K-Pop Fanboy/Fangirl |OT7| A Great Trash Leader as Always

In some sad news, KNK are making a comeback this month, so I guess the Bestie comeback dream is dead again? :(
KNK will be attending KCON NY, so if some of you go there, make sure to find KNK managers and supplicate for a Bestie comeback.
Even though I want to believe, BESTie is pretty much dead. Their company just seems to be so bad at this. KNK also needs to step up their game, because their last comeback was such a big flop. They're a talented group but they peaked with their debut.

But hey, TWICE is really nice! Their other songs all had to grow on me, but I jam to TT and Knock Knock a lot. Signal already sounds good on the first listen.
Edit: No Sana no life for the new page.

Sana is the goat. Wish people would give Dubu more love tho.
Signal is another TT, and Twice are back below the 50% ratio of good songs to bad songs. Skimmed the album, it seems to be their best since The Story Begins, but no tracks as good as Like a Fool, which almost 2 years later is still Twices best song by far.


Hmm.. my initial impression so far for Signal is that it's my least favorite TWICE song. I listen to Kpop for melodies and catchiness. I'm not getting it from this song. The chorus is pretty chill, but it almost seems detached from the rest of the track.
Reading some opinion pieces on Signal... goddamn I feel like I'm getting a flashback to IGAB.

All these negative opinions left and right, I kinda can't help feel like maybe I'm the one who's wrong... but I trust my own musical tastes and convictions so I've got a feeling, like IGAB, the opinions will start swaying to the other side after some time.


Can somebody post the new pics of Loona's Kim Lip?

The first one was just a bad picture but seeing the new ones right now... good lord, she looks like a love child of Yenny and Sunni.

I'm sorry HaSeul.


I don't know if it was me absolutely lowering my Twice expectations after both Twicecoasters (never repeated them after their release weeks, and the singles didn't stick enough with me), but to me Signal (the song and the album) are their best so far.

Maybe the same thing will happen to me and Signal over time, or - a la Rookie and Russian Roulette - people will start digging it later.

No No Eul

·feist·;236819310 said:

That choreo is so on point. Love it.

So Kimlip, Jinsoul and July girl will form the new subunit, and they already look to have a more mature concept.

What on earth did she do to deserve such a terrible name. RIP.

The intro/bridge thing is kind of unpleasant to listen to, especially with that weird bass line. The rest of the song is just a bit too safe for its own good.


Neo Member
Here's my bit of opinion about Twice. I love both MV and song, the album is their greatest so far in my opinion. They all look gorgeous and I'm even growing fond of Chaeyoung's haircut.
I can see why people would dislike it. It does sound special. And I don't mind people having different opinions at all but it's actually impressive to me the amount of hate that Twice is getting. I don't think I ever saw a like/dislike ratio like this in any kpop video on Youtube! I don't understand. The main argument I'm seeing everywhere outside of people who hate the song itself, is about their lack of talent and more precisely singing ability. But I don't think it's a good enough argument because there are plenty of popular group out there who operate on the same model as Twice (with 1 or 2 actual good singers and then visuals/rappers) and that never seems to be a major issue. Anybody have a clue about what's going on then?

Really liked the intro then the song fell apart instantly.
I don't know if you're joking but it's hilarious either way.


Anybody have a clue about what's going on then?
They are popular. That's basically it. Same reason people found ways for hating Gfriend last year

Can somebody post the new pics of Loona's Kim Lip?

The first one was just a bad picture but seeing the new ones right now... good lord, she looks like a love child of Yenny and Sunni.

I'm sorry HaSeul.
I need to see her in motion.
Here's my bit of opinion about Twice. I love both MV and song, the album is their greatest so far in my opinion. They all look gorgeous and I'm even growing fond of Chaeyoung's haircut.
I can see why people would dislike it. It does sound special. And I don't mind people having different opinions at all but it's actually impressive to me the amount of hate that Twice is getting. I don't think I ever saw a like/dislike ratio like this in any kpop video on Youtube! I don't understand. The main argument I'm seeing everywhere outside of people who hate the song itself, is about their lack of talent and more precisely singing ability. But I don't think it's a good enough argument because there are plenty of popular group out there who operate on the same model as Twice (with 1 or 2 actual good singers and then visuals/rappers) and that never seems to be a major issue. Anybody have a clue about what's going on then?

I don't know if you're joking but it's hilarious either way.
They're pissed because Twice are more popular than their faves. They also hate that Twice are the new NGG.


There is a flood of girl groups debuting soon for some reason:

Notes: Gaeul was in Produce 101 (final ranking, 52), Go Ara (not that one) was in Kpop Star 6.
Youtube channel

Notes: Only confirmed member so far is Kim Sohee, that ended up in the 2nd place in Kpop Star 6. She is scheduled to make a solo debut this week, with the full group debuting in June.
The members represent Heart, Water, Forest, Wind, and Sky.
Youtube channel

Apple.B (애플비)
Individual pics here
There are fancams of them doing covers

Marmello (마르멜로)
Notes: They are a band. There are fancams of them performing

S.I.S (Serendipity in Stars)
Notes: 6 member girl group. Only the leader has been unveiled so far.
Youtube channel

A100's first project
Not sure what this is going to be exactly, but they have several videos dancing and singing and they are quite hype
Youtue channel

+ Dayday with The Ark and IBI members among others, already posted by Pendulum iirc


(me during first 25 seconds of "Signal")



(me for the remainder of the track)


Personally I think it's their weakest single yet. MV is pretty great though.

No Sana No Life.


People didn't like IGAB because it was like too much to absorb at first but then you could understand the greatness with repeat listens. But this Twice song is just super flat and boring and forgettable. Also isn't it their worst MV? I can only really remember the Oo Ah one but this is the first Twice MV that hasn't made me think "song is mediocre but at least the video is pretty good
even with Jihyo's annoying face
Anybody have a clue about what's going on then?

They are the most popular girl group by far at the moment. With popularity comes hate as well. It certainly doesn't help that for a large group from a big 3 company, they're pretty untalented. Personally I am just too disappointed in their song output. Cheer Up, TT and now Signal are varying degrees of bad. Their b-sides are pretty lacking overall as well imo. A disappointment so far as a followup to Wonder Girls and Miss A. JYP can do better.

There is a flood of girl groups debuting soon for some reason:



Notes: Gaeul was in Produce 101 (final ranking, 52), Go Ara (not that one) was in Kpop Star 6.
Youtube channel

Definitely the most hyped for this group. Already mentioned them here once or twice because of Gaeul and this song which they've performed a couple of times. Still not sure if it's an original or a cover. Hoping it's the former.

Aside from them I'm also looking forward to Dayday and A100 First Project.

S.I.S (Serendipity in Stars)

Gonna add this group next to Monsta X on my list of groups I boycott because of their dumb fucking names.
Holy fnck this Knowing Brothers episode with Psy is glorious.

20 minutes in and I've already lost my shit.

No wonder why this episode got the highest ratings ever for KB.

PInk Tape

Bestie :(((


Red Velvet's 2014 - 2016 discography mixed together in this mashup/remix video

This is really cool and I can't imagine how much time was put into it.

I love this. Like ooh ahh and this are fist fighting to be my favorite Twice song rn.

The mini itself is really good too.


Notes: Only confirmed member so far is Kim Sohee, that ended up in the 2nd place in Kpop Star 6. She is scheduled to make a solo debut this week, with the full group debuting in June.
The members represent Heart, Water, Forest, Wind, and Sky.
Youtube channel

I think i'll keep an eye out for this group. Their concept is kinda interesting, imo.


^^ Yeah, it was at The Show (the ultimate destination for nugus that get their first win), but still happy for them. They seem to be in a good track now. Laboum crying also in the back.

ChoA is back:

Hi it's Choa!
I had a long break for the first time since debut. I'm a bit surprised that many people were concerned about it. Thank you very much for thinking about me even when I'm not around ^ .
I had an agreement with the company since filming the Excuse Me MV back in December 2016 and that was mixed up with rumors of my disappearances. Before taking a break, I wanted to talk with the people who've been waiting for me but I didn't want to announce it as I want to have a personal break.
The manager team suggested to me that I not use SNS during the break. I felt uneasy, but I followed the suggestion.
I feel like I should've explained it more to those who have waited for me, but I was too relaxed. I sincerely apologize to you who've supported and waited for me. Because of the delayed announcement, there are many bad guesses spreading around and it seems to be causing some rumors. I'm just taking a break which was already arranged before, so I hope there will be no more wrong assumptions spread around.
To those who posted baseless opinions! It hurts a lot to those who are concerned, so please delete it.
It is the end of my statement,
Once again I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart to those who have supported me. I will try hard to show you a better appearance.
Thank you.

Boss Mog

I just read than B1A4 Jinyoung was producing the title song for the girls of Idol Drama Operation Team. The guy is pretty talented I think. I'm not big on cute concept songs but his Produce 101 song was legit, way better than most cute concept tracks you hear these days.

Heard Lovelyz got their first win :)
I really liked Kei on Girl Spirit last year, I'm happy for her.
Bevelyz should really become a thing

ChoA is back:
Truly the ace of angels.
So I was about ready to crown Mad Clown and Bolbbalgan4's collaboration "Lost Without You" as my 1st half SOTY but Psy's Last Scene is on equal level in terms of musical quality, I'm not sure if I can give that crown to LWY now.

But seriously, Last Scene is sooooo good I haven't stopped listening to it since it came out.

Also I'm sure y'all are noticing a trend here haha.

Chungha debut on the 7th of June.

Awww yisss. Can't wait to show support for the local! Lol.


Chungha hype!

ChoA finally clearing up all those rumors about her absence, nice.

Yezi tho. MIght not be a revolutionary rapper or whatever but she's always interesting. Never forget the comment about guys masturbating to her (kpop in general) fancam videos.


Speaking of Yezi, I forgot to post this before (I would tag it as masked singer spoilers, but it's so obvious is her, lol. The other one is also quite obvious):

[King of masked singer] 복면가왕 - Follow me aerobics girl VS Tango 1round - BANG BANG BANG 20170514
[King of masked singer] 복면가왕 - Tangogirl Identity 20170514
YEZI(예지)_ ”MBC 복면가왕" Practice Recording
Yezi making all the othe rmembers of Fiestar irrelevant.

Hah, U-kiss had their first and only ever win in like 8 years on that show too last year. It's very nugu-friendly, but woah Lovelyz were breaking down. Jin especially, bless her. It's a deserved win though, these promotions suit them so well.

- The boyband from Girl's Day's company is also having a comeback. Doesn't sound like much unfortunately. Look at them stretching that medley by also adding the instrumental.
Boss★Moogle;236982552 said:
I just read than B1A4 Jinyoung was producing the title song for the girls of Idol Drama Operation Team. The guy is pretty talented I think. I'm not big on cute concept songs but his Produce 101 song was legit, way better than most cute concept tracks you hear these days.

Best song from P101 for sure, and unfortunately much better than anything IOI was given. He also wrote One Step, Two Step for Oh My Girl. They performed it a bunch of times during the Liar Liar comeback, but I wish it was given the proper title track treatment with music video, etc. Such a good song. Jinyoung is definitely a talented song writer.


Speaking of Yezi, I forgot to post this before (I would tag it as masked singer spoilers, but it's so obvious is her, lol. The other one is also quite obvious):

[King of masked singer] 복면가왕 - Follow me aerobics girl VS Tango 1round - BANG BANG BANG 20170514
[King of masked singer] 복면가왕 - Tangogirl Identity 20170514
YEZI(예지)_ "MBC 복면가왕" Practice Recording
Yezi making all the othe rmembers of Fiestar irrelevant.
I was completely stunned, never I would have expected her to be Yezi if I had listen to Davichi's cover first. I'm actually disappointed that
made it over her funnily enough.


I don't really listen to his upbeat stuff.
bombombom and the like are alright but there's no reason to hit the replay button for me.
It's definitely not bad since he's a great singer. New song is kind of meh tho, I have to say.

날 사랑한다면, Home and especially 영원한 건 없지만 are more to my liking. I like his writing style of his ballads a lot more, too. 2nd album so good.


Boss★Moogle;236982552 said:
I just read than B1A4 Jinyoung was producing the title song for the girls of Idol Drama Operation Team. The guy is pretty talented I think. I'm not big on cute concept songs but his Produce 101 song was legit, way better than most cute concept tracks you hear these days.
Who's the tall girl in the center?


I guess the album is a bit more poppy, but there are some ballads in there, check it out.

Roy Kim (로이킴) - Have You Imagined (상상해봤니) (Audio)

I would argue that the title track is also a decent ballad (maybe not the depressing kind you and Ym1r seem to enjoy).
로이킴 (Roy Kim) - 문득 (Suddenly) (MAIN TITLE) MV

Who's the tall girl in the center?

Doyeon, she was part of IOI and will soon be part of Fantagio's new girl group


She has potential to become a new reference visual idol like Nana


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