PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Just got a Pro today. Thumper looks really good now. Since I spent so much time with it on vanilla PS4 the visual jump was very noticeable. Lotsa jaggies before but little to none now. Just really clean and sharp. It instantly made me feel good about my purchase.
I'm not sure if one of my Move controllers is broken. One of them jitters uncontrollably no matter the game (here I'm trying I Expect You To Die)

I've recalibrated the light but it changes nothing, it seems to be more a problem with the gyro? Is this a known problem or does anyone have any experience resetting the gyro in the controller? Idk

Thanks for any input 😀

Also, everyone who said the opening to I Expect You To Die was awesome..... It certainty is!

Do you have a PS3 available to you? If so, then use that to calibrate the Move controller as that also calibrates the gyros, should show up any issues there.


The Star Wars Battlefront VR mission was a big disappointment, the presentation was great but the actual combat was pretty boring and the dialogue just hurt my ears.

We need something better.
And Wayward Sky was just something special (along with Rescue Robots). It was the first game where it clicked that not everything needs to be first person, a cockpit or a roller coaster. It has been the only game that felt like I was playing a traditional narrative game..but in 3D. It was like having this giant diorama in front of me. I'm almost a little scared to play it again (still need to finish collecting the wind chimes) because of how much the presence of VR has worn off for me. I am hoping it's charm still makes me feel like I did when I first played it. But that's no matter because when I played it I equated it to playing Super Mario World for the first time.

Yes, we need some more games following in this one's footsteps and trying this, and hopefully this dev makes another one too, I loved the hell out of this game.

The Star Wars Battlefront VR mission was a big disappointment, the presentation was great but the actual combat was pretty boring and the dialogue just hurt my ears.

We need something better.

Hopefully it's worth ten bucks since I just ordered the game for cheap on sale mainly for it.

Like someone else said, yeah, hopefully we'll see the return of some more flight games with stories (in the vein of Wing Commander etc) since VR is in a good place for them as cockpit games seem to work quite well.
The Surgeon Simulator patch is out.
Gonna gave my morning coffee and see how those controls are.

Also..plates Werewolves for 2 hours last night! We has the perfect mix of people and just kept readying up when the match ended. Really incredible tricks in how that games controls. Especially when theres a Saint and you just keep your eyes on everyone after the prayer.
Cant wait for the Star Trek game!!


Werewolves is really cool. I love that it's a VR only game, it really adds something to the immersion. Had a cracking turn as a werewolf with a really clever turncloak who managed to convince everyone not to whisper as he knew there was a hound and we would've been spotted straight away. Never had that type of experience in a game, video or otherwise
Surgeon Sim Quick Thoughts:
Posted this on reddit...

Controls are 100 times better. No skeleton hands. Everything seems to react and move when your hand hits it instead of your hand disappearing.

BUT...things that fall on the floor dont reset. Which is as big of an issue. I dropped the bone and there was physically no way for
me to pick hair legs were there and reaching down far enough puts the Move
Controllers out of camera view.

Every developer who is making a sit down/stationary VR game needs to steal I Expect You to Dies mechanic of warping things to you that are out of reach and pinning them in a fixed place. Its best way to handle VR setup variables like distance from camera and camera height.

Im going back to the surgery table now to try and clear that first board...controls are fixed!!! If thats all you are worried about.


BUT...things that fall on the floor dont reset. Which is as big of an issue. I dropped the bone and there was physically no way for
me to pick hair legs were there and reaching down far enough puts the Move
Controllers out of camera view.
Isn't the original game like this as well though? I always thought it was intentional.

"Dropped your last scalpel? Gonna have to use this fire extinguisher instead!"
OK guys, how much is the Ps Pro *needed* for PSVR? Like, is the performance difference dramatic enough? I'm not even worrying about the 4k stuff at this time, so that's not really a major factor in my decision-making for going from OG to Pro Ps4.


OK guys, how much is the Ps Pro *needed* for PSVR? Like, is the performance difference dramatic enough? I'm not even worrying about the 4k stuff at this time, so that's not really a major factor in my decision-making for going from OG to Pro Ps4.

best comparison I can think of is playing on a Pro is like wearing prescription glasses and OG is like playing without. For me the OG just had a light blurriness Where I felt I could never quite adjust my headset right. With a Pro it's dead on and everything is perfectly clear. But I can't in good conscience recommend it as the Pro literally offers me nothing else


It is not *needed*, everything works on a regular PS4. It just looks cleaner, more detailed on the Pro, which was to be expected. If you find relatively low resolution offensive, the Pro will help you with a lot, but not all games.
Isn't the original game like this as well though? I always thought it was intentional.

"Dropped your last scalpel? Gonna have to use this fire extinguisher instead!"

Maybe..never really played it. If thats intentional then..well, okay. Kinda dumb.

More thoughts:
So I wanted to do a comparison between the old controls and the new and it baffles
me that the dev doesnt just say what is what. In the options theres a tick box that is what you are playing and an image of a guy jumping off a ledge. I assume thats the old controls but why not explain that for some random fool who buys the game and doesnt follow along on places like reddit.

I just did the first two operations and while i was high on the no skeleton hands i am still finding the game to be a wobbling mess. Anytime i have to pick up the heart or kidney the box it comes in jumps across the screen.

Still early impressions but this patch is a half step forward, not a full one. The hands work better but the tracking still sucks.
best comparison I can think of is playing on a Pro is like wearing prescription glasses and OG is like playing without. For me the OG just had a light blurriness Where I felt I could never quite adjust my headset right. With a Pro it's dead on and everything is perfectly clear. But I can't in good conscience recommend it as the Pro literally offers me nothing else

Ok, well I want the best visual experience. I should say that I do plan on a 4k Tv in 2017 to take advantage of that, but 'right now' that's not primarily driving my decision to upgrade. It's moreso that I want the absolute best visual experience through the PSVR platform. I suppose the question is, did you upgrade from OG to PRO, or is the PRO your first PS4? Because I've heard people say if you're buying a ps4 new, go for PRO but it's not critical for existing OG owners.
Ok, well I want the best visual experience. I should say that I do plan on a 4k Tv in 2017 to take advantage of that, but 'right now' that's not primarily driving my decision to upgrade. It's moreso that I want the absolute best visual experience through the PSVR platform. I suppose the question is, did you upgrade from OG to PRO, or is the PRO your first PS4? Because I've heard people say if you're buying a ps4 new, go for PRO but it's not critical for existing OG owners.

Pro isn't critical for OG owners playing on a TV I'd say, BUT close up when it comes to VR the difference is amplified greatly and is a much better experience. Playing RIGS/RoB or Batman on the Pro is so much better than the OG4 I had. So it's well worth the investment if VR is your thing right now.
Ok, well I want the best visual experience. I should say that I do plan on a 4k Tv in 2017 to take advantage of that, but 'right now' that's not primarily driving my decision to upgrade. It's moreso that I want the absolute best visual experience through the PSVR platform. I suppose the question is, did you upgrade from OG to PRO, or is the PRO your first PS4? Because I've heard people say if you're buying a ps4 new, go for PRO but it's not critical for existing OG owners.
I upgraded from base PS4 to the Pro, I believe they it's essential if you're interested in VR. If you're looking to get a 4K tv then it'd also a no brainer.
I can understand that concern but plenty of ps4 games use that method
Now you understand the first sentence of my post you quoted. So how about:

"Why does PS4 get all the VR demos but us PC users don't?"

Then there's the fact that some demos turn people off of some games, dev team sizes, cert, etc.

I want demos for all VR games but I can see the hurdles.


I got Battlezone and Perfect on sale (and with 20% coupon). Pretty sweet price, $33 for BZ!!!!

I was out and about all weekend and didn't even get to put on my headset once. Psyched to gome home after work and finally play some Battlezone.
I got Battlezone and Perfect on sale (and with 20% coupon). Pretty sweet price, $33 for BZ!!!!

I was out and about all weekend and didn't even get to put on my headset once. Psyched to gome home after work and finally play some Battlezone.

Feel free to add me for some BZ PSN is same as my forum ID
Pro isn't critical for OG owners playing on a TV I'd say, BUT close up when it comes to VR the difference is amplified greatly and is a much better experience. Playing RIGS/RoB or Batman on the Pro is so much better than the OG4 I had. So it's well worth the investment if VR is your thing right now.

I upgraded from base PS4 to the Pro, I believe they it's essential if you're interested in VR. If you're looking to get a 4K tv then it'd also a no brainer.

Ok thanks I'm putting up my OG system for sale in a local classified now and will be on the lookout for PRO deals. PSVR in the new year....


So as I'm going to bring my PSVR to have the family try it out this holiday season, I was wondering what is the best way to sanitize it between users? So far I have been the only user of my headset so I haven't bothered much about cleaning it up (apart from wiping the lenses after each use with the microfiber cloth). Any particular solution you guys use?


Fafracer forever
dragonyeuw said:
Ok, well I want the best visual experience.
Then you should get one - it's a pretty clear cut difference between GPUs, and it will only grow as Pro VR features get actual use. Don't expect anything "other" than visual improvements though.
So as I'm going to bring my PSVR to have the family try it out this holiday season, I was wondering what is the best way to sanitize it between users? So far I have been the only user of my headset so I haven't bothered much about cleaning it up (apart from wiping the lenses after each use with the microfiber cloth). Any particular solution you guys use?

Yeah..water on a piece of paper towel.
Just ring it dry/damp and rub down the rubber parts (nose flaps, forehead padding.
You are good with the lenses. Just use that cloth.
Also added bonus with the Pro, USB port around the back so VR breakout box can stay plugged in and not look a mess.

Then you should get one - it's a pretty clear cut difference between GPUs, and it will only grow as Pro VR features get actual use. Don't expect anything "other" than visual improvements though.

I thought there was a 2TB version available, but I see the stock HDD size is 1TB? That's a bit disappointing( yes, I can swap out for a larger one rather easily). Then again, anything is better than the stock 500GB I'm currently working with.

Also, is the PSVR getting a good restocking soon? When are these expected to be widely available? I live outside the US, but supposed to be travelling there end of February and would be nice if I can just grab one from a B&M retailer without jumping through hoops. Or are these things being trickled out for the foreseeable future?


My Ps vr clearly has a spec of dust in the inside side of the right lens. Its a decent spec too.

I cannot see it with the ps vr on at all. I tried, i promise, but i just cant see it, it isnt there while playing. I have no dead pixels or drifting. Should i exchange this?

Auto quote
Just got a Pro today. Thumper looks really good now. Since I spent so much time with it on vanilla PS4 the visual jump was very noticeable. Lotsa jaggies before but little to none now. Just really clean and sharp. It instantly made me feel good about my purchase.

I never had an OG PS4, went straight for Pro. I want to play PSVR on someone's regular PS4 so I can feel better about my purchase haha. I mean, I love it and don't regret it, but I guess I don't truly appreciate the bump in quality.
I am really saddened by the lack of Bound love. I bought it last week when it was on sale and it is hands-down my favorite VR experience so far. I do wish (and they may be working on a patch?) that I had the option for a tracking camera with free controls with the right stick instead of just jumping to another angle. I get why this is - to reduce motion sickness, but I haven't experienced any sickness yet so more options would be nice.

But everything about this game is so beautiful and I haven't beaten it yet but it's getting dark story-wise. It's gorgeous. The little origami interludes between levels are super emotional and kind of intense to view in VR as the scene assembles as you move through it.

I also loved crouching down (IRL) to look at the other side of the marble notebook on the beach. There wasn't anything special about it, but the fact that I could do that was really cool.


I am really saddened by the lack of Bound love. I bought it last week when it was on sale and it is hands-down my favorite VR experience so far. I do wish (and they may be working on a patch?) that I had the option for a tracking camera with free controls with the right stick instead of just jumping to another angle. I get why this is - to reduce motion sickness, but I haven't experienced any sickness yet so more options would be nice.

But everything about this game is so beautiful and I haven't beaten it yet but it's getting dark story-wise. It's gorgeous. The little origami interludes between levels are super emotional and kind of intense to view in VR as the scene assembles as you move through it.

I also loved crouching down (IRL) to look at the other side of the marble notebook on the beach. There wasn't anything special about it, but the fact that I could do that was really cool.
I'm pretty sure it was confirmed in another thread that an update for Bound w/ a tracking camera is in the works.

I'll probably play through the game again with it, I couldn't last more than one level managing the jumpy fixed camera. I had already gone through the game without VR by that point though.


I am really saddened by the lack of Bound love. I bought it last week when it was on sale and it is hands-down my favorite VR experience so far. I do wish (and they may be working on a patch?) that I had the option for a tracking camera with free controls with the right stick instead of just jumping to another angle. I get why this is - to reduce motion sickness, but I haven't experienced any sickness yet so more options would be nice.

But everything about this game is so beautiful and I haven't beaten it yet but it's getting dark story-wise. It's gorgeous. The little origami interludes between levels are super emotional and kind of intense to view in VR as the scene assembles as you move through it.

I also loved crouching down (IRL) to look at the other side of the marble notebook on the beach. There wasn't anything special about it, but the fact that I could do that was really cool.

I bought the game when it was on sale. Very unimpressed. It looks great but the gameplay is not compelling and the VR camera just plain sucks.
I am really saddened by the lack of Bound love. I bought it last week when it was on sale and it is hands-down my favorite VR experience so far. I do wish (and they may be working on a patch?) that I had the option for a tracking camera with free controls with the right stick instead of just jumping to another angle. I get why this is - to reduce motion sickness, but I haven't experienced any sickness yet so more options would be nice.

But everything about this game is so beautiful and I haven't beaten it yet but it's getting dark story-wise. It's gorgeous. The little origami interludes between levels are super emotional and kind of intense to view in VR as the scene assembles as you move through it.

I also loved crouching down (IRL) to look at the other side of the marble notebook on the beach. There wasn't anything special about it, but the fact that I could do that was really cool.

It's a terrible game with incredible graphics. I played up till the tree level and it was pretty fucking boring. Adjusting the camera every 3 seconds also doesn't help. People compared it to Journey and they are nothing alike. At least in Journey you are kinda doing some light puzzle solving. In Bound you do nothing but walk forward and pick up "gems". Every once a while you do some break dancing on the floor so you don't get hit by some black pixels. It's also super heavy handed with the abusive mother theme. Yeah we get can tell that story in 45 minutes.
It's a terrible game with incredible graphics. I played up till the tree level and it was pretty fucking boring. Adjusting the camera every 3 seconds also doesn't help. People compared it to Journey and they are nothing alike. At least in Journey you are kinda doing some light puzzle solving. In Bound you do nothing but walk forward and pick up "gems". Every once a while you do some break dancing on the floor so you don't get hit by some black pixels. It's also super heavy handed with the abusive mother theme. Yeah we get can tell that story in 45 minutes.

Yeah, I don't really see the Journey comparison... The gameplay is... light, but as an experience it really made an impression - as pretentious as that sounds.


I love Bound. Getting used to the camera took me a while, but was worth it for the amazing visuals. Still haven't finished it, but I played like 40 minutes last night and loved it.

I am curious about Lethal VR coming out tomorrow. Coming from Alex Ward I was expecting some cool physics but it seems to be just another shooting gallery with cardboard targets.
Used a 20% code to get I Expect You to Die, still a bit pricey but the trailer looked good. Also picked up Robinson the Journey to try out this week.

Gotta say I've been playing Werewolves Within every day and it is by far the most fun VR game I've played and my game of the year.


It's a terrible game with incredible graphics. I played up till the tree level and it was pretty fucking boring. Adjusting the camera every 3 seconds also doesn't help. People compared it to Journey and they are nothing alike. At least in Journey you are kinda doing some light puzzle solving. In Bound you do nothing but walk forward and pick up "gems". Every once a while you do some break dancing on the floor so you don't get hit by some black pixels. It's also super heavy handed with the abusive mother theme. Yeah we get can tell that story in 45 minutes.

There's plenty of platforming, so this is factually wrong.

Exactly the kind of abrasive reply I expect of you.

Anyone else?

Any regular antibacterial wipes will do great.


I'm on team bound. Its not really much of a game, more of an experience, I think thats why its compared to Journey.

But yes, it is nothing like journey.
I'm on team bound. Its not really much of a game, more of an experience, I think thats why its compared to Journey.

But yes, it is nothing like journey.

I think one of the things I like about it in VR is that, even though you can't see her eyes, I feel like the dancer knows I'm there. It's as if she slightly faces me every time I change the camera angle. It kinda helps make me feel like I have a presence in this world.
Yeah, the only way to get my PU off is to fully unplug its power.

Is this normal, any fixes? Sometimes I forget and the PU will be on all day and night.

It's not normal, but the thing that triggers it turning on and off is through the HDMI output of the PS4. So try a different cable if you have one handy. I tried to put a switch in between the PS4 and the PU which caused it to not turn on and off but removing that part of the equation fixed it. So that's when I learned that the HDMI port is what triggers it to turn on and off.


I tried out Surgeon Simulator now that it's patched. The game seems hilarious and fun. I did the first 2 operations and messed around with the 3rd. The physics seem to get VERY wonky at times. You can reach down to grab something and then another thing just shoots out into the side of the room.

I also didn't realize the game wanted me to be standing until I tried the brain surgery operation and all the tools were inside of my real life legs, so I couldn't grab them. It makes sense now why things like the heart cooler felt so far away. If I was standing, I could have just stepped forward and grabbed it.

I also tried out the Star Wars mission and thought it was pretty awesome for what it was.


Maybe..never really played it. If thats intentional then..well, okay. Kinda dumb.

More thoughts:
So I wanted to do a comparison between the old controls and the new and it baffles
me that the dev doesnt just say what is what. In the options theres a tick box that is what you are playing and an image of a guy jumping off a ledge. I assume thats the old controls but why not explain that for some random fool who buys the game and doesnt follow along on places like reddit.

I just did the first two operations and while i was high on the no skeleton hands i am still finding the game to be a wobbling mess. Anytime i have to pick up the heart or kidney the box it comes in jumps across the screen.

Still early impressions but this patch is a half step forward, not a full one. The hands work better but the tracking still sucks.

Responding about Surgeon Simulator:

I haven't played the VR version yet (I was waiting on the patch myself before buying) but the original game is famous for being obtusely difficult to control with any level of accuracy by design. That's part of what made it fun and wacky to play. You had to be careful to not drop of swipe objects onto the floor (especially key items to complete the surgery) because If you did, you were fucked and you'd have to start over. This is why some levels were designed to have a lot of baseline kinetic movement that you had no control over (operating in the back of a moving ambulance for example) that increased the difficulty level.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if at least "some" of the difficult controls in the game and the loss of objects on the floor were absolutely intentional. This would definitely be in line with the intent of the original experience.
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