where did you find it? which floor/room.
Technically yes. But if you are afraid to lose your last fighter, you can farm coins safely with raids and get your dead characters back while staying in the waiting room.Also an important question. can you get really far into it, and then get all characters lost, which has you basically start from scartch? Not really grasping the full level/floor/tier mechanics yet.
use stricker/attacker mostly....always spend all money before closing game.
I think it changes a layout everyday and the are 4 total, so in 3 days it'll be back.Is Okusa back up yet?
Technically yes. But if you are afraid to lose your last fighter, you can farm coins safely with raids and get your dead characters back while staying in the waiting room.
Also the price in coins isn't too high until the last levels.
Try to keep some 10k coin quest rewards in the reward box to be safe.
Anyone know if the quests are fixed? Specifically if Haters killing stuff while you have a "Kill all enemies on floor with Machete" breaks it?
which floor again has best option for black medal?
in the golden chest i believe.
Is the soundtrack for the game for sale anywhere? (Real world)
If you're far enough into the game to be getting level 78 haters then you are far enough in the game to not be complaining about haters period.Why the fuck am I getting haters at level 78 on the 3rd floor? They need to cap that shit I was leveling a new character and got fuck one shoted. Also fuck California.
Since launch the tower layout has changed at 7pm EST everyday. Once you return to the waiting room after 7 the change goes into effect.So decided to stop grinding kawabe and take advantage of the work around that lets you get to floor 35 more easily to unlock grade 5 fighters.
Fight through crowley and get to floor 33. Go back to the waiting room to gear up and when i go back up the layout changed.
So decided to stop grinding kawabe and take advantage of the work around that lets you get to floor 35 more easily to unlock grade 5 fighters.
Fight through crowley and get to floor 33. Go back to the waiting room to gear up and when i go back up the layout changed.
Uh, what's that trick? Mind sharing?![]()
Upgraded the diy jacket from 2 stars to 3 stars and the defence went up from around 200 to 600!!! It was super easy to upgrade it too since dod red metal was the rewards of killing 10 enemies in a row with hockey stick. I'm now ready to kick ass on 30+ floors
Every four days you can go down from 32, fight a boss on 31 and then go all the way around from the right side to hit 35. There's an image of it on reddit
link to the image? I don't want to grind anymore than I need to.
I found out something today so you don't have to.
If you lose a fighter, and then try to retrieve that hater with another fighter, and ... then the hater kills that fighter ...sigh
Let it Die it keeps track because Hater #1 was there when I sent in my third fighter and Hater #2 was there when I went to the waiting room and returned.
To add to that, you don't need to return to the waiting room; going up/down a floor and returning will spawn the second hater.
Also something odd happened to me once; my hater wasn't in the floor he died, and no, the layout hadn't rotated in between. Anyone else had this happen? It was really convenient for me, because he was deep in a side path, and the game put it on a central floor with an elevator.
On mobile, dont know why image doesnt work, quote me to get link
This game refuses to give me the blueprint for the pork chopper. I don't wanna continue or face the boss until I have it.. ಠ_ಠ
Caught in the loop of the11th,12th and 13th floor now...gate wont open on 11 on one side, so I turn around,go up 12,up 13,get to the gate and it's locked again from the other side...turn around,I get to that room with all the mines,manage to kill a few and trap the annoying MK2 drill guy,ooooh a nice....wtf is this shit lolvending machine,I open it and this guy comes springing out and one shots me![]()
This game refuses to give me the blueprint for the pork chopper. I don't wanna continue or face the boss until I have it.. ಠ_ಠ
I'd very much like to know this too.Also how do I get new music?
In the arcade. The thing in the middle where you start in the waiting room, press x there.I'd very much like to know this too.
I ignore those machines completely, especially in higher floors. Whatever pittance they offer isn't worth a bullshit cheap shot. They seem pointless.
In the arcade. The thing in the middle where you start in the waiting room, press x there.
The radio on the left.
But there is only one song playing and I have no idea how to switch it. I tried everyhting including the touch pad.
So now...any tips against the 20th floor boss?
I think just right and left to change, but i think it also unlocks the option to do that after a certain floor.
If you had trouble with jin-die, you're going to have trouble with the f20 boss. Get whatever gear upgrades/mushrooms you'd need against jin-die before trying f20.