Please do this to @SLoWMoTIoN avi too
Please do this to @SLoWMoTIoN avi too
My avatar is already retarded.Please do this to @SLoWMoTIoN avi too
Sad day when you can't even write on GAF that resetera are a bunch of c*nts.
That being said, I'll go play some Black Mesa, this event somewhat pissed me off.
Thanks. I stand by what I said.Nice edit.
Thanks. I stand by what I said.
It's the same post, almost. I only removed something like, "freedom of speech, yeah right."Then why change it?
It's the same post, almost. I only removed something like, "freedom of speech, yeah right."
They stealthily removed my "they're a bunch of cunts" post in that resetera journo thread over on the gaming forum. They thought I wouldn't notice.
Please do this to @SLoWMoTIoN avi too
This is not it at all.
You said, "Fuck those cunts."
It was being reported, and added nothing to the conversation. Stop crying. We weren't being "stealthy and hope you didn't notice". Just did a courtesy to not warn you for it, sending a notification.
How did SlashBringingHasher go this long without getting banned? His whole aim here was to shitpost & console war, every thread he created and nearly every post in others was console war bait.
I type something in a ban review thread and it's an outburst? Pretty much all you wrote here is the same thing I see other posters do in this thread very often, say they are better posters than others.....If you are trying so hard to prove yourself virtuous on a forum, then you have already shown yourself.....I wont say more than that, in reality, these petty arguments and back and fourth on who is worthy to be here and who is not is the very reason I find lots of the feedback in this thread unbecoming, it still boils down to a pile down in most instances.....You believe what you must......If you guys have an issue with what a poster has to say, the ignore, hide myself button could be a dome or you can just gravitate to threads where kumbaya incantations persists.....Perhaps not everyone takes a 12 year old’s approach to enjoying consoles and gaming, and this is genuine exhaustion with people that do? You do understand that it’s possible to just enjoy the hobby, make friends, and enjoy reading all kinds of perspectives, right?
In actuality, not TLW-vision, people just want to discuss and enjoy gaming. You’re getting in the way of that, because you insist on running your holy crusades across the internet. No shit, people are getting irritated.
You don’t contribute shit. Unless driving away better posters, annoying people endlessly, and choking off all possibility for entertaining, productive discussion within the first couple of posts is considered a ‘contribution’.
Oh, but you did. You accidentally posted in here while console warring, hilariously enough.
A three year old screaming for some asinine reason looks better than your ilk, and makes more sense. Trust me, it’s not that.
Can’t stop thinking in terms of console wars for one second, can you? It can’t be that people don’t like bad posts and immature behavior, can it?
Should I mail him a cookie for not abandoning the site with a bunch of woke cultists?
Again, judging by last night’s outburst, ‘contributions’. Again, you can’t see anything without the frame of console wars, and project to an asinine degree.
Opinions and criticsm being defined as a Mongoloid screaming in your face?
More console wars lens. More projection that everyone must think this way. More mischaracterization of bottom-of-the-barrel brand warrior ranting as some kind of gift to forums.
Good night. Try not to get angry at your blanket if it’s the wrong brand.
Then it only means you didn't read.....If you didn't read and didn't understand, why post in response to me at all.....Why don't you just ask a question or ask for some clarification...If you're going to type such a long post can you at the very least bold the important parts? The fact is demigod was the one insulting another user. What did you expect, that we should give him a pat on the back and tell him he did the right thing by driving another member away?
All of you console warriors - whether you prefer PlayStation or Xbox - act the same as far as I'm concerned. "Don't read what so-and-so has to say because their outlet is biased and make my piece of plastic look weak. Don't believe this week's rumors. OP is lying to you. They're just jealous that our next-gen console has more flip-flops than the competition. I don't care that you don't like the first-party exclusive I liked because reviewers rated it highly. Also, don't listen to reviewers because they don't play games like we do. etc etc." Same shit, different day.
Just to play devil’s advocate, why does it matter if something is being reported? Does it change how you moderate it?
Agree with you that ED needs to chill though.
I type something in a ban review thread and it's an outburst? Pretty much all you wrote here is the same thing I see other posters do in this thread very often, say they are better posters than others.....If you are trying so hard to prove yourself virtuous on a forum, then you have already shown yourself.....I wont say more than that, in reality, these petty arguments and back and fourth on who is worthy to be here and who is not is the very reason I find lots of the feedback in this thread unbecoming, it still boils down to a pile down in most instances.....You believe what you must......If you guys have an issue with what a poster has to say, the ignore, hide myself button could be a dome or you can just gravitate to threads where kumbaya incantations persists.....
I can't say I've seen you much on the gaming side, I remember who I interact with or I can attest to posters I think I've had reasonable dialogue with, even in opposition to me.....Some of my favorite posters are guys where we thrashed it out, guys who kept it civil......I still remember Alexandros as one of these posters.....You come in here trying to make a name for yourself when I've barely read a post of yours before, so I really don't see where your snipes are coming from......I've simply said in my last post we should do less of that.....Demi said some things, he was banned....That's it, let things run their course, stop piling on that you are better than him....FWIW, I've learned more here from Demi than many of the self righteous posters like yourself....
So basically, you’re just going to take your console war tact of repeating the same nonsense over and over, regardless if it was already addressed? Bold.
Your one new, interesting point is the ignore function. Theoretically, that would be great, if your ilk didn’t derail entire threads off-subject and into arguing so unpleasant and stupid that nobody wants to bother. You can ignore one console warrior’s remarks, but you certainly can’t ignore the effect they have.
Instead, how about you learn to grow up, conduct yourself appropriately, and take an adult remedial education class on proper punctuation?
Demi said some things, he was banned....That's it
If that's how you characterize the exchange, I can see how you think it's unfair, but I don't think you're being objective here. The behavior in question is a lot worse than "he said some things".Demi said somethings and he was banned
There is history though...….Dark10X has a knack of only showing up to defend DF videos, it's the only time he shows up, when some batsignal beams and he is informed that someone on the internet disagrees with something DF said or did....Then he comes rushing in complaining of how hard the job is and how he has little time and encapsulates everybody who disagrees with him as having an issue or that they are being mean to him......If he gets something wrong and people point it out, he takes it personal and calls himself a "piece of shit" as if the people who simply critiqued a comparison video on youtube ever attacked him personally......And yes, I'm talking even people who were quite civil in their deliberations.If that's how you characterize the exchange, I can see how you think it's unfair, but I don't think you're being objective here. The behavior in question is a lot worse than "he said some things".
Ok, we get it.There is history though...….Dark10X has a knack of only showing up to defend DF videos, it's the only time he shows up, when some batsignal beams and he is informed that someone on the internet disagrees with something DF said or did....Then he comes rushing in complaining of how hard the job is and how he has little time and encapsulates everybody who disagrees with him as having an issue or that they are being mean to him......If he gets something wrong and people point it out, he takes it personal and calls himself a "piece of shit" as if the people who simply critiqued a comparison video on youtube ever attacked him personally......And yes, I'm talking even people who were quite civil in their deliberations.
It's a video showing objective data, how can you not expect people to point out where you miss glaring things or you don't get resolutions right......No one says that people are perfect and they cant make mistakes, but in DF's case they have done many mistakes of the same variety, but it's how they react to the criticism, that's the issue.....I'm convinced that Leadbetter and Morgan care little about making things personal, if they make a mistake, they would just update and move on, but Dark10X scourges the internet speaking about his health issues and making it too personal and he has done this for quite a few times already, beckoning the sympathy of many to obfuscate the mistakes he has made.....
No one is after Dark10x, people have just highlighted the continued inconsistencies.....I guess Demi was frustrated with the same song and dance from Dark, always making it personal, always showing up when people are not exactly gleaming after his videos, when in reality, no-one criticizing his videos mean anything personal against him...It's deceitful the way he does it because he tries to project guilt on people just disagreeing with some aspect of his videos or DF's content in general......And I was really taken aback when the last time he suggested suicidal thoughts, that's a lot to put on people for just criticizing a DF video, I find that was really fucked up...
As I said, Demi went in hard, but people have to see Dark10's schtick too.....It's not the first time he has said he would leave GAF and forums, but here he is again.....If only Dark10x would develop some thicker skin......It's really not that serious....Take the criticism and move on, improve what you can and get better.....
Reported means we see it.
We still have a TOS, even though we are lax with it more often than not. No action was taken against his account, just a post nuked.
I guess my concern would be that a disproportionate level of moderating based on reports would incentivise people to run crying to mods instead of fighting their own battles like adults. It’s a tricky balance though, I understand. It’s just that when I see it phrased as “it was being reported”, it comes across as though something is being reported so it has to be actioned.
That doesn’t happen often. If anything, reports are lower than they were a year ago, and we have much more activity. We also reject far more than we action, so you can be at ease.
It’s because the vast majority of current gaf members are normal and not teeing up the mods with report after report to ban people they don’t like.Just a thought, have you guys ever felt that the reason report numbers are going down is because reports are, just as you said, mostly being rejected than taken into action?
And if that is the case, could it lead to more problems in the future if less and less reports are made?
It means Gaf has way less crybabies which is a great thing.Just a thought, have you guys ever felt that the reason report numbers are going down is because reports are, just as you said, mostly being rejected than taken into action?
And if that is the case, could it lead to more problems in the future if less and less reports are made?
It’s because the vast majority of current gaf members are normal and not teeing up the mods with report after report to ban people they don’t like.
It’s because our mods aren’t biased, basement-dwelling spergs that push an agenda, like some other forum moderators.
It means Gaf has way less crybabies which is a great thing.
I imagine as reports go down the percentage of those reports which prompt action will increase as the community figures out what is report worthy and what isn't.Just a thought, have you guys ever felt that the reason report numbers are going down is because reports are, just as you said, mostly being rejected than taken into action?
And if that is the case, could it lead to more problems in the future if less and less reports are made?
I forgot about the prick. He’s on ignore since god knows whenHow did SlashBringingHasher go this long without getting banned? His whole aim here was to shitpost & console war, every thread he created and nearly every post in others was console war bait.
Hopefully you’re next.There is history though...….Dark10X has a knack of only showing up to defend DF videos, it's the only time he shows up, when some batsignal beams and he is informed that someone on the internet disagrees with something DF said or did....Then he comes rushing in complaining of how hard the job is and how he has little time and encapsulates everybody who disagrees with him as having an issue or that they are being mean to him......If he gets something wrong and people point it out, he takes it personal and calls himself a "piece of shit" as if the people who simply critiqued a comparison video on youtube ever attacked him personally......And yes, I'm talking even people who were quite civil in their deliberations.
It's a video showing objective data, how can you not expect people to point out where you miss glaring things or you don't get resolutions right......No one says that people are perfect and they cant make mistakes, but in DF's case they have done many mistakes of the same variety, but it's how they react to the criticism, that's the issue.....I'm convinced that Leadbetter and Morgan care little about making things personal, if they make a mistake, they would just update and move on, but Dark10X scourges the internet speaking about his health issues and making it too personal and he has done this for quite a few times already, beckoning the sympathy of many to obfuscate the mistakes he has made.....
No one is after Dark10x, people have just highlighted the continued inconsistencies.....I guess Demi was frustrated with the same song and dance from Dark, always making it personal, always showing up when people are not exactly gleaming after his videos, when in reality, no-one criticizing his videos mean anything personal against him...It's deceitful the way he does it because he tries to project guilt on people just disagreeing with some aspect of his videos or DF's content in general......And I was really taken aback when the last time he suggested suicidal thoughts, that's a lot to put on people for just criticizing a DF video, I find that was really fucked up...
As I said, Demi went in hard, but people have to see Dark10's schtick too.....It's not the first time he has said he would leave GAF and forums, but here he is again.....If only Dark10x would develop some thicker skin......It's really not that serious....Take the criticism and move on, improve what you can and get better.....
I feel like that is a bit of bullshit,Reported means we see it.
We still have a TOS, even though we are lax with it more often than not. No action was taken against his account, just a post nuked.
There is history though...….Dark10X has a knack of only showing up to defend DF videos, it's the only time he shows up, when some batsignal beams and he is informed that someone on the internet disagrees with something DF said or did....Then he comes rushing in complaining of how hard the job is and how he has little time and encapsulates everybody who disagrees with him as having an issue or that they are being mean to him......If he gets something wrong and people point it out, he takes it personal and calls himself a "piece of shit" as if the people who simply critiqued a comparison video on youtube ever attacked him personally......And yes, I'm talking even people who were quite civil in their deliberations.
It's a video showing objective data, how can you not expect people to point out where you miss glaring things or you don't get resolutions right......No one says that people are perfect and they cant make mistakes, but in DF's case they have done many mistakes of the same variety, but it's how they react to the criticism, that's the issue.....I'm convinced that Leadbetter and Morgan care little about making things personal, if they make a mistake, they would just update and move on, but Dark10X scourges the internet speaking about his health issues and making it too personal and he has done this for quite a few times already, beckoning the sympathy of many to obfuscate the mistakes he has made.....
No one is after Dark10x, people have just highlighted the continued inconsistencies.....I guess Demi was frustrated with the same song and dance from Dark, always making it personal, always showing up when people are not exactly gleaming after his videos, when in reality, no-one criticizing his videos mean anything personal against him...It's deceitful the way he does it because he tries to project guilt on people just disagreeing with some aspect of his videos or DF's content in general......And I was really taken aback when the last time he suggested suicidal thoughts, that's a lot to put on people for just criticizing a DF video, I find that was really fucked up...
As I said, Demi went in hard, but people have to see Dark10's schtick too.....It's not the first time he has said he would leave GAF and forums, but here he is again.....If only Dark10x would develop some thicker skin......It's really not that serious....Take the criticism and move on, improve what you can and get better.....
"Mr. Magoo is a wealthy, short-statured retiree who gets into a series of comical situations as a result of his extreme near-sightedness, compounded by his stubborn refusal to admit the problem."
Reporting should be discouraged. Handle your shit like a man, not aNobody_Important .
Lol crybully...Barely anyone crybullies the reporting system anymore, which reflects very well on the community. Most reports are by third parties, not participants in an argument.
Time and place Elektro kun!It was being reported? Resetera insiders and snowflakes.
Thank you for clarifying.
Lol crybully...
Oh, sorry. I thought you were talking about Matt.
I feel like that is a bit of bullshit,
When I get mod messages saying (I get it’s hard to be an Xbox fan... but) and (don’t report posts because it’s hypocreeetical) it discourages people from reporting.
But if only the reported posts get acted upon, it creates a vicious circle.
You can’t act upon reported posts only when you actively discourage other people from reporting posts.
I was banned from the PS5 next gen consoles thread and sent a message saying to to take my "fluff" back to the Era thread. For the record, I've never been a member of that place and would NEVER join that forum. The moderator also told me that they weren't stupid. Well, the fact is they ARE if they think I'm from that place. Let me tell you about myself: I'm an idealist that is NOT pragmatic at all, I take bold positions, and I don't make many compromises in my life. My opinions are bold and direct. I am also old fashioned and do NOT like change that takes anything away from me. This is why I don't believe in buying games online, don't believe in buying consoles that are not a true generational leap in teraflops, don't believe in connecting consoles to the internet, and refuse to associate with liberals anymore. I was burnt by a couple liberals in real life who I thought were friends, and I've realized they cannot be trusted.
So I'm NOT from the other place and I'm NOT a troll.
I'd like to appeal my ban.
I'm an idealist that is NOT pragmatic at all, I take bold positions, and I don't make many compromises in my life. My opinions are bold and direct.
Hello T tflopsmatter !
We've reviewed the logs and the user notifications are limited to the character length of the field so sometimes they do not translate well. This reply ban wasn't for opinions or strength of conviction in them. At times it might seem like a mod has gone in and just plucked you out specifically for a misdemeanour which is not the case. Without going into specifics, this is probably the most heavily moderated topic behind the fights that break out in the next gen racing threads weirdly. You were not alone in other words.
The topic is beocming a hotbed for derailments and there have been a few mod posts throughout by various staff members, I think I may even have done one at some point but people are still persistently derailing the topic which is crossing paths with those posters who are following the thread for the actual related news as well. It's a long running and well linked thread so we don't really want subtle comments or remarks that cause 3/4 page derails. There's literally hundreds of other threads for that.
The notification message is what that pertains to. After much soft tending and light nudging, it's coming to a point where temporary removal is required to get people back on the right track. The mods here have no ego's and we have no issues rolling back any bans or issues that we feel can be handled informally like this. Unfortunately, time is at a premium so we don't have the inclincation or time to PM every user and ask them to 'knock it off'. With this in mind, we're happy (as a team) to rescind the reply ban but do ask you to bear this in mind going forward as it relates to a specific issue that we've now spoken about. Therefore, avoid any superfluous derailing going forward and just ignore/report the comments that pollute the thread so we can better manage them and make the thread useful for those following for news and updates only.
So we're happy to roll back the ban if the above sounds OK?
Has anyone ever reported you?Barely anyone crybullies the reporting system anymore, which reflects very well on the community. Most reports are by third parties, not participants in an argument.
Has anyone ever reported you?
I'm still tempted lolSo you were tempted to report that post too? My maturity just narrowly won that battle.![]()