Not shocking ha ha
I re-watched the prequels recently and they're not as bad as people say. The acting and dialogue are poor in ep 2 but the films are enormously ambitious in a the ways the sequels aren't, taking huge risks. I had a good time watching them.
They even seemed to be split about Ghostbusters too. Even their crazy asses can't pretend that was a good movie as a majority.over on ResetEra they had a recent poll "is it a good movie?" and it was nearly split down the middle, and that is the most liberal and Disney-friendly place i've ever seen on the internet.
we can beat around the bush looking for reasons why but it's pretty obvious that the film was not as well received as it could - as it should - have been.
JACIII said:This "Marketing" exists not to sell you a thing but to make you want to be/ try to become the person who buys a thing. If that ain't wizardry nothing is. Marketing may be the only social "science" that is close to engineering re application. And it's damned scary as evidenced by TDS.
over on ResetEra they had a recent poll "is it a good movie?" and it was nearly split down the middle, and that is the most liberal and Disney-friendly place i've ever seen on the internet.
we can beat around the bush looking for reasons why but it's pretty obvious that the film was not as well received as it could - as it should - have been.
I re-watched the prequels after TLJ because I just desperately wanted to hate a Star Wars movie more than TLJ.Whatever you say guys, I love the prequels.
They have problems, for sure, but they feel special, they feel like Star Wars. I even like Episode 2, because apart from a few cringey love moments it's very cool. The starting chase is cool, Obi-Wans visit to Kamino is cool (the fight with Jango, then the dogfight in space), the Geonosis fights are cool. It's just a cool movie!
Now I hear that maybe dubbing helps with the actors being detached and wooden somewhat (I hear that criticism from the original version), because here in Hungary the dub (as usual) is very professional with great actors.
The sequels can fuck themselves tho. They are a disgrace.
And it's pointless.Every Scenario in the 2nd Death Star makes Luke pointless for the galaxy:
-Luke beats Vader, loses against emperor, Vader kills the emperor. >>> Lando and Wedge destroy the Death Star. Every villain dies. Galaxy saved.
-Luke loses against Vader and falls to the dark side >>> Lando and Wedge destroy the Death Star. Every villain dies. Galaxy saved.
-Luke beats Vader and the Emperor >>> Lando and Wedge destroy the Death Star. Every villain dies. Galaxy saved.
-Luke dies against Vader >>> Lando and Wedge destroy the Death Star. Every villain dies. Galaxy saved.
Every scenario of the battle of Endor makes Luke pointless for the galaxy. Palpatine was going to die inside the Death Star with Luke winning or not.
He expent some time with Yoda and Obi Wan and learned to move little rocks, jump higher, deflect some blasters with the lightsaber and use force pull. Rey used MindTrick on a StormTrooper out of nowhere and force pull to atract Luke's lightsaber. Powers she didn't even know existed. How is that even the same?
Anakin? The kid that build his own Pod Racer and won the race on Mos Eisley? That kid? He tells R2 to shut down the Auto pilot, gets the controls pretty fast (he even compares it to a pod racer) and CRASHES inside the ship. They won that battle by pure luck, Ani destroyed the ship firing by accident the torpedoes while he was trying to turn on the engines of the naboo starfighter.
I think it is one of the worst big budget movies of all time. The film is fundamentally broken in bizarre ways that really shouldn't make it in to a production of this size. I'm not even talking about the plot being nonsense and badly conveyed to the audience, nor the weird all over the place tone or the 'chase' half of the movie (which is the most broken, convoluted mess I've ever seen), or the character destruction, etc....
No, I'm talking about within scene cuts being, well, incorrect.
A few examples;
Lea, in space, flies back to the ship, the ship door opens to space with people on the other side, *cut*, she is inside and so is everyone else. (???)
Fin and Rose are about to be killed by Phasma and her crew. They are all next to each other. Supremacy or whatever it was, big bad guy ship is cut in half by the universe breaking Holdo maneuver. *cut* Phasma is literally on the other side of the giant room, walking in toward Fin and Rose. This one is the biggest offender, and I have to believe nearly everyone watching noticed it.
The Rebels enter not-Hoth. Meanwhile, the Supremacy + the rest/most of the First Order ships are blown to bits. *cut* First Order is now on not-Hoth. This one could and should be explained by a connecting scene I suppose, but since it isn't it is very jarring and confusing.
Fin is about to self sacrifice himself to the space cannon. The camera zooms out very far to show no one else is anywhere near him. *cut* Rose rams into Fin. (???) Why on earth they would leave the camera showing this to be impossible in is way beyond me.
There are others as well, the whole film is a mess from top to bottom..
There are a ton of continuity errors that they just expect you to not care about at all. The entire thing is insulting in nearly every conceivable way.
I think it has some nice cinematic shots, but the story is all over the place and also no where in some regards. I think not having a time gap was the biggest mistake. It just didn't let a lot of stuff from tfa brew. when you have deeper written side characters than your main character and villains something is wrong. there is also a very serious scene and the scene after is them cracking jokes. I get the light hearted stuff it existed in previous star wars films. then you just get to the end of the film and everything is just left in a mess just like snoke's chambers lol.
It's an amazing movie simply because it did something I thought impossible. It actually made me appreciate the prequels. Yes. Even Episode 2.
Is anyone a little perturbed with how much the movie glorified kamakazi/sucide bombing? I get its a trope sacrafice yourself to save others, but the movie pulled that trope twice.
first Holdo kamakazing her ship, and then Finn tried to do it a second time.
So yeah, I think I'd rank TLJ about a 70/100 now after all is said and done, MAYBE even a 75/100 tied with The Force Awakens. As part of the trilogy as a whole, it's reduced/changed/or otherwise tempered a lot of the things I originally didn't like about TLJ. It's not great, but it's mostly watchable, especially after some of the story lines get followed up and finished in TROS (Like Snoke at least!).
yeah it really drives home how little TLJ did to further along the plot. no new threads. i see a lot of TLJ defenders saying JJ dropped the ball but Rian is the one who threw it into the woods.My opinion of TLJ is even lower now that I've seen ROS.
70/100? That's not what I read from your post. A 7/10 is good.
I think a 4 or 5 out of 10 for TFA is about right. It did not interest me and sometimes did some stupid shit (i.e. Kylo Ren's temper tantrum with his lightsaber) but was mostly... inoffensive. The best parts of the movie are the desert planet stuff. I like the quiet time the movie spends building on Rey and the first Falcon dogfight, and that's it. There's nothing else I like about the movie but that might be enough to bump to a 5.
TLJ is... between a 2 or 3, probably. All the reasons you mentioned + the terrible slapstick (Poe making yo mamma jokes on enemy comms, Snoke dragging a commanding officer across the floor of a bridge) fucking offended me. It's just awful. When I go back and watch like RLM stuff and see how terrible stuff like the fight choreography is it makes me hate the movie more. I just don't see... a 7/10?! Really?
Liked it a lot when it came out after hating TFA, re-watched it after seeing TROS and loved it even more. It’s really a very well put-together film that did all the hard work needed for SW to be a successful franchise beyond the OT...before TROS backtracked on all of its progress.
Most people on this forum hate the film because it doesn’t match up with what they wanted SW to be...which I still find odd when TROS is way more undermining of the franchise’s past, considering the entire plot of that movie, at its most basic level, destroys Anakin’s entire story. And people still want to point the finger at RJ.
It ruined the new trilogy. One can always think it is noncanon.It ruined the whole series. I think that sums it the fuck up right there.
Q: Whenever you are writing, let’s say you are creating your own universe, you said you don’t think about actors, you are starting something from scratch, how is that approach versus something where you have a pre-existing universe? If you are writing characters for Star Wars, you have this universe, you have characters that everybody knows, and then now you are doing something from scratch. Do you find your approach is different for that?”
A: “No, not at all. Because I don’t really think in terms of universes or in terms of creating worlds or whatever. That’s not that interesting to me.”
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Director Rian Johnson Admits He Didn't Care About Star Wars Canon And History
Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson admitted he really didn't care about Star Wars canon in a recent interview discussing Johnson's Knives Out