and you also completely drive out the people caring about image quality from the Sony ecosystem.
What do physical discs have to do with ecosystems?
and you also completely drive out the people caring about image quality from the Sony ecosystem.
What do physical discs have to do with ecosystems?
What do physical discs have to do with ecosystems?
The PS4 Pro is already catering to a niche.
It's fairly spectacular to watch the lengths some of you will go to justify Sony fucking you over lol.
I don't understand it either. Sometimes, fanboyism in not far away from stupidity.
Forcing a Prosumer to streaming 4K content is like buying a SACD audio setup and listen to it through crappy old speakers.
UHD Blu-Ray is the proper way to watch UHD content beside building your own IMAX theatre and getting the digital master. Netflix and Prime streaming have a lot lower nitrate and much more aggressive compression to play with.
User looking for inexpensive 4k Bluray player buys Xbox One. That user who didn't even want an Xbox might start buying Xbox One games. That user gets invested in the Xbox ecosystem and buys less games on PS4. That user later gets a Scorpio. That user cancels their PS+ subscription in favor of Xbox Live. That user probably would have gladly paid an extra $50 for the functionality. Sony didn't even need to eat the cost themselves.
I don't buy Blurays and even if I did, I have an Xbox One S so how am I being "fucked over"?
And if you really care about picture and sound quality you are not playing your UHD Blurays on an Xbox One S. Dedicated players are getting cheaper all the time and they do the job a lot better and come with a dedicated remote instead of a games controller. The hardcore AV crowd don't use games consoles to watch their films.
Yes, because you represent every person looking to watch 4K content. I literally bought a One S purely for the UHD Blu Ray player. That's £200 that I never would've had to waste if Sony hadn't been so tight fisted.
Also, trying to imply that the difference between streaming vs. physical is comparable to the difference between playing UHD discs on a One vs. a native player is laughable. The vast majority of people will be absolutely content with the Xbox player. Even those with poor eyesight could tell you that streaming 4K is not ideal.
I'm not implying that at all, not sure where you got that from. Getting an Xbox One S just for the 4K Bluray player is a terrible purchase. It's a great games console but a mediocre Bluray player. You'd have been better off with a dedicated player if 4K Bluray is important to you (the Samsung costs the same as the One S).
I'm not implying that at all, not sure where you got that from. Getting an Xbox One S just for the 4K Bluray player is a terrible purchase. It's a great games console but a mediocre Bluray player. You'd have been better off with a dedicated player if 4K Bluray is important to you (the Samsung costs the same as the One S).
I'm not saying I won't use the gaming features of the Xbox. I already had an OG model. I'm saying I never would've spent that £200 if Sony didn't force me to. Calling it a terrible purchase lol. That hyperbole.
Why is it a problem for Sony that you shelled out 200£ for an Xbox?
No, I'm not joking. The way I see it, you had two options: buy an Xbox or don't buy an Xbox. You chose to buy. Where does Sony enter this equation?Are you serious? I'm going to assume you're joking.
They don't ...
That's the problem.
No, I'm not joking. The way I see it, you had two options: buy an Xbox or don't buy an Xbox. You chose to buy. Where does Sony enter this equation?
But somehow in the process Sony forced CrayToes to buy a second Xbox.
You think most people will do what I did? No lol. A decent chunk of the people I know have picked the One S over the Pro, not bought both. It's either/or for most. Even so, Sony pushing people in any way, shape or form towards a competitor is unbelievably stupid.
I'm not saying I won't use the gaming features of the Xbox. I already had an OG model. I'm saying I never would've spent that £200 if Sony didn't force me to. Calling it a terrible purchase lol. That hyperbole.
Well, I guess we'll just have to disagree. I trust Sony made a considered decision taking into account multiple factors. They may or may not fare better than Microsoft. I'm not convinced that they should be worried about future performance of PS4.You think most people will do what I did? No lol. A decent chunk of the people I know have picked the One S over the Pro, not bought both. It's either/or for most. Even so, Sony pushing people in any way, shape or form towards a competitor is unbelievably stupid.
No, I'm not joking. The way I see it, you had two options: buy an Xbox or don't buy an Xbox. You chose to buy. Where does Sony enter this equation?
Well, I guess we'll just have to disagree. I trust Sony made a considered decision taking into account multiple factors. They may or may not fare better than Microsoft. I'm not convinced that they should be worried about future performance of PS4.
If it becomes evident that Xbox One starts catching up to PS4, I will stand corrected.
No apparently the poster didn't have a choice, Sony forced them.
Why is it a problem for Sony that you shelled out 200£ for an Xbox?
I'll answer this question, since my situation is exactly the same as the poster to whom you directed it. It's a problem for Sony because for the first time this gen, I'm playing Xbox games, and am becoming invested in the Xbox platform.
The Sbone is a perfectly satisfactory UHD BD player (its media remote is excellent, by the way); plus it lets me play Xbox exclusives that are superb games, but which weren't enough to sell me on the console by themselves. I'll keep playing multiplatform games on my Pro, but now I'll almost certainly trade in my S for a Scorpio; which I previously had little interest in due to my satisfaction with - and investment in - the Sony ecosystem. Now that I have an Sbone, I can trade up to a Scorpio and get what will be the most powerful system on the market for a couple of hundred bucks less, and now I've played Gears 4, I kind of would like to play Gears 5. The Scorpio is now cheaper and more attractive than it would have been if I hadn't picked up an Sbone. I wouldn't own an Sbone if Sony had included UHD BD playback. And I'm pretty sure Sony would prefer it if I didn't start buying my multiplats on a Scorpio from whenever it releases until the end of the gen.
Sounds like a win for you as a gamer man, consumers shouldn't care so much about coporates like Sony and Microsofts well being when both companies are after your wallet. You can afford to have options so you win.I'll answer this question, since my situation is exactly the same as the poster to whom you directed it. It's a problem for Sony because for the first time this gen, I'm playing Xbox games, and am becoming invested in the Xbox platform.
The Sbone is a perfectly satisfactory UHD BD player (its media remote is excellent, by the way); plus it lets me play Xbox exclusives that are superb games, but which weren't enough to sell me on the console by themselves. I'll keep playing multiplatform games on my Pro, but now I'll almost certainly trade in my S for a Scorpio; which I previously had little interest in due to my satisfaction with - and investment in - the Sony ecosystem. Now that I have an Sbone, I can trade up to a Scorpio and get what will be the most powerful system on the market for a couple of hundred bucks less, and now I've played Gears 4, I kind of would like to play Gears 5. The Scorpio is now cheaper and more attractive than it would have been if I hadn't picked up an Sbone. I wouldn't own an Sbone if Sony had included UHD BD playback. And I'm pretty sure Sony would prefer it if I didn't start buying my multiplats on a Scorpio from whenever it releases until the end of the gen.
Sorry, my mistake.No apparently the poster didn't have a choice, Sony forced them.
I'm not defending them. I understand that you are disappointed. But still, if I were making the decisions for Sony, it is highly likely that I would have made the same call. The effect of lost sales on the bottom line is probably less than the effect of slimmer margin would have been, so the decision is financially justifiable.You're missing the point entirely. I couldn't give two shits about which console performs better or Sony and Microsoft's financial figures. I care about me, as the consumer, and others in the same position. It blows my mind how people try and defend this kind of thing as if they're shareholders and not consumers.
I cannot understand how anybody could defend Sony in this decision.
It's beyond stupid, IMHO.
I bought myself a OLED and now I'm searching for an UHD-Player, but my code-free Blu-Ray-Player from Oppo isn't going anywhere, so I'll consider a console for the 5 UHD-Discs I'll buy a year. Would've gladly bought the PS4Pro, have already a regular one @Home, but it seems that sony wants me to give money to the competitor!
Well, at least I can finally play Ori and the blind forest soon!
User looking for inexpensive 4k Bluray player buys Xbox One. That user who didn't even want an Xbox might start buying Xbox One games. That user gets invested in the Xbox ecosystem and buys less games on PS4. That user later gets a Scorpio. That user cancels their PS+ subscription in favor of Xbox Live. That user probably would have gladly paid an extra $50 for the functionality. Sony didn't even need to eat the cost themselves.
Sony was determined to hit a $400 price point but really they would have been fine for at least the next year at $450 until Scorpio launches. Or they could have eaten the cost with the knowledge that PS+ subscriptions would offset the loss over time.
I will never understand people in a games forum talking about buying a 4k oled but not buying a pro for gaming and opting for the xbox. If I had a oled I would want my games to look as clean as possible and worry about movies second. If I could afford a 4k oled. I probably would just buy a dedicated uhd player.
I'm not saying I won't use the gaming features of the Xbox. I already had an OG model. I'm saying I never would've spent that £200 if Sony didn't force me to. Calling it a terrible purchase lol. That hyperbole.
I don't get it then you were already in the Xbox ecosystem. It was MS that got you to spend an Xtra $200 for the S.
Also I don't get who this consumer is that cares so much about image quality that they can discern between not only 4K Blu ray and 4K streaming but also between blu rAy and streaming but then is playing games on an X1. If this was Scorpio vs pro I could see the argument but Pro vs S each system has trade offs if you care about image quality.
Finally has anyone provided any proof that this has actually been a blunder. Is there some evidence of large amounts of pros piling up in stores. I remember during the X1 launch after MS claimed it was sold out pics started pouring in of huge stacks of X1. Surely one of you could walk down to your local retailer and prove just how much of a disaster the sales of the PRO have been.
It's fairly spectacular to watch the lengths some of you will go to justify Sony fucking you over lol.
This is kinda reminding of the PS3 360 fiasco were PS fanboys was rubbing it in 360 fanboys faces that PS3 has a Blu Ray player and 360 doesn't. Its always nice to have more options outside of gaming but I noticed none of my friends on PS3 bought Blu Rays back then and streaming wasn't as big as it is now. I know there will always be a market for physical media but millions of users are subscribed to Netflix, Hulu and other streaming tv services even the people with crappy internet.
4K will be pushed upon the masses via streaming and UHD physical options along with the TVs but I am interested in seeing how fast the masses adapt to the industry. I think allot of consumers will have 4K Tvs by default because soon they will be the best option and at a affordable price. I am not so sure allot of people will purchase UHD 4K Blu Ray Dvds and I am pretty sure 4K streaming numbers won't be too high as well because of limitations and data caps.While your point about the millions subscribed to streaming services is true, it's also true that tons of people don't have the necessary internet speeds to support 4k streaming as an alternative to not having a 4k Blu-ray drive.
How is Sony fucking us over?
PS4 Pro is not a 'premium' console, for chrissake, it is only $399, the same launch price as PS4. Did you guys consider PS4 a 'premium' console?
It is nice to have everything, but i think Sony did the right thing by skipping the UHD drive and software, to hit $399 and a November launch. If it means more adoption, more developers encourage to optimise their games for Pro, gamers can only win.
Further more, people who buys movie-on-a-disk are getting lesser.
If the minority wants to watch UHD on bluray, then you can buy a standalone player, or use your HTPC. I dont consider gaming console that plays movie-on-a-disk as a prosumer device, not when the XB1s is reviewed as a totally average UHD player....
And if you really care about picture and sound quality you are not playing your UHD Blurays on an Xbox One S. Dedicated players are getting cheaper all the time and they do the job a lot better and come with a dedicated remote instead of a games controller. The hardcore AV crowd don't use games consoles to watch their films.
You seem upset.It's a crappy UHD player. Period. Nothing will change that.
You seem upset.
I will never understand people in a games forum talking about buying a 4k oled but not buying a pro for gaming and opting for the xbox. If I had a oled I would want my games to look as clean as possible and worry about movies second. If I could afford a 4k oled. I probably would just buy a dedicated uhd player.
So it's just a Pro.
I mean Xbox one s isn't a pro or premium and managed it.
Just like they did not use the PSOne to play CD's, the PS2 for DVD's, the PS3 for Blu-Ray and SACD, etc... oh wait tons of people did and the richness of features and the manufacturer keeping them up to date helped. Fact is that as a game console plus UHD Blu-Ray player Xbox One S is a good value especially if you want to make decent use of your 4K display which you may have even spent money on for calibration purposes.
Also, there is a difference between A/V enthusiast and consumer who wants decent use of their HW.
Buying an expensive UHD TV and limiting yourself to Netflix, unless you cannot afford a UHD Blu-Ray player, feels like more feeding our own ego than getting value for our money.
It is a bit like buying a fast car and never taking it out on the road for fear of scratching it...
Games will always be the number one factor for a console. You think a huge Spider-Man fan is gonna pass on playing that game Because they can't watch a 4K movie? I think that's highly unlikely extra perks are cool But gaming reign supreme.
Sounds like a win for you as a gamer man, consumers shouldn't care so much about coporates like Sony and Microsofts well being when both companies are after your wallet. You can afford to have options so you win.
I was buying a 4K player, regardless. Sony ensured that I would have to fork out an extra £200 to get one. Stop being purposely obtuse.
I am not in the market for a 4K player I will never use, but did want the improved performance of the Pro, so thanks Sony for not making me pay for a useless (to me) bit of technology
I will never understand people in a games forum talking about buying a 4k oled but not buying a pro for gaming and opting for the xbox. If I had a oled I would want my games to look as clean as possible and worry about movies second. If I could afford a 4k oled. I probably would just buy a dedicated uhd player.
I'm not implying that at all, not sure where you got that from. Getting an Xbox One S just for the 4K Bluray player is a terrible purchase. It's a great games console but a mediocre Bluray player. You'd have been better off with a dedicated player if 4K Bluray is important to you (the Samsung costs the same as the One S).
You seem upset.
Can you elaborate on the difference in picture and sound you'll get from using an Xbox One S vs a dedicated player?