like butta
Game runs perfectly on low/mid number of players matches
64 player matches, not so much, but still acceptable imo.
Was thinking of getting this on PS4 but people saying Conquest runs like shit has me worried, thats all Id really play. How does it run compared to the beta? Can someone elaborate specifically on why it runs like shit?
PS4 plays fine to me and I also play 1080p & 60 fps on PC.Was thinking of getting this on PS4 but people saying Conquest runs like shit has me worried, thats all Id really play. How does it run compared to the beta? Can someone elaborate specifically on why it runs like shit?
I've found the performance on the ps4 to be pretty similar to bf4. Framerate drops at times but it is always playable.The game has massive maps with 64 players that constantly change and deform the map in real time (unlike the scripted events from BF4), it is very taxing on the PS4's relatively slow CPU.
Bf4's performance was also improved over time through patches so hopefully the same happens here.Honestly, after playing more, I feel it runs much better than BF4. A lot of maps in 4 had what felt like large drops, whereas this one has drops, but they're not as big. Totally anecdotal, of course
Can anyone map middle mouse button to melee? I can't seem to do it. Also, I disabled GPU memory restriction setting for my 4Gb GTX770 and felt an improvement in fluidity of gameplay.
Is there a thread for PS4 players looking to add friends for this?
looking for PC players to add on ORIGIN to make decent squds, would be preferable if you used mics. Add me guys: VaderDoc.
Great game btw.
Looking for people to squad up with. Eastern Time
PSN: B_Spooky13
I'm going to be playing some on PC if anyone wants to join up. Also streaming here: Twitch.tv/Dig_Douglas
Origin Name : Dig_Douglas_III
True dat especially coming from destiny. Whats sad its I think its better than BF4 and BF3 iirc.This party system..