Can you use Carbuncle glamour for Bahamut, or is it no work for that one? I'm not there yet, my SMN has only just reached lv61, I've been messing around with Red Mage.
I feel your pain. They need to fix this soon.Accidentally hit the power cord to my PS4 this morning while playing. Guess what awaited me when I logged in? Yep, 22gb download, again. This is the second time and it feels unbelievable. I may wait until the weekend to redownload this shit again and play some other games.
If any fishers want to get the new minions, I been fishing for them today, I got some tips to share:
That's accountwide.
Just because they're a beast tribe doesn't mean they have to summon primals that's pretty fucking prejudiced of you and I expect better from a moderator.
Both extreme primals down! Now I can wait for Omega and join the "complaining about no content for midcore players" party.
Doing dungeons as a healer is ridiculous boring now
Only boring now? Doing a dungeon as a WHM back in 2.0 is the only time I've ever fallen asleep playing a game.
just for shits and giggles, i hopped in trial roulette before work this morning, got Menagerie. Both tanks, white mage, and dragoon went nope and fucking left.
That shit is going to be nerfed. HARD. Guarantee theand of course echo granted.big AOE that blows you off will be made smaller, less damage on attacks, tail destruction made to do more damage to Shienryu
I'm surprised at how basic and easy the new primals are. I did Lakshmi EX for the first time with a PF practice group and we had her down under 10% within a few tries and we would have cleared but someone left and it just ended up disbanding. I should be able to clear it tonight no problem. Even Susano is the most basic fight mechanically, even the original Titan fight was more difficult.Both extreme primals down! Now I can wait for Omega and join the "complaining about no content for midcore players" party.
I'm surprised at how basic and easy the new primals are. I did Lakshmi EX for the first time with a PF practice group and we had her down under 10% within a few tries and we would have cleared but someone left and it just ended up disbanding. I should be able to clear it tonight no problem. Even Susano is the most basic fight mechanically, even the original Titan fight was more difficult.
I mean if you sit there and dont dps at all sure.
But ive always found the "How close to death can i let this tank get?" game fun.
You should blow Hallowed Ground on trash. There's no reason to save it.You're the reason why I blow hallowed ground on trash, hey?hahahahahahahahah
just for shits and giggles, i hopped in trial roulette before work this morning, got Menagerie. Both tanks, white mage, and dragoon went nope and fucking left.
That shit is going to be nerfed. HARD.
just for shits and giggles, i hopped in trial roulette before work this morning, got Menagerie. Both tanks, white mage, and dragoon went nope and fucking left.
That shit is going to be nerfed. HARD. Guarantee theand of course echo granted.big AOE that blows you off will be made smaller, less damage on attacks, tail destruction made to do more damage to Shienryu
Healing (at least as AST) gets a bit more fun once you gain access to Minor Arcana, and I imagine it's even more active with Sleeve Draw (currently 69 so getting there!). And tanks variation in gear and and skill level is so wide at this point that how much you actually will have to be healing is always a surprise.
My SCH is still 62 though, and it's extremely boring so far compared to what it was.
You should blow Hallowed Ground on trash. There's no reason to save it.
Dungeon bosses are the easiest to heal. I can throw a Regen and ignore you for the most part. On the other hand, Hallowed in a big pull means I can Holy through the entire duration.I have always tried to save it for the bosses, where I always use it to give the Healer more time to DPS, I'll try and remember this tip then and start using it when I can in trash pulls![]()
Gear is going to trivialize it, but they'll definitely lower attack damage.
The knockoff AOE is super easy to avoid getting knocked off, just don't stand on the edge of the ring if you're gonna take it to the face.
You're scaring me now. I don't want to play nerfed final trial :-(. Guess I'm nearly there anyway.
Have any of you utilized the callback campaign? My friend called me back on Saturday and still no email yet. I've been really itching to jump in and play but I don't want to screw him over by subbing before I get the callback email. I read somewhere that they go out on Tuesdays? But it's Tuesday and still no email...
Its really not THAT bad. It actually reminds me of Turn 5 and 9.
It's a pretty awful system, my friend ended up just buying Stormblood and resubbing instead of waiting for some unknown later date for Square Enix to join the 21st century.
Wait what.
Wait what.
I've had people comparing it to savage content, my response was "oh, honey.... no"
It's just a NPC dancing, we don't have that emote (though I imagine we'll end up getting it!).Saw that on Reddit, where is this from? Is that already in the game?
Wait what.
An NPC does this dance in one of the main story areas. Not sure if you get to learn the dance yourself.Saw that on Reddit, where is this from? Is that already in the game?
It's actually kind of funny how many mechanics it throws at you for a MSQ. At least Thordan had a bunch of mechanics but you could stand in them all and still win.
It's just a NPC dancing, we don't have that emote (though I imagine we'll end up getting it!).
Exactly. for a MSQ its actually pretty brutal. Thats why i used the turns as my example.
I JUST beat Turn 9 the other day.
It's pretty crazy how precise you have to be in the Meteor phase.
Exactly. for a MSQ its actually pretty brutal. Thats why i used the turns as my example.
Menagerie reminds me of Chrysalis in terms of surprisingly mechanics-y story trial. I can only hope they don't treat it like Chrysalis, though.
In my ongoing quest to two-man this thing we discovered stacking meteors only explode for 25k damage, which makes golems fun because you and your buddy stack up with the golem markers, drop the golem meteors on top of each other, and then one explodes. Party takes 25k damage, which is easily survivable at 70, and you only have to deal with two golems.
Fire/ice is still a problem because double ice still hits for like twice my HP but ONE DAY I will figure this out