Are the ships supposed to move like that? That landing looked so off.
They've had a ton of issues with landings so yea it's mad janky still.
Are the ships supposed to move like that? That landing looked so off.
Man, landing still looks beyond janky.
That was a hard landing. You can be far gentler than that and it looks much better.
I see things like that in the demo that worry me and I hope they can smooth out the rough edges, because there are parts of this that i really like. I really like the visuals and the detail put into it. I just hope they can bring it all together.Are the ships supposed to move like that? That landing looked so off.
Why are the colors different between the two views?
Why are the colors different between the two views?
I don't think it's a scam. I think it's just molynuex style incompetence combined with an extremely exploitative revenue model
Why are the colors different between the two views?
I will say that it's impressive that you can seamlessly load in a vehicle, go to another world, unload and drive. But it also seems very tedious to do every time you want to go on a mission. I mean I like a certain level of realism, but that seems over the top to do all that manually. Also, their vehicle handling needs some work compared with NMS's exocrafts.
I'm late to the stream... is this "gamer banter" or like story dialog?
I'm late to the stream... is this "gamer banter" or like story dialog?
I'm late to the stream... is this "gamer banter" or like story dialog?
Why do they even show us the POV of the 'attackers' obviously aiming at the ground ahead of the rover?
Why do they even show us the POV of the 'attackers' obviously aiming at the ground ahead of the rover?
Why do they even show us the POV of the 'attackers' obviously aiming at the ground ahead of the rover?
While I'm here I might as well ask, what is SQ42 at this point anyways? I mostly tuned out development updates after the missed demo last year but watching this footage has me a bit concerned. Is all this, non flight sim, stuff going to be a part of the campaign? Or is SQ42 still aiming to be more "traditional"?
Sure, the visuals look great, but I've yet to see any sort of gameplay that looks fun. The gunplay looks bad, the flight model looks awkward, and nothing in this physics model seems like it has any mass or momentum.
In between screaming matches in the Community thread it's been suggested to post what you think would make the presentation a success and what would make it a failure.
No change
[*]Showing a cohesive game world with fleshed out gameplay loops, rather than a disparate collection of assets. You can make some beautiful contrails and atmospheric re-entry effects that function in isolation, but now's the time to start showing us a game instead of a tech demo.- Concrete release info for v1.0 of any of the modules.
[*]A gameplay/tech demo of a very narrow "vertical slice" that is just going from A to B of separate assets that trigger on pre-scripted command (what they showed last year)- Graphs, graphs and more graphs
- No further release details
SQ42 is a the traditional single player narrative games.While I'm here I might as well ask, what is SQ42 at this point anyways? I mostly tuned out development updates after the missed demo last year but watching this footage has me a bit concerned. Is all this, non flight sim, stuff going to be a part of the campaign? Or is SQ42 still aiming to be more "traditional"?