Star Wars is a property that requires writers who can tell good stories, regardless of politics du jour, and then weave the world around that story.
To do otherwise not only dates the media that is put out, but shackles it to preachy and vapid arcs which have no staying power.
Star Wars is a universe that could have interesting arcs, but in the case with Lucas as the overwrought hand in making it to sell toys via merchandising and more for kids vs Kathleen Kennedy the Force is Female SJW bullshit, all the fans have is a bunch of garbage at the end of the day.
The property could merely be a wrapper to a great story, be it some dramatic arc or some small story, where the places, people/aliens, technology, and fantasy force is the flavor. It would work great, since Star Wars takes from genres that are pretty kick ass (Western, Samurai, WWII, Science Fiction/Fantasy).