May Wrasslin' |OT| May I Fancy You To A Nice Arse Whipping?

I'm loving everything about the new episodes, I watched all 4 last night. If it keeps up I think they have something incredibly special

Was originally dreading having to wait 2 weeks for more but I'm going out of town this weekend so it's more like one week.


India has money. That's what they want. How's your territory doing?

The new season dives head first into the weird shit from the first two series and gets even weirder. The first season introduces the odd Buddhist/occultist/Jungian stuff in a more quirky and funny way rather than just throwing you in the deep end.


no. why do you think FWWM got panned when it came out? because it was way too weird for twin peaks.
I didn't love Fire Walk with Me when I first saw it. I thought it was okay. But I think people -- myself included -- wanted to see more Peaks-y stuff. More Coop. More special agentz. But it was very Laura-y.

After watching it a second time, I appreciate it a lot more. But it was a hard transition from TV show Twin Peaks.
All of those shows they run in India!
One India show will equal 5 regular shows because they're richer!
Yep. They were already posting banners of dude with the belt in India weeks ago.

They're about to make a killin over there.
😮😮😮 they're going to have a parade for Mahal. This is eggseelent!
Thanks for the correction; I read somewhere that he lost.
You smoking that urban shit again?
I wouldn't of if the show wasn't as old as it is. Too many shows don't look good after that long, so decide to jump into the new series. But it isn't for me.
I get where you're coming from

However, I think the original series holds up because of its particular brand of weirdness. Any "dated" aspects were already deliberately there and hammy. The original series is more of a twisted, hammy soap opera wrapped around a murder mystery. The new series is a completely different beast that still goes hand in hand with what came before. But it's challenging, even for fans of the series

I watched the original a few years ago for the first time and really enjoyed it. I actually watched all of season 1 and fell off. Picked up season 2 a year later and I was hooked.

I really enjoyed True Detective season 1. Even though, at a glance, Twin Peaks is totally different in tone and format (though the new season definitely matches the darkness/grit), I think the core murder mystery in a small town with weird occult happenings gives the same kind of intrigue

It's a lot of interactions where you're not sure what's really happening, what people really know, and it all gradually unravels until midway in season 2


There's a LET'S GO JINDER chant in this match??

God dang it.

(As in, I thought this guy was being received like an old-school heel and everyone was booing him and stuff. I guess those days really are dead. Pack it up, Fox318. It's all over.)


WWE has been in India for decades and don't particularly make to money from it because while has a large population they don't really give that much to them.
I showed my girlfriend the ladder match from Saturday and she was so sad they lost and was saying how much she loves them together. Fast forward to the logo popping up and the show ends just when the betrayal happens and she wanted to cry. What a mark.
There's a LET'S GO JINDER chant in this match??

God dang it.

(As in, I thought this guy was being received like an old-school heel and everyone was booing him and stuff. I guess those days really are dead. Pack it up, Fox318. It's all over.)

Ehhh that's a product of :

A) Orton is dull
B) Orton insulted indy wrestling
C) Smark Crowd influenced by B
So, I'm conflicted. Jinder is boring as fuck but he ended the title reign of one of the most boring champions in WWE

I just hope he feuds with a bunch of people I don't give a shit about, freeing those that I do to feud with each other...

Then I can just watch Jinder WE champion for the ridiculous spectacle it is.

Because god knows Randy WWE Champ in 2017 was quite literally watching paint dry.
Really I'd rather watch Roman dominate Raw than Jinder on SD because at least with Roman I know the bad promos and boring angles will at least end in a probably great match because Roman is actually pretty good in the ring.

There's nothing to look forward to with Jinder.


Really I'd rather watch Roman dominate Raw than Jinder on SD because at least with Roman I know the bad promos and boring angles will at least end in a probably great match because Roman is actually pretty good in the ring.

There's nothing to look forward to with Jinder.

I prefer Jinder to Roman
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