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Persona 5 Review Thread


no not "nearly everything " is a good score. but above average (5/10) is generally considered "good".... the fact that most sites only score games from 5-10 is not others problem.

I don't think many people consider 5/10 or 6/10 "good" scores. I mean when you get 50% correct in a test then you're far from being good but just barely passed.


I don't understand how a game that takes 100 hours to mainline isn't getting docked on the review because of the length.

40 seems to be the jrpg sweet spot for me.

Huh? That makes no sense at all. You not wanting to play a game doesn't make it bad. That's like saying "I don't like basketball so every 2k game should automatically be docked."


Also I just want to point out that I don't think you really need to ever "grind" very much in the Persona games at all, but I always appreciate how they allow you the option so I can try and overlevel when I'm listening to a podcast or watching a video or something else

Not sure if it's in P5, but for P4G, that's kinda the point of very hard. You get less exp from battle, so it forces you to rely more on getting personas with useful skills, then grinding.


Gonna say something totally radical and out-there: a reviewer can dock points for anything they want, because a review is an opinion piece. The reason we get multiple reviews is to get multiple perspectives on a game. This might be better understood if people actually read multiple reviews and synthesized the impressions around their personal tastes rather than complaining about how a given score affects a metascore.

I agree with you in theory but the problem comes in with the fact that many studios have bonus stipulations built into their MC score. An outlier review could shift them to an entirely different score on MC and could adversely affect them when it comes to a bonus.


100 hours?

I couldn't get past 40 in Zelda... not sure if I should get this lol. I loved P4G, but that's absurdly long.

This game has proper pacing, and is way more fun IMO. I've only put about 15-20 hours into Zelda, which is more than I put into most games, but clocked 30 hours on Persona 5 over the weekend. Game is crack.


extra source of jiggaflops
I agree with you in theory but the problem comes in with the fact that many studios have bonus stipulations built into their MC score. An outlier review could shift them to an entirely different score on MC and could adversely affect them when it comes to a bonus.
Just give every game 100/100 then.


I agree with you in theory but the problem comes in with the fact that many studios have bonus stipulations built into their MC score. An outlier review could shift them to an entirely different score on MC and could adversely affect them when it comes to a bonus.
frankly reviewers should not consider that stuff
We rarely see 6s, 5s or below, is it because the industry standard is that high or because only really bad games get such scores and they are in the minority? I think the latter is the case.
I think a lot of the reason its like this has to do with the medium itself. Games have a very strong likelihood of being greater than the sum of their parts. A strong story has carried shitty gameplay for a lot of games (Nier has a 68 metacritic despite a cavalcade of technical issues and mediocre gameplay. Havent played it myself but I'm going by the general reception), or strong gameplay carrying a worthless story (Devil May Cry), and even bad gameplay and storytelling being carried by other elements such as exploration and worldbuilding (Skyrim).

Most games will have at least something you can get out of them, which is why the scale often tilts upward, especially if that something is really strong.
People claimed a 7 for Breath of the Wild(9.7 average score) is a good score, so here on NeoGAF nearly everything is a "good" score.

While I do agree, an 8.5 is fine I guess, below the 8 is where it's starting to feel bad and that's also the reason why reviews below a 7.5 are colored yellow on MC.

This is why I hate number-scored reviews.

If an 8.5 out of 10 is considered "fine I guess", wtf is the point of any score 1 to 8.4? It makes it all arbitrary. If people don't see or consider a difference between a 5/10 or a 1/10, the system sucks and should be thrown the hell out.

I get that games are expensive, and that most don't have the ability to buy every game other than those that will 100% be a masterpiece and worth their buck (Hell, it's why I watch so many LP's and streams - simply because I can't afford every game I want). I also get that standards for games are increasing drastically - a 7/10 in today's time may have been an 11/10 a couple generations ago; but isn't that all the more reason why number scores are holding us back? I remember a time when people used to be convinced by 8/10's across the board, but now people are complaining about a 93 ad 94 percent average?! At this rate no one will be satisfied unless every single reviewer on the face of the planet gives it a perfect score.

Not only that, number scores rarely take variables into account, and enable readers to skip the reviews in order to just reference a number or score. What if a reviewer who is new to JRPGs says this is a perfect game to get into the genre, but grizzled seasoned veterans say it's lacking features that hold it back? (Though that's a whole 'nother argument that will probably get me sidetracked anyway)

A pros/cons section without an attached number easily is my favourite format for reviews, since at least that way people will be able to read a summarized point of what's good and bad (and be able to judge for themselves if the bads are small enough to ignore, or gods are big enough to try a game out for). Not only that, it also shows audiences the reviewer's personal tastes and how the game aligned with those tastes, if at all.

Numbers enable laziness.
Okay maybe it's a bit harsh to imply that everyone who likes these number reviews are lazy, but you have to admit the vast majority don't look at any of the variables or nuances of a reviewer's opinion when it comes to numbers and percentages.


Ok I gotta ask : I´ve never played any Persona before.
I just bought P4G for my Vita.
I can buy P5 after 5th April.
Do I start playing P4G asap and after that I buy P5 or do I jump in the hype train and go directly to P5 in a few days ?
I´m afraid of getting burned by one or another so I just don´t know where should I start !


I think this review thread is slightly more interesting in it's judgement of someone's less than 10/10 score because we're seemingly actually focusing on the content of the review here. But then it's also about the score and how it ties into metacritic and that's kind of dumb. i doubt the persona 5 peeps are going to get bonuses because of reviews of the US version but who knows. I certainly don't!

Idk couldn't she just give it a 10/10 because of remote play 😂😂😂😂😂😂 problem SOLVED imo

Just be thankful the jimquisition was nice to nier. Count your blessings.


Ok I gotta ask : I´ve never played any Persona before.
I just bought P4G for my Vita.
I can buy P5 after 5th April.
Do I start playing P4G asap and after that I buy P5 or do I jump in the hype train and go directly to P5 in a few days ?
I´m afraid of getting burned by one or another so I just don´t know where should I start !
just play P5 now and 4 sometime later


Ok I gotta ask : I´ve never played any Persona before.
I just bought P4G for my Vita.
I can buy P5 after 5th April.
Do I start playing P4G asap and after that I buy P5 or do I jump in the hype train and go directly to P5 in a few days ?
I´m afraid of getting burned by one or another so I just don´t know where should I start !

Might as well start with 5 while everyone's talking about it. They're completely unrelated storywise


Of course they are and it's good that sites like MC and Gamerankings exist to even out the individual scores. I believe a truly great game can stay above the 90 MC mark or be very close to it, even though it got hit by 7s and 6s. Still a 7 is just okay(hence the yellow color on MC), an 8 would be good(green), a 9 indicates a great game while a 10 would be a masterpiece.

We rarely see 6s, 5s or below, is it because the industry standard is that high or because only really bad games get such scores and they are in the minority? I think the latter is the case.

And you know it's not that way in reality. A 4-6 is far from average/good, would you play a game that has a 45 MC score? I wouldn't.

You just pointed out the most vital part of MC , to "even out individual scores".... some people spend a ton of time moaning about "oh that one 7 is ruining the score" without considering that it is a fair system that shakes out the overall impressions for all games.... so if one site feels a 7 is warranted and is good on their full 10 point scale, they may give another game an 8, but it is still stuck in the average.

Instead of crying that Zelda got one 7, people should be looking at the aggregate, oh Zelda scored 98 overall, wow, compared to another game which scored 82 overall, that's quite a gap.... it still ends up being fair in the end. the only issue would be if a site deliberately gave say a Zelda a 1/10 and then gave a broken game 10/10 for lols, who would actually spend the time to do that? barring that the system averages out to a fairly standard distribution for all games.

And P5 looks like it will hit a pretty positive note here.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Ok I gotta ask : I´ve never played any Persona before.
I just bought P4G for my Vita.
I can buy P5 after 5th April.
Do I start playing P4G asap and after that I buy P5 or do I jump in the hype train and go directly to P5 in a few days ?
I´m afraid of getting burned by one or another so I just don´t know where should I start !

Persona 4 is like 60 hours bare minimum for a first playthrough.


Ok I gotta ask : I´ve never played any Persona before.
I just bought P4G for my Vita.
I can buy P5 after 5th April.
Do I start playing P4G asap and after that I buy P5 or do I jump in the hype train and go directly to P5 in a few days ?
I´m afraid of getting burned by one or another so I just don´t know where should I start !
Play P4G, take your time and enjoy it.
Play something else.
Play P5.

Savour these games, they don't come along that often.
Also, it's harder to go back to a previous game. I never could get into P3P/ P3 FES after playing P4.


Ok I gotta ask : I´ve never played any Persona before.
I just bought P4G for my Vita.
I can buy P5 after 5th April.
Do I start playing P4G asap and after that I buy P5 or do I jump in the hype train and go directly to P5 in a few days ?
I´m afraid of getting burned by one or another so I just don´t know where should I start !

If you already bought P4, I'd play that. It's a masterpiece in its own right. No need to rush through the franchise, and P4 will give you a good idea of whether you'll like P5


I agree with you in theory but the problem comes in with the fact that many studios have bonus stipulations built into their MC score. An outlier review could shift them to an entirely different score on MC and could adversely affect them when it comes to a bonus.

Be that as it may, it is not our job as consumers to act as attack dogs on a corporation's behalf. Attacking the authors of outlying reviews is pathetic and small.


Daaaaaaaamn. Another 90+ game! 2017 is aiming to be like another 1998 or 2007 with the amount of top notch high quality games.


I don't think many people consider 5/10 or 6/10 "good" scores. I mean when you get 50% correct in a test then you're far from being good but just barely passed.

I didn't say 5/10 or 6/10 was good. I said it was average.

if you want to add words , you could say 6/10 or 7/10 was above average and 8/10 was good... but those are just words.

5/10 is literally average. unless of course we use an IGN scale but as others have pointed out they may not even review bad games so you have to consider what they review as well.


I agree with you in theory but the problem comes in with the fact that many studios have bonus stipulations built into their MC score. An outlier review could shift them to an entirely different score on MC and could adversely affect them when it comes to a bonus.

That is none of your business, frankly.


I don't understand how a game that takes 100 hours to mainline isn't getting docked on the review because of the length.

40 seems to be the jrpg sweet spot for me.

.....? What? If the game suffered because of its length the reviews would have mentioned it. The Japanese reviews, impressions, and these reviews now all point to the fact that the narrative is strong and worth it to experience.

This is an extremely bizarre way of thinking. Too long despite being great? DOCK POINTS.


I agree with you in theory but the problem comes in with the fact that many studios have bonus stipulations built into their MC score. An outlier review could shift them to an entirely different score on MC and could adversely affect them when it comes to a bonus.

I believe your concern should be with the studios then.


I didn't say 5/10 or 6/10 was good. I said it was average.

if you want to add words , you could say 6/10 or 7/10 was above average and 8/10 was good... but those are just words.

5/10 is literally average. unless of course we use an IGN scale but as others have pointed out they may not even review bad games so you have to consider what they review as well.

If you tallied up the review scores of every game, I doubt 5 would be the average. Average is probably a high 6 or low 7.


I don't understand how a game that takes 100 hours to mainline isn't getting docked on the review because of the length.

40 seems to be the jrpg sweet spot for me.

Dude it's more like you're playing Persona 5 but you're also gonna get a sequel and a piece of DLC in the same 100 hours

Feel free to drop it after 40 hours
People claimed a 7 for Breath of the Wild(9.7 average score) is a good score, so here on NeoGAF nearly everything is a "good" score.

While I do agree, an 8.5 is fine I guess, below the 8 is where it's starting to feel bad and that's also the reason why reviews below a 7.5 are colored yellow on MC.

I can't even fathom the depths of this post.
Ok I gotta ask : I´ve never played any Persona before.
I just bought P4G for my Vita.
I can buy P5 after 5th April.
Do I start playing P4G asap and after that I buy P5 or do I jump in the hype train and go directly to P5 in a few days ?
I´m afraid of getting burned by one or another so I just don´t know where should I start !

P4G is one of my favorite games of all time and I haven't played P5 yet. That being established: I say wait for P5.

You'll appreciate P4G for what it is whenever you play it (even if it feels like a step down from 5 in certain ways) especially since it's portable. Don't sit on P5 when you could be a part of the zeitgeist now. I can only imagine how astounding it would be as your very first foray into a Persona experience.
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