I've only pulled 3 5* characters (Roy, Camilla and Merric), and am on the verge of promoting my fourth with 20K feathers. The RNG demons have not been kind to me.
Trying for Ninian last night only got me a ton of 4* lancers, which I don't really need because my Effie is beasting over everything even at 4*.
And it would also make all those 1* characters useful.
I'm going to try giving F Robin my 1* Cecilia's Gronnraven/Rally Resistance/Attack+ and see what's possible.

Trying for Ninian last night only got me a ton of 4* lancers, which I don't really need because my Effie is beasting over everything even at 4*.
I was hoping for that as well, I just pulled a 3* Odin that's headed to the sacrificial altar - my 4* is as threatening as a wet noodle and I'm tired of babysitting him.actually, I was talking with people who have been digging around in game files and they think that a 3-4* unit wouldn't need to be 5* to pass on 5* versions of skills. Of course that seems a little TOO crazy and generous to me and went against what I was assuming myself. Just another mystery that'll be solved by tomorrow.
And it would also make all those 1* characters useful.
I'm going to try giving F Robin my 1* Cecilia's Gronnraven/Rally Resistance/Attack+ and see what's possible.