Is not only What you Say...i think there's maybe problems with games marketing in future? Or maybe also with small devs that are waiting for a place at e3?Sony is so ahead of its time. They should also let their employees telecommuting if it is effective.
Anyways, E3 itself is archaic nowadays. You do not need it at all because gaming media likes pearls thrown in front of them. No matter what they will cover it. You just need to pace it right the way no over competitor intervenes. Just provide something (e.g. exclusive first party new IP) that will get gamers hot and bothered at each internet live broadcast , and they are yours.
Do not bother with non-exclusive stuff besides confirmation that it is coming to your platform as well.
The physical hardware itself was revealed at E3, so I believe that's what they're referring to.Unless we are living in some alternate reality, it was never revealed at E3, it was revealed at a event in New York in Feb 2013, as the link and facts indicate...
Sony announces the PlayStation 4, launching at the end of 2013
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Well I'm sorry your E3 experience is apparently shit. My E3 experience includes me a bunch of buddies from all over the damn country chillin both at my place and in a watch party online (Mixer and youtube usually) to react live and debate. Xbox players, PS4 players and PC mains all having a good time, enjoying the megatons should there be any.?? Where is "there"? Some of the biggest announcements in gaming don't even happen "there" and simply happening online with a video, teaser, trailer etc during that time frame.
So...EA, Activision, Sony etc skip E3 in favor of just releasing trailers themselves online or having their own events on or around E3. What ESA are charging might be too ridiculars for those publishers when the publisher mentioned are the top publishers in the business. When you move 25 million units a year of a game or 100 million units a system a generation, it matters not the event you attend.
No one is buying a system based on that, show us a damn trailer, release date etc and fans will buy. So "E3" isn't really needed as much as folks might exaggerate. By that logic, Nintendo shouldn't be moving units, Sony shouldn't be moving units and Call Of Duty and Madden should have failed in sales....
The problem with this kind of thinking is that you and other xbox fanboys think that Playstation and Xbox are playing on the same level.
Spoilers alert: they are not and the sooner you understand that the sooner you can stop crying about them getting different treatment.
Thank Nintendo and Sony for thate3 is great. It has been a tradition for years. Sad to see it go.
No booth babes. Cancelling them was writing on the wallThank Nintendo and Sony for that
It's really sad to see E3 dying. It's the best part of the yearNo booth babes. Cancelling them was writing on the wall
It's really sad to see E3 dying. It's the best part of the year
They can still exist in any event since they get their info from someone insideMaybe it's more to do with leakers than anything else?
At a controlled event they can hide info pretty well, at E3 it's leakers paradise.
Preach. We're here for the cringe too baby!Say what you will about E3, but every year the wife and I will always sit down with a pizza late and watch it live. It’s one of our yearly traditions, and we LOVE the cringe.
They can still exist in any event since they get their info from someone inside
I am sure that they're among considerationLess chance though. If all of the big software houses are there, with games to discuss in and around a console reveal, that's more eyes on.
Where as one dedicated team can reduce what information is spread and to whom.
I don't know, maybe the leakers are part of the reason, maybe not?
E3 is a small gaming event compared to gamescon and many other events, so I understand they want to focus on the larger events instead.
E3’s effectively dead. Aside from the 30 minutes dedicated to the Nintendo Direct no one is gonna watch any of it. Sony is the lifeblood of the industry and the reason why people tuned in to E3.
I do think it's indeed kind of arrogant.
They think they became so big in the industry, or so ahead of their competitors that even the E3 is so 'small' that they dont fit anymore. But whatever.
Sony should keep it cool and still attend like always and kill us with hype.
I think Nintendo were just ahead of the curve with Directs, and we'll see Sony take a similar approach this gen.
"E3 organiser the ESA has struggled to satisfy all of its members who have been split over what they want the show to be. Some publishers such as EA and Sony want to see E3 become a fan celebration of games, whereas others would rather the event remained an industry-focused affair.I would say arrogance looking at the leadership of the company, but I'd get quoted till next year with the defense team.
But E3 is dying! /s
Yet...that isn't just Sony, that is EA, that is Activision, Rockstar and many more. The reality is, you can just release a trailer on Youtube and get millions of views completely for free and take over a news cycle vs spend more money to be drowned out by hundreds of other games being announced the very same day.
Stuff like social media is why you see such trade shows become more of a waste and costly and irrelevant. A free youtube video can get buzz and millions of views all while they have days or even weeks to themselves to have focus ONLY on them. So those who are not going to that event also move the most units, sell the most games per year soooooo sounds to me like they are clearly big enough in the industry to do that.
If E3 is so important, can you care to explain how on earth Red Dead 2 survived not being announced there? How about the last few years of Call Of Duties? So the event isn't so damn relevant that it can make or break any game.
No one is NOT buying a game based on showing up at E3 or not bud.
But E3 is dying! /s
I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand this. Also event attendance really has absolutely nothing to do with public reach. I don't attend but I watch E3 every year, the other events like TGS and Gamescom not so much and I'm sure this applies to A LOT of people.VGA has a few industry experts that attend the show but 45 Million people streamed it. It's not about how many people at the event itself but about how many people you are able to reach through it. Otherwise MS wouldn't have revealed the XSX overthere and that's why they are attending E3.
I’m sure it’s due to financial reasons or they possibly think their own event will be good enough. I guess we will find out.Thanks, people are talking E3 is dead because nobody attends.. It's obviously not as big as it used to be because of the internet but it'
What are the negatives of Sony attending E3 in a year where they're releasing new hardware?
MS and Nintendo both do E3 + smaller events + their own events. I don't see how Sony's strategy can possibly be better than Nin and MS. But I'm open to hearing your opinion. If they are doing this for financial reasons then there's something wrong at Sony right now.
Because this entire gen MS hasn't shown up period or been competitive with no bangers. Sony can do as they please because they built up the clout for two whole generations while MS slept the entire time. Sony is the A team, who do you think the B team is?I'm curious if folks would have said E3 is dead, if were Microsoft that skipped out for 2 years. Somehow, incredible alternative universe it would be coined as Microsoft getting out of video game business or they are scared of Sony.
Oh wait, they say that now too. My bad.
Conclusion of the thread:
Anything Sony does = i like
I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand this. Also event attendance really has absolutely nothing to do with public reach. I don't attend but I watch E3 every year, the other events like TGS and Gamescom not so much and I'm sure this applies to A LOT of people.
Thanks, people are talking E3 is dead because nobody attends.. It's obviously not as big as it used to be because of the internet but it'
What are the negatives of Sony attending E3 in a year where they're releasing new hardware?
MS and Nintendo both do E3 + smaller events + their own events. I don't see how Sony's strategy can possibly be better than Nin and MS. But I'm open to hearing your opinion. If they are doing this for financial reasons then there's something wrong at Sony right now.
Exactly.Same here, I live in Europe and have never attended E3 but I've watched every show like it was the world cup final.
Why would they change a formula that works for them? It's their bread and butter. Even with those shots there has been multiple diverse titles this gen like: last guardian, dreams, astro bot, concrete genie, Yakuza etc.Hopefully the 2 year break will allow them to show off stuff people will actually be playing within the year......and more diverse titles
No more of these...give me a socom/twisted more third person action adventure titles
I’m sure it’s due to financial reasons or they possibly think their own event will be good enough. I guess we will find out.![]()
Why would they change a formula that works for them? It's their bread and butter. Even with those shots there has been multiple diverse titles this gen like: last guardian, dreams, astro bot, concrete genie, Yakuza etc.
What bangers has xbox had since Halo 3..... ill wait
What ESA is charging for the event might be too costly in the age of Youtube and Twitch. They'll likely just do their own event as that is what EA and Activision do and Rockstar doesn't even go to those to show off reveal trailers and they move record units.
The cost of the event just might not translate to some win or fail to them in the age of Youtube and Twitch. I don't think anything is wrong about them wanting to save money. Why should they waste it if most of us will just be watching it on Youtube or Twitch anyway? Could they not simply have all the EXACT trailers they'd show released online instead of spending such a money on a event?
How is them spending more money on such a thing helping if the result isn't really any different? So if they want to save money, I could care less. The event doesn't make the game, anything they are working on will get announced how they feel just and the end result will still be a Youtube video... I see no reason to spend MORE MONEY cause ESA says so lol Sony is seeing what Nintendo, EA, Acivision and Rockstar saw with this BS and they are just going straight to the source.
Everything you show at E3 has to share the "internet" with everything else everybody shows, meaning you get less "views"/"viewer time" online. Showing alone outside one of these events, when there is nothing else going on, you get everybody's full attention.Thanks, people are talking E3 is dead because nobody attends.. It's obviously not as big as it used to be because of the internet but it'
What are the negatives of Sony attending E3 in a year where they're releasing new hardware?
MS and Nintendo both do E3 + smaller events + their own events. I don't see how Sony's strategy can possibly be better than Nin and MS. But I'm open to hearing your opinion. If they are doing this for financial reasons then there's something wrong at Sony right now.
Hopefully the 2 year break will allow them to show off stuff people will actually be playing within the year......and more diverse titles
No more of these...give me a socom/twisted more third person action adventure titles